PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


Buzzfeed Editor
WTF, so up till recently cant get it to run on PC but you are playing this on a phone now.... bananas.


Log Wizard
It was a good week or so since the last patch and everything worked. It is no longer so. Silent footsteps for people running full speed, bullets disappearing/not doing damage. Classic desync. Where the FUCK are they getting these servers? I'll pay another 30 bucks for them to buy new hardware that doesn't burn out faster than a $3 dollar whore in the south.


Log Wizard
I have a sort of hyper awareness that borders on like paranoida due to a surgery on my nerves. Really good for video games as I'm just constantly in a state of awareness. Less great for things like crowded public places or concerts where there's so much shit going on it's overwhelming. However, when I'm in a video game and I've learned the ins and outs of what I SHOULD hear and when I die because I DIDN'T hear it, it makes me go berserk. It's so fucking annoying having, what, last Thursday where you could hear nothing BUT footsteps for 50m and now I have people running up to me at full speed and spraying me in the face while I'm in my inventory or reloading because I didn't hear a fucking footstep. It's like they're jerking us around. One of the greatest examples of fuckery in this game is the AK. Some days it's a godsend two-shot machine. Other days it doesn't fire bullets. I had a 2x the other day and all I had was an AK and I was trying to hit a moving target 200m away. Not only could I not figure out the lead in the 40+ bullets I spent in single fire at him, I never saw the bullets hit the dust. Not once.

This drives me bonkers. At least in most games when something breaks, it BREAKS. So people go "oh that doesn't work" or "sometimes that doesn't work", but this game has no hardcore nerd tester community (outside of like Whackyjack and those dudes who do good testing videos that mostly prove how shit the mechanics of this game are). So we get to guess whether something is going to function correctly everytime we pick it up. Which would be okay if this was CoD, but when your weapon doesn't shoot full damage bullets or bullets at all and your game ends because of it that's unacceptable. In the last slew of my clips I posted you can see one instance of this. In one clip the P1911 fires two bullets, which create two projectiles, in the same shot. I have a really old video of me spraying a guy with a P1911 on a guy sitting still and the bullets are flying above his head. Then in another clip from the day before or after that original two-shot clip I can perfectly fire it at range and headshot some one. It's just like we're playing roulette in an already RNG game. Another example is the shotgun bug. You can pick up a shotgun, put 5 shells in it, and after the last shell is chambered you switch weapons. If you then pull that shotgun out after switching nothing happens. You know why? Because even though there's 5 shells chambered, you didn't officially pump it. So you have a fully loaded shotgun that won't fire until you hit reload and pump it once. Gottem me killed a few times, but I think most savvy players know that shotguns are the worst thing in this game. Which is saying a lot considering how broken some of the pistols are.

The thing that really gets to me is I still play this game. I shouldn't. I should play a more polished game like Fortnite, which I played and is a really good game, but it's not the same. The type of combat you get in PUBG is just way more satisfying than the gunplay in Fortnite. I think I have a clip of me with a purple tactical shotgun killing 8 people, 4 teams of 2, in less than 90 seconds in like the top 15. It felt good, but if I killed TWO teams of 2 in the top 20 back-to-back in PUBG I would've felt more. Fortnite is awesome for quick action and their building system/toxic gas system is amazing for strategic play. The gas never kills you in Fortnite. If it does, you are terrible or some one terrible caused you to get stuck there. In PUBG? I lose top 20 to the blue as much as I lose to people.

TL;DR Fuck this game for being 30% satisfying and 70% enraging, but I'll still keep spamming it. It's like KFC. I know it's terrible for me and it's going to give me liquid diarrhea within 30 minutes of eating it, but I'm going to keep eating it. Because it's fucking delicious.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


Log Wizard
Here's me getting angry for reasons at my dumbass teammates:

And before some one asks: no, I'm not cosplaying Young Santa.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Watcher of Overs
when I'm in a video game and I've learned the ins and outs of what I SHOULD hear and when I die because I DIDN'T hear it, it makes me go berserk

Overwatch has this too. I think any game over time will just get worse and worse. I think it is because most programmers are sitting at desks that only have really shitty basic speakers. Sometimes even the testers don't have proper audio.

I used to have a really good surround setup, and I'd run into all kinds of broken stuff from games. Wildly varying volume levels on the rears, backwards rear / front channels, dead silence when a sound occurs in a certain direction etc.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It doesn't matter what they do with this game. At the end of the day the tick rates are still going to be shit and there isn't much they can do about it. The problem with tick rates is most players will never be good enough consistently to see the issue. If someone sneaks up on RandomBadPlayer#001 almost 100% of the time that player will die, but if someone sneaks up on RandomGoodPlayer#001 and starts shooting he might be good enough to swing around and headshot his opponent. With the tick rate being shit however what actually happens is he swings around and shoots the opponent in the face, see blood from multiple headshots, then dies. This is actually an example of dysnc/tickrate.

