Pathfinder: Kingmaker


Vyemm Raider
In your capital's town square, if you open up the map you should be able to see there locations. Only Amiri hangs out in the tavern, I think.

If they're not in your town square, they might be at Oleg's Trading Post. I think if you don't ask them to join you, they wind up there.


Jaethal hangs around in the top floor of the tavern and is easy to miss. The dwarf in the throne room. Are they showing up when forming the party when leaving the town?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
No they aren't in the barony at all. Nor when I try to leave town. I suspect they are at Oleg's for some reason but I had just assumed they'd turn up in the Barony when it was created.

Seems that if you free them from Old Sycamore before you kill Stag Lord they go to Oleg's until you rendezvous with them. I'll go check tonight but it seems logical. Sounds like a bug to me nonetheless.


If you freed them from their captivity or w/e in the kobold/mite caverns, and didn't ask them to join at the time then yeah, they might be at Oleg's. I recruit one of them in the ancient tomb and the second when freeing them in Sycamore, so I haven't encountered the situation you're in


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I was dicking around and didn't catch them at the tomb. I got them at the Old Sycamore but didn't want them in my party.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I had Bokken die in that very first battle against bandits at Olegs, and it didn't phase me because I didn't think he was important. Definitely no one I would need later. And I just kind of assumed that if it was someone that important later...that he really wouldn't die.

Boy was I wrong, LOL
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
someone in the steam thread is at dungeon level 117. said the dc's for things are 77. i don't even
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
someone in the steam thread is at dungeon level 117. said the dc's for things are 77. i don't even
There's another game that I played a while back, mostly while I did other shit IRL. Also loosely based on D&D. I think it's been in Early Access for a long damned time. At first they only had an Arena mode so I played that on repeat a metric fuckton and got characters incredibly high. Later they released a 'map mode' but that was both harder, and boring as shit.

4-6 arena fights per 'level' or 'wave', got to level 412, but beyond the D&D aspect it's not very similar. Scaling seems very linear, and it's probably broken in that aspect. Even on hardest difficulty, enemies aren't that difficult.

(most people would quit this game quickly, I'm afraid. The depth and polish isn't there)

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Finally going to give my review of this now that I've finished it.

I'm giving it an 8.5 out of 10 but I wish I could have rated it higher. The world is just missing a lot of polish. NPC's don't give a shit if you come in and rob them blind at all. Which is just a big oversight and draws you out of immersion. You can steal their lootboxes at no penalty but you can't pickpocket people or anything interesting like that. Or have a theft interface like you'd see in other RPGs. The city management portion I have a real love hate relationship with. It's cool and interesting and all but it keeps pulling you out of adventuring which is the primary draw of these games. So it leads to a lot of backtracking back to the Throne room or at least into your controlled territories to actually do management. Which is, "realistic" but takes away from gameplay rather than adds to it. It also encourages time skipping to do this or that which can put you at odds with quests you have that sometimes have countdown timers that aren't really clear.

Further the bugs. Even in this period of enhanced edition I've ran into multiple fucked up quest triggers. I like exploring and adventuring around. So I often end up going to places before I am, "supposed to" which has forced me to abandon multiple quests because the trigger for whatever happens cannot occur anymore. Extremely frustrating. Like losing potential companions because I did not go to Oleg's before I carried on to the Stag Lord in the early game. That shit is stupid.

I love that it gives you an open board to go travel around in but at the same time in confines you to a linear expansion path via the story arcs. Resting is way more of a chore than it should be. Using the rest screen for party banter is just lame. Inter-party banter is far better when it happens while you're out adventuring. I also do not understand why I have to spend several hours hunting rations when I am cooking shit with the ingredients in my inventory. Needing to have rations for the dungeon is weird too. As you don't really use them much but its integral when you go into a dungeon. I have been playing on the second highest difficulty and I had to lower difficulty in a big dungeon because I basically fucked myself. I had no way to rest and I couldn't fight through shit to get back to the overmap to rest and go back in. If I couldn't lower difficulty there I would have been totally boned and have had to go back several hours to recover.

The infinite dungeon and stuff is the additional .5. They've done a good job of post launch additions and support. Otherwise it would be an 8.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I just want to know how they fubared item vendors and item stock like they did. No rescale or restock every few levels? Or is there a mechanic that I haven't seen yet? Will there be new shit when I'm level 20?

And don't even say 'use a Mod' because Jesus tapdancing Christ, you shouldn't need a fucking Mod for basic vendor itemization.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Oh I forgot to add. The lack of item fluff descriptions pisses me off. This sword is called The Thundering Blade. It has electricity damage. Why is it called that? lol who the fuck knows. And like Kriptini Kriptini said.

The restriction of a major, majorly impactful decision to the game being restricted to only two certain alignments + saves is fucking retarded. Seconded by the fact that you don't get to use the place afterwards if you can't make that certain choice.


On the verandah
STILL haven't bought the game (horrible launch and months that followed), even though I was really hyped in the beginning. Disappointing to hear there are still some significant issues after all this time. It's currently at lowest price ever (on GOG), and pretty close to pulling the trigger. Thinking I should probably wait until the end of the year.
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Vyemm Raider
STILL haven't bought the game (horrible launch and months that followed), even though I was really hyped in the beginning. Disappointing to hear there are still some significant issues after all this time. It's currently at lowest price ever (on GOG), and pretty close to pulling the trigger. Thinking I should probably wait until the end of the year.

