Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Trump's Staff
Some of us literally live in nowhere with one dot of cell reception to begin with ...

Check your city life privilege.

There is a huge difference between cheating to get ahead of people and then 'cheating' to even be able to play a game at all.
Feel free to submit a request to have your shitty residence populated:Pok?mon GO


Trump's Staff
Arcanine seems like the hot shit in my neighborhood. Each of the 3 gyms in view have him on top and they're all different teams. Always backed by 1200+ fucking Vaporeons.


Trump's Staff
You having a legitimate reason doesn't make me hate the people that use it to actually cheat any less.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Isn't that exactly what this results in? People spoof to go sit in central park or whatever farming pokestops/catches to buff up quickly and catch beast pokemon. Why would they not then move on to gyms to take them over and cheat themselves into free coins/exp? Thinking that people already cheating wouldn't do this feels naive to me. Actually driving around has been more of a hinderance than a help since the first few days.
What I'm saying is that some people cheating don't do that.
You having a legitimate reason doesn't make me hate the people that use it to actually cheat any less.
I actually don't think it's that legitimate of a reason. People without city-life privilege shouldn't replace their game experience with a really subpar one. Instead they should wait until later.

However, a_skeleton_03 and other people on this forum aren't your typical players who need to be cautioned. If a_skeleton_03 wants to spoof his location and boredom his way to the top he knows what he's getting into.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
On the city vs rural, I think they've missed the mark a bit with this. The traditional pokemon setup was much better. You'd enter town, refill, hit a gym, get a quest and then go explore an area. PoGo should attempt to be the same in the future. Enter town, load up on pokeballs, ask RL people for locations of specific pokemon then go to a park or somewhere else for pokemon. In other words, you'd need to visit rural, wilderness, suburbian and city areas to be successful. What does that mean for a dude in Idaho? too bad. What does it mean for a kid living in Queens? Sorry, kid.

I think they want to build to a somewhat detailed level of difference between the pokemon, but it all depends on what kind of info they have available to generate those areas. Handcrafting areas is such a monstrous task that I can't imagine them attempting it. But now that they have a massive user base and cash flow, maybe they can lean on users to input information about their area, and hire a tremendous number of new people to vet that information?


Trakanon Raider
I pay 1000 a month for my tiny studio apartment so I can catch pokemon. #innercitypriveledge.


That guy
For the game to work on Nox you have to install it via apk instead of app store, that's all that needs to be done special

Edit: What the fuck there's a graveyard within sight distance on the map that has 3 Pokestops within distance of each other. Can see the stops on the map from my apartment but didn't know what it was.


I also won't spoof my way to the 'top'. I will go to a location just a little bit away and generate some poke balls and resources and very few Pokemon themselves. I will never attack a gym I am not physically at.

I will probably only do this once for sure and maybe never again. Maybe once a week max. I really am interested more in the underlying tech and its limitations and frameworks. Ingress was fun, spoofers in it were not when it came to territorial control but the problem was different. That game flooded you with resources and the bottleneck was keeping control. This is the opposite essentially.

The one aspect you might have a real complaint about is if rarity was tied to a location. This is a time in = reward out game. If I spend the time the reward comes in automatically. Therefore the only other people that I would care about if I did want dominance would be equal time spent players. The gyms are meant to change hands often, that is why you can 6v1 them and potions are plentiful.

I just don't see the gripe about "cheaters" right now, maybe with some new system implemented in the future. Also the more people cheat the more they learn about how to potentially spot and fix it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
How to easily take down any Gym : pokemongo
This is my last try to help... this keeps getting downvoted, so I'm guessing some higher level players don't want others to know this (or they don't like their gyms being taken)
I'll make it really brief:
Watch the yellow screen flash!!! That's it. Forget everything else; ignore the animation, just watch for the flash, swipe to dodge, then quick attack. You will take no or very little damage.
The end. It's that easy.
Other notes:
The first time an opponent appears, it attacks twice. So dodge twice first: flash dodge flash dodge, then attack.
If the server glitches/lags, you can take damage
You can safely get in one quick attack before the next flash - sometimes you can get two (flash dodge, attack, attack, flash dodge, attack, attack...repeat).
You are vulnerable after using a special attack because you can't immediately dodge - don't use them unless you need to.
You're up against the clock. If your 800CP is against a 1400CP, you can avoid taking damage, but you may not be able to whittle down their health in time.
You can cut through Pokemon within +/- 200CP of your attacker like butter (without losing health)
You get a lot of xp at no cost for taking down high level gyms, and it's fun! (although it does take a while)
It is way more fun than spamming quick attack and it'll save you a TON of revive and health potions.
Bonus: you can really annoy the 'super-gyms' when you take them down by yourself!
Edit: To clarify, the safest/easiest way is to only attack once after dodging. Then wait for another flash and repeat. Like this: flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... repeat After a while, you'll figure out where you can sneak in two taps before dodging and that you can dodge right or left.