As a personal example I was peaking from house to house against Shroud. I peaked, then he peaked and killed me instantly. On my screen I only saw his shoulder. I hopped on his stream and replayed that moment. From his point of view he peaked and I was just standing there like a dufus I should have had plenty of time to react. I'm sure plenty of people have huge amounts of recordings showing just stuff like this.

They'll never be able to fix this stuff. Stop giving them money. They know their game will never be a competitive game so they're just making as much cash as possible.


That guy
300 hrs for a $30 investment, I don't regret it. I just don't see it lasting once a properly made BR game comes out that isn't Looney Tunes.
  • 3Solidarity
Reactions: 2 users


<Bronze Donator>
They'll never be able to fix this stuff. Stop giving them money. They know their game will never be a competitive game so they're just making as much cash as possible.

The problem is they really want it to be competitive so they are putting a lot of resources to that end, instead of fixing the game.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


Golden Knight of the Realm
They can say they want it to be a competitive game all day but their actions say they're just trying to make the game accessible to a bigger market.


<Bronze Donator>
Their actions say they have no clue what they are doing

Also they've been spending a ton of time on replay and spectator stuff, that 99.9% of people will never even notice.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


FoH nuclear response team
Someone just sent me this, turns out it's an IRL friend in the video, lol.

  • 3Worf
Reactions: 2 users


Molten Core Raider
Downloaded PUBG Mobile on my phone yesterday. Sideloaded an apk of the Canadian test that I found. Works great. It's very very well done. Super amazing what they pulled off on phones/tablets, and controls are actually serviceable. Ended up getting a chicken dinner on only my second game. People don't know how to aim for shit yet in the mobile. Gyro aiming really helps. Definitely recommend checking this out if anyone has android.
I read you are so good on mobile because of your initial rating, which is bad, and you get put with bots and very little humans. No idea if true though.

I love watching that Xev guy lol. First video I thought he has no arms. "How does that guy play and he's even better than me?!?!?! Oh hey where did that arm come from?"

No offense man. Just looked odd from the overlay :)


Potato del Grande
I read you are so good on mobile because of your initial rating, which is bad, and you get put with bots and very little humans. No idea if true though.

I love watching that Xev guy lol. First video I thought he has no arms. "How does that guy play and he's even better than me?!?!?! Oh hey where did that arm come from?"

No offense man. Just looked odd from the overlay :)

Yeah I found out that the first few games of PUBG Mobile are against a mixture of humans and bots to ease new players into it. I'm sure the last few people were humans, but still explains why it was so easy to get a chicken dinner.


Log Wizard
I read you are so good on mobile because of your initial rating, which is bad, and you get put with bots and very little humans. No idea if true though.

I love watching that Xev guy lol. First video I thought he has no arms. "How does that guy play and he's even better than me?!?!?! Oh hey where did that arm come from?"

No offense man. Just looked odd from the overlay :)

Sometimes by my gameplay a lot of people would guess I have no arms. The real reason my camera sucks is because I have the shoulder width of Rosie O'Donnell and to capture all of me within the confines of a greenscreen I'd need a super huge one. When I get lazy and lean back in my chair (basically every game but PUBG) you can see I am indeed a human with arms.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Log Wizard
I spend more time analyzing which parts of their game failed than having fun now. The worst part? They don't even pay me. Here's some fun exerts from today's ass-blasting!

Let's start with the classic "Nah, that's not a headshot!" (and don't blame spectate, because the next shot is in the same spot and hits him in his helmet)

Here's a new one. The 0 damage bullet. Sure, you may be familiar with it RIGHT before you die, that's just client/server reporting issues. But when you're alive and a bullet does 0 damage? That's new to me!

Oh and hackers? Yeah! We got 'em! Brand new accounts! Fresh off the rack! (10ish minute video of me spectating an ESP/Aimbot dude in Replay explaining the shit he's doing)

And here's how the hacker killed my ENTIRE team.

0 damage done to him. Server didn't even report any of our shots. You can hear my teammates firing and SEE me hit him in the fucking chest at 10 feet with a 686. He had a red vest too. But no. 0 damage done.

Simply put: This game is sick and they're trying to heal it with prayers at this point. She gon'.