It's still worth playing. Unmodded, I agree with TJT TJT that it's an 8/10. Very solid game. If you're willing to mod a bit, I think the game jumps up to an 8.5 (mods let you fix a lot of the little QoL problems or absence of certain mechanics like vendor progression but sadly no mods exist to fix story-related issues yet). Still a very solid game and worth supporting, especially at a sale price.
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STILL haven't bought the game (horrible launch and months that followed), even though I was really hyped in the beginning. Disappointing to hear there are still some significant issues after all this time. It's currently at lowest price ever (on GOG), and pretty close to pulling the trigger. Thinking I should probably wait until the end of the year.

There are still some issues but it's definitely playable and is a genuinely good game now. I only came across two serious issues. The worst of which was the game forgetting I had done a bunch of things before a certain point and so it was letting me do things again like looting various things and needing to rediscover the fog of war in areas. Wouldn't hurt to wait though if you're not in a rush to play.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I really like the teamwork feats. Those are a genuinely cool innovation (for Pathfinder) that you do not see normally see in CRPG. Do they exist in 5e? There are a lot of trash feats though and finding out which ones are good requires both a ton of reading and internet scouring from people here like Kriptini who did some legwork and explain what stuff is good and why.

The Artifact Collection bit needs some work too. It's so unnatural. Why does the Storyteller collect them and why is he the one to just reforge shit for you? Many of the artifacts have way too many pieces and you can easily miss 1/15 or something stupid like that and be boned without ever realizing where you left it. To me, that system tries to copy the artifact system from BG2, where you could find interesting baubles along your journey but there were normally in places you would scour for loot anyway. Not under some fucking rocks in the forest you ran through once because that place has nothing else of any interest. Then they can be reforged into really cool weapons in the late game. This way makes it a huge chore.

Even someone's first playthrough of BGII for example. You'll get the components for one of them assuming you didn't drop them somewhere.


Vyemm Raider
As far as teamwork feats go, Outflank is an absolute no-brainer. Since flanking is dumbed down in Kingmaker, Outflank is stupidly OP. It also makes Back to Back pretty decent since it's easier for enemies to flank you.

Shake it Off is also pretty good, that's pretty much a permanent +2/+3 bonus to saves for each of your guys. I don't like many of the other ones, though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Imperial edition is $48 on steam right now. Cheapest I've seen thus far.
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<Gold Donor>
Just got back into this the past week due to the EE version and the final DLC coming out. Damn, I forgot how much I fucking loved this game. I was sad when I decided to stop and wait for shit to get fixed, and then it was easy to just wait until all the DLCs, because there's nothing I hate more than DLC that assumes you want to play the fucking game all over again to experience it. Fortunately most of the DLC in this game wasn't like that, but I didn't completely know that at the time.

I also forgot just how mind-bottling agonizing over character builds can be! I'm fine with figuring out my character, that's easy(ish). It is all the companion characters that I just don't fucking know. I've read a bunch around the internet, but I'm still undecided. About the only thing I feel fairly confident on is that Octavia should be an Arcane Trickster. And that gay cleric dude is pretty good as-is. Other than that, fuck if I know! I just killed the Stag Lord (for about the fifth time overall I think), and while I did get further on previous playthroughs, I can't remember any other companions so I don't even know what is yet to come in that respect. Every previous time I custom built my own party, so I never even cared about the companions. Now I've decided to just go with them, respec if needed, but I want to enjoy some of the content the way they intended it instead of swapping someone in just for a quest, etc.

Anyone have some thoughts, or even links to places they felt did a good job of discussing it? Thanks!
  • 1Picard
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Just got back into this the past week due to the EE version and the final DLC coming out. Damn, I forgot how much I fucking loved this game. I was sad when I decided to stop and wait for shit to get fixed, and then it was easy to just wait until all the DLCs, because there's nothing I hate more than DLC that assumes you want to play the fucking game all over again to experience it. Fortunately most of the DLC in this game wasn't like that, but I didn't completely know that at the time.

I also forgot just how mind-bottling agonizing over character builds can be! I'm fine with figuring out my character, that's easy(ish). It is all the companion characters that I just don't fucking know. I've read a bunch around the internet, but I'm still undecided. About the only thing I feel fairly confident on is that Octavia should be an Arcane Trickster. And that gay cleric dude is pretty good as-is. Other than that, fuck if I know! I just killed the Stag Lord (for about the fifth time overall I think), and while I did get further on previous playthroughs, I can't remember any other companions so I don't even know what is yet to come in that respect. Every previous time I custom built my own party, so I never even cared about the companions. Now I've decided to just go with them, respec if needed, but I want to enjoy some of the content the way they intended it instead of swapping someone in just for a quest, etc.

Anyone have some thoughts, or even links to places they felt did a good job of discussing it? Thanks!

The subreddit for it seems decent albeit with a low user count.

As for the companions, you can always just use the respec mod to change them into whatever the heck you want. The new built-in respec just lets you reassign their build, rather than the mod letting you change almost everything including class/stats.