Path of Exile


I might switch to this build because I absolutely love his builds and his videos and I have never played totems before so this build does both!

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
molten strike is just bleh
I loved playing MS and using Cyclone to clear, but at this point I hope to never use the skill again. The only thing I hate more than multistrike is ancestral call, and MS doesn't work at all now without both of those. One locks you in place and the other forces you to find and then stand in the exact sweet spot to exploit the bug(?). Fuck all that.

How is whispering ice this season? I seem to remember it being fun in old leagues.
It's literally unplayable IMO. The current version needs Spell Cascade to clear with anything remotely approaching decent speed, and cascading Icestorms bring a R9-290X to single digit fps and even a 1080Ti down into the teens. Normally the only thing that budges my fps from 60 is herald MTX, and even that can only drop me to around 30. Maybe a bit further in something really extreme like double beyond bloodlines and sea witches, but Icestorm in an alch+go map is still far worse. The only thing Whispering Ice is good for until they fix their shit (my gut feeling is that the ground effects have transparency, and when you stack like 10 on them on the same spot the calculations for those fx are exponentially more intensive) is cheesing your way through Hall of Grandmasters.

I might switch to this build because I absolutely love his builds and his videos and I have never played totems before so this build does both!
That's my build for the August temp league for sure. I want to try ele hit but I'm not about to mess around with getting Frostferno and all the other ridiculously expensive shit for a meta ele hit build in a 1 month league. And ditto on the never having tried totems before. Only thing that makes me hesitate is I don't ever want to play a build that uses anything but WB for movement again. Even shield charge, which I used this season for like the second time ever, is godawful compared to whirling. Hopefully with it being totems and being able to run around picking up shit while they do their thing a crappy movement skill will be less of a bother than it was with Whispering Ice.
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<Silver Donator>
Shield Charge was pretty good for long distance travel time imo, first time I used it this league seriously, I usually do WB, I like that you can pop a quicksilver during it to make it go faster. The main issue I had is how fucking annoying it was in small spaces, fucking hitting walls constantly and shit, I don't remember WB getting blocked that often it was a pain in the ass on smaller maps. Also couldn't do WB this league because of 90%+minion damage scepters. Not sure why the mod can only spawn on spectres and, for some really retarded reason, wands? Wish it was daggers and scepters. Would probably good to have it on bows too for people who want to do mirror arrow shenanigans, although that build gets deader every patch it seems, even with deadeye "buffs" to it.

Hopefully one day they unfuck Flame Dash so people can use a non weapon dependant movement skill. No cooldown, lower damage and remove hit damage(no culling), maybe nerf cast speed a bit so it requires that faster casting link even more. Can't link fortify to it so it should balance out a bit.


<Bronze Donator>
I loved playing MS and using Cyclone to clear, but at this point I hope to never use the skill again. The only thing I hate more than multistrike is ancestral call, and MS doesn't work at all now without both of those. One locks you in place and the other forces you to find and then stand in the exact sweet spot to exploit the bug(?). Fuck all that.

I never used that bug, but even now I'm getting sick of ancestral call. It was great at first, look at all these melee skills that are viable again because now they clear with some modicum of speed! Unfortunately, it made a whole bunch of melee skills end up feeling all samey. You basically clear with this amorphous blob attack, doesn't matter if it's infernal blow, double strike molten strike. That's probably the reason I'm down on my double strike jugg, he's almost the exact same as my molten strike jugg from bestiary.

I wonder if the same is going to come of the new 4L Vaal Double Strike package that a lot of builds are using for single target now.


<Bronze Donator>
Shield Charge was pretty good for long distance travel time imo, first time I used it this league seriously, I usually do WB, I like that you can pop a quicksilver during it to make it go faster. The main issue I had is how fucking annoying it was in small spaces, fucking hitting walls constantly and shit, I don't remember WB getting blocked that often it was a pain in the ass on smaller maps. Also couldn't do WB this league because of 90%+minion damage scepters. Not sure why the mod can only spawn on spectres and, for some really retarded reason, wands? Wish it was daggers and scepters. Would probably good to have it on bows too for people who want to do mirror arrow shenanigans, although that build gets deader every patch it seems, even with deadeye "buffs" to it.

Hopefully one day they unfuck Flame Dash so people can use a non weapon dependant movement skill. No cooldown, lower damage and remove hit damage(no culling), maybe nerf cast speed a bit so it requires that faster casting link even more. Can't link fortify to it so it should balance out a bit.
The key to shield charge is to hold down force move while you're using it. And to not spam it. You should tap frequently and then allow the force move to get you around obstacles.

This can be tiring on the hand if you have yet another skill(Flicker Strike) you're holding down in the RMB.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Would people be interested if I made a step-by-step video guide for shaper/uber elder?
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<Silver Donator>
Would people be interested if I made a step-by-step video guide for shaper/uber elder?
I think there's a bunch already? The main issue with these fights is even if you understand all mechanics(which honestly isn't very hard, it's not super complex), you have to learn how to avoid stuff on your own and get used to it, while the costs for running the fights are pretty prohibitive. If they had a "training room" or whatever where you can do the fights for no loot to practice, shit would be a lot easier.

It's also hard to figure out if your build has enough damage to reliably do uber shaper before you do uber shaper. You can use PoB to an extent I guess, although I'm unsure what are good values for that, but then it still depends on how much damage uptime you have(which will be reduced as you're learning the fight) as well as how well you can deal with the spread targetting of having shit spawning in various directions and what not.

