Path of Exile


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
  • Uber lab is the 4th difficulty of lab after merciless, the trials are found in maps and it unlocks your 8th ascendancy points
  • Super weapon 2hander would be starforge, but not familiar with starforge builds
  • Low end maps bank or vendor 3 of each type for higher tier

Just so we are clear...

The lab where I need the little statues?

If so, cool. I did one already!



Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
What is "Uber" lab?

4th lab iteration for 7th and 8th Ascendancy point. In a lot of builds these two points can be critical, but you made it pretty far without. You have to do 6 retarded trials (mini-labs with no bosses) in maps to get access to the Uber Lab. Each attempt at the Uber Lab costs an Offering to the Goddess - one drops at the end of each of those map trials.

What are these sextants for?

Add bonus effects to maps (centered on a map) in a circular radius on the Atlas. The bonus effects also add Increased quantity and rarity to your map.

I BARELY killed the guardians...will I be wasting the pieces on The Shaper? (I youtubed the fight. I doubt my build can kill him).

The Shaper is widely considered to be a more mechanical fight than most bosses. Uber Atziri can be a bitch without high DPS and defenses, but you can do Shaper with less if you know the fight. But you may fail a couple of times first.

Is there like a super weapon I can build around? 2 hander would be nice. Link to build?

Starforge mentioned - but only for pure physical builds. Atziri's Disfavor, Kitva's Feast, Ngamahu's Flame popular with the recent Molten Strike meta.

I have a bazillion low end maps...just guild bank em?

3 for 1 (next tier) recipe. Also, with the War for the Atlas, you will be occasionally running lower maps to set up your atlas they way you like (Shaper/Elder influenced)

How do I sell on I have a ton of crap to get rid of.
I have 3 complete sacrifices. Just hold on to these or burn thru em?

Thank You!!!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Borzak Borzak k what is your ign and are u in the guild. I can run u thru lab just look for me name kazpact. I do stop for darkshrines tho so hopefully that’s ok

Kazrob and yes I'm in guild. Gonna level and see then run thru it. I'm more concerned with getting to the boss fight than the boss fight, which I may/may not live thru. So far on trials I ran thru them pretty close to the level they became available and the boss fights were "umm ok it's over" kind of a deal. I'll see.

I am not fast, I guess running thru it if someone else does it I'll take just life flask and quicksilver. I kind of wander thru if I'm alone lol.


Molten Core Raider
Killed Red Tier Elder with one death. Pretty happy with how my build turned up, the clear speed is insane, boss burst as well. 3 sources of instant heal with Bloodseeker / Life on Hit / Lightpoacher proc.

I do keep a Starkonja in the bag with CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Frost Bomb that I swap for crappy bosses.

View Profile - Path of Exile - gogusrl


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Miracles of miracles. I got the uber trial done on the first try. I didn't pick up any darkshrines, and none of the deals that kill off whatever on that stage. Didn't even have to use a life flask. Just tank and spank. Really suprised. The closest I came to dying was on a trap lol. That having been said I don't think I'm going to make a habit of doing it. Just not all that much "fun". So thru all that mainly for the ascendancy. I got a grand total of 1 key and that was it. Not that it mattered to me. Got a mine laying enchant, which would really help out my block gladiator heh.

The one key yielded a bunch of "superior" skill gems. So umm not much.

Now to work on some gear. A good portion of my gear at lvl 87 is still stuff I bought at lvl 60.


Potato del Grande
Tried a white elder twice today, first one was decent but i ended up with way too much dot on the ground (like 90% of the map), second one was just retarded, got 1shot like 4 times, won't be bothering any more I think. Possibly less fun than shaper since at least with shaper you can tell wtf is going on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
zombiewizarkhawk: Need more damage!

Finally got a chimera map today, which gave me a shaper set. Ended up with a pair of gloves. But yeah this season is probably the first build that I've made on my own that ended up killing shaper. Poem's rock!


<Bronze Donator>
White tier elder made my build feel under tuned as well. I wonder his hit box size because I was using tornado shot, no helm enchant, to kill bosses just fine until then. Gonna switch to shrapnel shot until I can get helm enchant. Also, weapon swap to chin sol on big fights. I would prefer not to resort to Barrage.

Anyone know of a reliable way to calculate chance for secondary tornado projectiles to hit?


Potato del Grande
Mmm, was sitting on a 5aspd 15% dual wield crit multi jewel for a few days waiting to get a regal, got one tonight and regal'd 7% life. Nice little Christmas bonus.


