Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian's new CRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate


Trakanon Raider
I played PoE1 at hard and it was fair so I picked the same difficulty for PoE2. Mistake! This game is piss easy. Had to use a mod to change the difficulty in-game to PoTD.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I played PoE1 at hard and it was fair so I picked the same difficulty for PoE2. Mistake! This game is piss easy. Had to use a mod to change the difficulty in-game to PoTD.

Where can one find this mod?


<Silver Donator>
Yeah I checked that out at first when I was trying to respec but didn't like it, I ended up using the mod manager thing someone posted on reddit, along with his first couple of mods, one of them lets you change the game speed with the speed thing(like, not just combat) and the other lets you use the console without turning off achievements. The speed one was especially great when I ran tests on scaling since it lets you speed up the running around in the intro shit.


I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
definitely seems like one is levelling way quicker than POE1, and there was some challenge up to about level 9, but since then encounters have not been up to par at all. it's really annoying to go through the intro sequence of walking along the spirit path, talking to the pallid knight, the first game did way better of getting things going. also, what's up with replacing the "you must gather your party before venturing forth" voice? getting some SJW vibes from this game.


Tranny Chaser
I've been playing with level scaling and things were fairly challenging at the start, but after level 12 or so things get really quite easy. I think more than anything else it's the survivability boost you get around that time which means you aren't beholden to manually targeted defense and heals so your guys just go apeshit with dps where before you were stacking protection buffs a gogo


Got to max level before getting near the end of the game. Lost all will to finish it.

Guess I will try and slog through the last bunch of main quests... but really shitty when games have a level cap and put so much content into it that you max out before getting close to the end.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I just finished the capital city stuff, and I'm struggling to continue. I find the game just average, with nothing that truly stands out. The story is average, the combat is average. Character progression would be interesting if the skills/spells you got were more useful.

While POE1 wasn't as good in terms of game mechanics. I had far more fun with it then this one, I think there's something about the pacing I'm not enjoying, it just seems to drag.

It's disappointing, I expected more.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
definitely seems like one is levelling way quicker than POE1, and there was some challenge up to about level 9, but since then encounters have not been up to par at all. it's really annoying to go through the intro sequence of walking along the spirit path, talking to the pallid knight, the first game did way better of getting things going. also, what's up with replacing the "you must gather your party before venturing forth" voice? getting some SJW vibes from this game.

i don't know exactly what you are talking about, but ashley johnson is the narrarator. critical role does like, half the voices in this game


Tranny Chaser
The plotline in Deadfire is a lot more coherent than the POE1 plot. I mean I enjoyed POE1, but without the DLC expansions the main storyline is kinda crap. The first game is just a mystery box worthy of JJ Abrams where you follow a breadcrumb trail and then at the end some off the wall bullshit occurs that there's no real lead-up to and then you have an anti-climactic end.

For Deadfire we are both more familiar with the general setting and they have the luxury of narrowing the focus to a particular area / culture and that paints a much more cohesive picture.


A nice asshole.
hit level 10, sold all my extra stuff, bought a better boat/upgraded it. Ship combat is just too slow, especially when the AI has to think about its move. If I can't escape I do a few rounds of grape shot then ram them.


<Gold Donor>
Ya, the ship combat is terrible and not worth the time. I always ram and just overwhelm them on deck.

This game is a 7 for me, but no more. Everything it's trying to do is done better in other games - nothing is terrible here, but nothing great either. The classes are the most interesting thing, but the story is wank and the lines and lines (and lines and lines) of text just get old after awhile and I end up skipping almost everything.


<Silver Donator>
If you ram you take hull damage, generally if you're within ram range you can just assault instead. I think ramming is only good if you can sink them with it. If you have the big boat you can sink a lot of fuckers in one turn though with the big cannons, but need to grind a lot of pirate minigame for the money.

Edit: Seems these fucks somehow already fixed the level scaling bug on the beta build which should go live later today(can just patch beta now too). I uninstalled and started another game already though, guess I'll wait until I'm done with that. Must have been some really retarded issue if it took less than a day to implement a fix, shows how much QA they did on this shit.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Obsidian's "QA" is always done post-release, nothing new there. PoE1 was a goddamn nightmare of sweeping re-balance patches if you tried to play it at release.

It's like Avellone said a couple weeks ago regarding how he thought Deadfire would turn out -- "I have no idea, but based on Obsidian's track record, I wouldn't buy any game from them until the first expansion/DLC came out."


Tranny Chaser
I did ship combat a couple times but then realized it was just easier to full speed ahead and board them where my guys quickly beat the crap out of the opposing team. Especially since you get your benchwarmers to participate as NPCs

As others have noticed I realized that starting about when I got my 6th level spells I have only AI-controlled combat with minimal tweaking here and there. I have all kinds of cool abilities I've never seen used because the same basic stuff manages to obliterate the opposition in a couple 'rounds'


Just a Nurse
For the first game: I think I'm almost done with act 2 and nearly done with all of the White March pt. 2. Killed a couple dragons and scoured the 15th levels of Od Naur (or whatever).

HOW THE HELL DO YOU CRAFT!? I have no idea how to upgrade armor or weapons. The only forge I've encountered was the White Forge but that seemed to only make the refined ingots.


<Silver Donator>
For the first game: I think I'm almost done with act 2 and nearly done with all of the White March pt. 2. Killed a couple dragons and scoured the 15th levels of Od Naur (or whatever).

HOW THE HELL DO YOU CRAFT!? I have no idea how to upgrade armor or weapons. The only forge I've encountered was the White Forge but that seemed to only make the refined ingots.
Right click a weapon or armor(other stuff can't be upgraded), then press the Enchant button at the bottom. Mostly you're looking to add +25% as ele damage to your weapons and maybe upgrade them to exceptional if they're not, but shit's kinda unnecessary. If you've finished white march already and you're still in act2 everything is going to be way underleveled anyway so you'll just smash everything np. No need for a forge or anything, the forge in white marsh is just to make the ingots you can use to enchant. Everything else can be done anywhere(crafting potions, scrolls, food and such, crafting button at the bottom of the inventory).


Just a Nurse
Wow, thank you. Yeah, I've skipped the main quest it seems ever since I started on act 2. I finished White March pt. 2 and killed the two bog dragons. Back to Dyrford Village to start working on the main quest now, lol.


Molten Core Raider
Do any of the bounties ever get more interesting? Like, if you do enough of them you get to unlock a cool monster or get some neat loot? Running around searching for mobs for 2000 copper seems like a waste of time.
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Do any of the bounties ever get more interesting? Like, if you do enough of them you get to unlock a cool monster or get some neat loot? Running around searching for mobs for 2000 copper seems like a waste of time.

I did most/all of them and I had maybe one that gave me something other than just copper. Not like in Pillars 1, where you would build up to get unique items.
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