Path of Exile


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I can already see doors bugging out, heist bosses not dropping loot, loot table being totally skewed because someone put a decimal point in the wrong place which will take a month to fix etc... and ggg going on a 2 week vacation just after league launch. As is tradition


<Silver Donator>
I haven't seen anything that says whether or not there are bosses in grand heists, they showed a big clockwork-doggy looking thing, but nowhere in the descriptions of the gameplay do they mention having to fight a boss, having to unlock a boss, or something like that. Will there be bosses as part of the storyline?
In the Q&A there's a question about bosses and they're being obviously coy like "we'll let you find out by yourself wink wink" so yeah there will be. In a grand PoE twist the final boss is probably the cat with a monocle, turns out he was an agent of decay all along, driven mad by his insatiable greed for artifacts and curios.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think this shit will be fun. I love incursion and betrayal safehouses. I bet there’s a pretty decent loot explosion in these too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The idea sounds kind of intriguing. If stealth is the goal, what builds do y'all think would be key? I think in one of the comical meme builds someone made a -100% visibility one, but I want to say only 4 out of 8 seconds so I'm not sure if that would work.


Vyemm Raider
Anything that isn't a million pets running around or a screenwide autobomber.

But im sure stealth will not be a factor anyway, in fact id lay odds that youll want to open as many wings as you can on the way through just so that youll have more mobs to kill on the way out. Its like free density


Golden Knight of the Realm
I really like intricate and in depth league mechanics and am really hopeful for this league. I realize others may not. Synthesis was one of my favorites for example. The ability to lose your loot though I think will be more of a possible negative aspect than anything else. Grand Heist + disconnect would suck so bad after getting some really good stuff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My guess is they will patch in some kind of moderately expensive currency that will let you ‘lock in’ loot so you can’t lose it on death(or disconnect). Something pricey enough that people won’t waste it on most things but may use it on exalts or other similar value stuff


<Bronze Donator>
Finally finished up 36 achievements over the weekend. I was a bit dissatisfied with the experience, having to go with the map grind for my last one as I deemed that less time investment than finishing a Simulacrum or doing the stupid shit they came up with for Encounters V and VI. 20 ex for Winged Scarab achievement was completely fucked up too.

I've been trying to identify why I found this league leaving a bad taste in my mouth. A league without any new content? A league that anyone with half a brain knew wasn't going core, so it disincentivized heavy investment and learning? No new builds that lived up to 3.10's Archmages or Herald stackers?

I've also been considering SSF more seriously the last few leagues. I don't find trade itself to be that much of a hassle. You get good enough at recognizing price fixers, people that won't respond, etc that you can usually get what you want in quick enough order, as long as supply is high enough. That said, trading is unexciting and takes you out of that precious "gameplay loop" that GGG professes to want to keep you in. It does not take 1+ hours to buy 3-7 slots of map starter gear. But I find myself taking that long anyway because I get bored and alt tab to something else.

Has anyone made the switch to SSF? Worth the extra effort?

Or perhaps a medium size private league would be worth the dollars?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tarke mentioned a bit about his league in the last Baeclast, and he was saying it had something like 2k members, and trading was great because no one is a bot, and 1ex = 40c so you could actually use currency, almost like SSF.

Considering you're such an achievement hound, I can't imagine you'd enjoy SSF. I got all the way up to killing Sirus 8 before completely burning out, and I never saw a single Winged Scarab, so if you were annoyed at having to use 20ex, just multiply that by a million when you have to do it all solo (read: wait for RNGesus to smile upon you).

I've been SSF since they released it as a league option and I enjoy it, but you definitely need to trim your expectations as to what's actually achievable.


<Bronze Donator>
36 usually doesn't take that much effort but sure felt like it this league. By the time I get Sirus 8 down(boy, it's been fun relearning this fight after easy moding it on Herald stacking), it's usually just another week of going after the ones you didn't get incidentally.

36 is just a discreet, arbitrary goal to finish the league. Playing until burnout usually leads to frustration for me.


<Bronze Donator>
The Tuesday the week of release I think? You've got ~1 week until you can start to panic after they nerf every one of your starters.


<Bronze Donator>
Also, lol at them slapping EO on a weapon implicit instead of figuring out someway to balance crit and non crit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
ohhh boy that 6 abyssal socket shroud is the stuff of meme build dreams. I mean they should just give an award to someone who can use the most abyss jewels in a build. With the lich stuff alone you can get 14 sockets. Then a 15th if you manage to hollow fossil one on a weapon (but then you’re committing to at most a 5L setup since you can’t have a 6L on your body, but I guess that’s irrelevant here). Then I don’t know how many abyss jewels you can manage to cram onto your passive tree but I think scions can manage atleast 10? 25 abyss jewel builds, comin up!


<Bronze Donator>
Was thinking of league starting the usual chaos spellslinger into ED/Contagion/Blight spellslinger into maybe LL if I stick with the build.

But also considering Fireball/Flame Wall spellslinger. The problem I'm having is Flame Wall doesn't feel as symbiotic as other spellslinging or even 1-2 combo builds. Like, if you go ignite scaling, Flame Wall doesn't really add anything mechanically as you'll be using Ignite Prolif on Fireball anyway. If you go direct damage, Flame Wall will just be some added damage and minor burn?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I enjoyed the league, but my buddy said he felt broke and lost. He’s not strong on crafting I noticed, so the lack of loot explosion sucked.

Overall I hated the bosses. I found it even harder to see what was going on sometimes. Would still love to see resist swaps come to the live game. Maybe life doesn’t need to come and maybe chaos is exempt

Played two handed champion perforate with explode chest. Holy shit. It has changed my opinion on the explode chest that I’ve never used, but it’s a game changer for melee in particular imo. Still, I felt so hamstrung despite really great boss dps. Spells, in particular triggered spells, are just so much better. And you can slap an explode in there too. They need to do better with melee.

Also, trying to brute force making foils and axes using harvest leads me to think they need a cannot roll elemental mod type meta craft to help phys melee out. Something. It’s just stupid how expensive it is to make a good melee weapon vs caster weps. After working on an exquisite blade for a bit and hitting about 500dps, I got frustrated and bought a 700 dps 2h axe off the market.

So long spellslinger and necro and probably glancing blows. Amazingly fun build. Goddamn is that fun.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I didn’t interrupt it much once i got the feel. And I got my attack speed high enough that I never had many issues. Again, I’m probably slower at moving.


Molten Core Raider
What I learned this league is how strong corrupt blood immunity is, makes mapping go from needing to pay some attention to just mindless plowing. Never played with it before, always will now.