I just started playing PoE and decided to look at the numerous builds posted on their forums. Is there a FAQ explaining how to read this nonsense? I'm having a seizure with all the acronyms. And I can't seem to find a clear explanation how to work through a particular build's tree. Most guides are showing a complete tree "at level 98" which doesn't help much when trying to understand which direction I go first.

As far as build go, basically I'm looking for something that's fun, beginner friendly, and relatively face-roll. Don't care about the class.


Potato del Grande
On the forums most of them have a sticky post with build guides and a lot of them will say they are new player friendly if they are. Those ones usually have more in depth guides on how to level, why you do things, etc.

Fun is completely subjective. Do you want to play melee, ranged, caster, summoner? There are strong beginner friendly builds for basically every playstyle.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
There really isn't an easy way to learn everything. My first marauder ran 4 of the same support gem linked to one attack skill because I thought that would work. And was really confused why I was killing so damn slow. So don't be afraid to fuck up! Hell, I fucked up this league already with my first character and rerolled a second one that plays pretty much the same.

But yeah what Mr. Wizardhawk said, depends on how you want to play. One thing I do recommend is don't use Energy Shield as your primary defense, especially as your first character.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I just started playing PoE and decided to look at the numerous builds posted on their forums. Is there a FAQ explaining how to read this nonsense? I'm having a seizure with all the acronyms. And I can't seem to find a clear explanation how to work through a particular build's tree. Most guides are showing a complete tree "at level 98" which doesn't help much when trying to understand which direction I go first.

As far as build go, basically I'm looking for something that's fun, beginner friendly, and relatively face-roll. Don't care about the class.

Just pick someone who looks cute on the sign in screen to you. Play them for a while and pick whatever on the skill tree. Then you can pick out a build when it makes a little more sense. Just because you pick them and start playing doesn't mean you're set with them forever, and in most cases will likely start another/more than another along the way.

The POE wiki helps a lot.

The forums will have builds labeled new player friendly or cheap friendly. Some builds look fantastic, but require more time/currency (in game money) that most people will get to make it work. Just pick up gear along the way that looks like an improvement. GET A LOOT FILTER. It will save you a lot of time picking up crap. Hide most of that. Then one thing you do have to watch along the way read the gem descriptions as some attack gems and such only work with certain weapons. Like leap slam which is a great movement skill to jump over stuff and onto stuff, won't work with claw weapons. Even if you don't understand a lot of the stuff on the gem description look at the "works with XXX" weapons and either use that type of weapon or it won't work, or get another type of gem.

Neversink loot filter. Opions in game, UI, loot filter at the bottom, start with the regular selection which shows more stuff and is geared toward new players. Don't use the strict until you get into the game and know what to pass by and such. The loot filter will either show/hide the massive amounts of loot. If you didn't have a loot filter eventually you would have 50 or more items to sort thru on a boss kill.

Releases · NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter · GitHub

Different builds will have differnt ideas of what fun is. I like face tanking, running up to a boss and sitting in his face and killing him. The lazy man's way. Others like the more "delicate" way of killing a boss, listening for the moments to move out of the way, look for signs of him doing XX attack and avoiding it. Either can get to the very end game. Play a while and decide what style (of many) you like.

This is only my second league but I play a lot. A lvl 98 is a long way out. I would say 90-92ish is about the top end for a lot of people. Some less some more. But the percentage of people who reach 98 in a league is probably pretty low. Just because a build shows a tree out to 98 or 100 doesn't mean you have to go to 98. My build I'm running shows a full tree out to 100, but he has the in game tree builder linked at 30, 50, 70 so you get an idea of how to progress. By the time you near the end you will know which of those you have left to go toward, and they aren't set in stone. You get refund points along the way like 20ish extra skill points thru quest. Also you can pick up regret orbs along the way that will also refund skill points. So you can use some points while leveling and refund them when you no longer need them and put them into something else. It's pretty open.

You may find links to build in the threads with a "path of building" link. Path of building is an app out of game that allows you to play with builds, trees, change out equipment, gems and such. Lot of the builds will have links so you can import that into path of building to look at or use as you level. It's not mandatory, but it helps if you get into the game.

Leveling in the grand scheme of things is only a small part of the game. Once you finish the first 10 storyline acts you start mapping the atlas. That's where a lot of the game is centered. Starts at lvlish 70 or so.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Might check reddit, they might have something on that. I'm not familiar with that company and such.

Someone was spamming in chat about a patch coming out today, seems like an odd time to patch. I think they were full of it, haven't found anything on it.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I finally hit an end to SSF. Can't roll anymore at this point, shit just murders me and I've lost 50%+ of post-level 70s enough heh... 75 is so weak. But I just can't do these games like that anymore.
