Path of Exile


Blackwing Lair Raider
I appreciate that they're doing something even tough it's not a good look going back on their word.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The game was nigh unplayable last night for me. I can’t tell if it’s coronachan making people stay indoors or if it’s elventybillion aura calcs going on.


<Bronze Donator>
Really nice suggestion from Reddit, make the notables apply to auras from skills. Every other passive like this is worded that way.

Would love to see all the streamers money pissed away. Solstice Vigil and Voices is already tanking.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Nerfs are to harbinger working on aura skill gems only, so my ethical build surives! Rip 35ex shaper amulets lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How the market can tank when the trade site been completely useless and like 5+ hours out of sync for me i have no idea. But that crash on solstice vigil etc is just hilarious. I like this change lol


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Really nice suggestion from Reddit, make the notables apply to auras from skills. Every other passive like this is worded that way.

Would love to see all the streamers money pissed away. Solstice Vigil and Voices is already tanking.

Ya prices dropped in half lolol


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
What was your build exactly? Your last pob was just some generic golem build.

This is where I'm at right now. Plan was to grab Arcane Swiftness next for ailment immunity, then the remaining points will probably just be various ES/mana nodes I think? Once all the gems finish leveling it should hit ~4m shaper DPS with 90 resistances and huge phys mitigation and such.

It doesn't matter now though since it looks like the nerfs are gonna ruin the guardian builds anyway.



Trump's Staff
So what was this super OP build anyway? Just stacking anything tagged as an "aura" with those cluster jewel notables increasing dmg per aura? Was that all?


Lord Nagafen Raider
So what was this super OP build anyway? Just stacking anything tagged as an "aura" with those cluster jewel notables increasing dmg per aura? Was that all?
Think also taking Unwavering Faith in the guardian tree for 1% phys damage redux / 0.2% life regen per aura


I'm completely fine with the nerf, I'm just tired of the fact that Reddit tantrums seemingly sway every decision out there.
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Triggered Happy
They made the right call to nerf it. You can't leave a build in the game that's unkillable, one shots bosses and clears 100% delirious T16 maps in under 2 mins. I'm all for expensive builds that are hard/expensive to gear but this was game breaking.


Trump's Staff

The Cluster Jewel system in Path of Exile: Delirium introduced 281 new notable passive skills, including one called Purposeful Harbinger. This skill grants "10% increased Effect of Aura Buffs on You for each Herald affecting you".

Internally within Path of Exile, there are a whole lot of things that are treated as Auras that players don't think of as Auras and should not be affected by this passive skill. But they are, and it's a really big problem for this skill to interact with them. The skill was never intended to interact with these and should have said something like "x% increased Effect of Aura Buffs from Skills on you per Herald affecting you". This is something we can control that doesn't arbitrarily break internal systems that aren't meant to have their values modified.

We have decided to fix this in a patch later this week by making Purposeful Harbinger only apply to Auras from Skills. After the fix, Purposeful Harbinger will remain extremely powerful for characters who use auras from skills, but will be weaker for those built around abusing it in unintended ways.

This is essentially a gigantic mid-league nerf to the most powerful "build" in the game, which is something we normally try very hard to avoid. We completely understand that players invest time and considerable resources into building their characters, and our policy is to avoid nerfing skills mid-league in almost all cases. Situations like this though, which break the game wide open, are the exception to this policy.

While investigating this, we found some other areas of the game that have similar problems (though scaled far less aggressively), and we'll be fixing those at the same time. These include some Influence mods, legacy Delve mods, some Synthesis implicit mods and the Matua Tupuna unique shield, etc.

Our team very much want to nerf the percentage value on the Purposeful Harbinger skill or substantially change how it works, and will definitely do so at the release of the next league. We are leaving it in an overpowered state (albeit only affecting legitimate auras) for the remainder of this league. As a consequence, the Replenishing Presence passive skill will have its effectiveness halved this week because the two can not be allowed to exist at full power simultaneously.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience that these mistakes have caused. We should have noticed them sooner and recognised the severity more quickly once players started to create builds that abused this problem. "
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Would someone please share the flask macro again. The one where i combine 1-5 into 1 button, not a 100% automated one.

Didnt think i'd need it but i'm low life now so spamming 5 flasks. And thats a lot harder than spamming 4 with the occasional life flask. Too few fingers. Hence my request.


Trakanon Raider
So I'm playing a Heavy Strike Axe Slayer this go-round and have ran into a hilarious side-effect of running this build in Delirium encounters. So I use cyclone for clear and, especially on deep red (14-16) maps, have trouble standing around to make sure everything dies before moving on to the next pack (I tend to run maps with Domination to add a lot more mobs via shrines). So if there is also influence, especially Veritania's, and a Soul Eater mod on a rare spawns you can create the most insanely high dps enemy ever. It's hilarious to come running back around to clean-up and have some ranged rare with like 10 million APS light you up. I had one the other day that even fully defensive could kill me mid leap-slam, lol.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
this is what happens when GGG's entire QA consists of the following:

1. Make bunch of changes
2. Compile build
3. Does game launch? If yes then release build, if not then go to step 1
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Alright. The game is nearly unplayable for me if I have delirium going. If I’m just running a map without the fog, game plays fine. Suggestions?