For example while my summoner was stupidly broken for single target damage, moving from one target to the other was pretty bad since I had to resummon all 10skeletons on the new target(3 by 3) as well as have tukohama drop their totems on that new target and have the beams stack up the dots for a while. Lots of ramp up/setup time to change targets, so killing the squid fuckers that spawned was rarely a viable solution, leading to a lot of corrupted ground. On the flipside, if elder and shaper were next to each other, when they'd switch invuln, the other would skip to next phase in seconds since all the damage was already right there.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The video's I have seen are a little...sub par. I'll see if I can do one better...once I learn how to use video editing software!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does anyone else feel the curse of level 90 or is it just me? I feel like I can go the entire game without dieing, but then at 90 I rip like 5 times near next level. I'm never gonna get my last jewel slot and I don't want to "cheat" and take it off somewhere else.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would love an Uber elder step by step video. Even red elder, there’s some shit that happens to me and I can’t figure out why. I’ve definitely seen my builds pound elder into the ground so it’s deifnitely personal derpage that’s making me suck.
Just feels like his mechanics are, I dunno, less obvious? Like first time I went into shaper I kinda knew exactly what to do to avoid everything and pretty much winged most of it, only messed up with ball placement which screwed me but I’m sure I can take care of that next time in there. But with elder it’s like, shits blowin up under me, I’m gettin frozen half the time, fuckin thing sucks


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just finished my shaper vid. Learning to use OpenShot at the same time. It's a little rough. I'll do a red elder next. Uber elder after that. Although, the uber elder video is gonna be messy. My best this league so far is 1 death, haven't done it deathless yet. Melee life I tell ya.

Here's the shaper vid:

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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Ding 91 on my elementalist. I think I'm going to stop leveling and maybe concentrate on doing some temples. Only done them along the way but didn't concentrate on them.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I'm about 1/3 of the way to 91. I think tier 10 and 11 maps are most efficient for leveling but I cannot sustain enough or find anyone selling multiples.

I am going to try Uber Lab farming but yesterday's Izarro killed me super quick on stage 2 once he got the dumb buff. I think I just have to run it more and learn the strats.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Did all red maps in lvl 90. I could sustain just getting red maps. I couldn't sustain just getting the one map I wanted to run or anything. Alch and go for most of them. Chiseled a few when Zana reset. Vaaled a few that I still needed. I think I bought maybe 2 maps that I still needed. I would say most of them were T12/T13. One two different ocassions dropped below 50 health for a split second lol, once with enough time to open a portal and the other to spamm life flask. I don't think I died in lvl 90 at all once I started leveling at around 10% in.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm about 1/3 of the way to 91. I think tier 10 and 11 maps are most efficient for leveling but I cannot sustain enough or find anyone selling multiples.
You're not alone there. I'm running Windripper with full MF gear and while I get a ton of map drops like 90% of them are 3-7 tiers below the map I'm currently doing. It's maybe about half of what I need to sustain, or worse actually because my atlas isn't set up so that only Haunted Mansion and Underground Sea drop for T10/11.

As for Izaro it's really only worth farming lab if you can delete him so fast he doesn't even fight back, or you are so tanky that you just stand there and take it no matter what buffs he has that day.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The EX roller coaster continues. Around 97C now after having gone up to around 110C for a short time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finally hit 91. Now to run about 100 shaped burial grounds while I have this Elder Square here.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I would love an Uber elder step by step video. Even red elder, there’s some shit that happens to me and I can’t figure out why. I’ve definitely seen my builds pound elder into the ground so it’s deifnitely personal derpage that’s making me suck.
Just feels like his mechanics are, I dunno, less obvious? Like first time I went into shaper I kinda knew exactly what to do to avoid everything and pretty much winged most of it, only messed up with ball placement which screwed me but I’m sure I can take care of that next time in there. But with elder it’s like, shits blowin up under me, I’m gettin frozen half the time, fuckin thing sucks

If your DPS is too high or if you're pushing Uber Elder into phases while he has an ability queued he will still cast it after the transition. His explosion is one I see him queue and then once he transitions it will still explode the entire room invisible.

Make sure you're using Kaom's roots and if you can fit it also Inpurity of Ice somewhere. It has a really strong cooldown on top of the normal purity buff now.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Yeah they changed something with the Abyss deals. Waterways map it done a complete 360 from where I started. I thought it was never going to end.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pinging inbetween Graveyard and Burial making about 800c a dump in pure currency/div cards. That doesn't include the jewels or good rares I get (currency cop doesn't calculate those). Still haven't seen a Doctor, but I've probably only run about 200ish Burial and the consensus seems to be 300 avg. It's absolutely insane how fun playing like this is. As you can see my health is garbage, but as long as I don't run -resist + beyonder I'm pretty good not to get randomly one shot, even in incursions. Had to sacrifice the health for the +str nodes for my double TS enchant as well as the notable nodes for inspired learning. It's so much fun to play with inspired learning I've considered just maybe going for a HH. Although I think I might be going for a Xophs Heart before that for my Skrimshank Jugg build. That'll make 4 chars above 90 this league, and I might even go for 100 on my WR if I get HH. Considering going full retard, switching up my jewels a bit and going for double white pariahs. Gain 10% IIQ plus a couple of extra sockets to level up gems for corrupting chamber at the cost of 200 health.

I've seriously never gotten this far in a league.