I'm cheating. No shame here.

I mean the this isn't CS:GO, it's not a competitive game. It's a fun activity. Cheating here is like taking apart some old electronics and putting them back together. Just to see if I can do it. That's the fun part.

When done, I'll get bored and give up, I'm not going to go around beating up kids with lv100 pokemon. Who cares about that. Unless of course at some stage I can run 50 pokemon trainers in a virtual machine getting them to lv 50 fast and then sell them for $20 a pop. That would be a nice side effect.


Trakanon Raider
One minor problem with your ideal world Tuco is that if you actually live in these wild places you want people to go, there are a lot of dead zones with no cell network to be had. Basically, Niantic can't make you go find a rare Pokemon at super outdoor places, because many of them have no phone network. I am not sure what cell coverage looks like globally, but that might really shrink the market. Really the cellphone GPS halo lets this game happen. Where that coverage lapses the game ends, even if its perfect version allowed you to fight rare pokemans at mountain summits, lakes, rivers etc. I don't really think Niantic has a choice yet where the game can be successfully played, the whole Earth is not quite yet their oyster.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How to easily take down any Gym : pokemongo

This is my last try to help... this keeps getting downvoted, so I'm guessing some higher level players don't want others to know this (or they don't like their gyms being taken)
I'll make it really brief:
Watch the yellow screen flash!!! That's it. Forget everything else; ignore the animation, just watch for the flash, swipe to dodge, then quick attack. You will take no or very little damage.
The end. It's that easy.

Other notes:
The first time an opponent appears, it attacks twice. So dodge twice first: flash dodge flash dodge, then attack.
If the server glitches/lags, you can take damage
You can safely get in one quick attack before the next flash - sometimes you can get two (flash dodge, attack, attack, flash dodge, attack, attack...repeat).
You are vulnerable after using a special attack because you can't immediately dodge - don't use them unless you need to.
You're up against the clock. If your 800CP is against a 1400CP, you can avoid taking damage, but you may not be able to whittle down their health in time.
You can cut through Pokemon within +/- 200CP of your attacker like butter (without losing health)
You get a lot of xp at no cost for taking down high level gyms, and it's fun! (although it does take a while)
It is way more fun than spamming quick attack and it'll save you a TON of revive and health potions.
Bonus: you can really annoy the 'super-gyms' when you take them down by yourself!
Edit: To clarify, the safest/easiest way is to only attack once after dodging. Then wait for another flash and repeat. Like this: flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... repeat After a while, you'll figure out where you can sneak in two taps before dodging and that you can dodge right or left.
Edit2: FYI, this was removed by the mods after it hit 3700 in two hours and then was reinstated a few hours later. Enjoy.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
One of the "kids" tonight told me they(Police) kick them out of lake at 10pm but will play with them at Library no matter how late. There is a gym at the library and a couple Pokestops. Wow this shit is insane. At the park I go to there were no less than 50 people there playing the game. Kid there was boosting up Gym so I could put the 11k Snorlax I had there.

In my 42 years of living this town it doesn't happen in my town. Honestly it never happens till this game. It sounds like bad english but stuff doesn't catch on till it's too late.


Molten Core Raider
Real life Ash?

Pokémon Go: man quits job to become full-time Pokémon hunter | Technology | The Guardian

New Zealander Tom Currie has become a full-time Pok?mon hunter. Each morning he fills a flask with coffee, packs a rain jacket and cut lunch in his backpack and heads into the wilderness to hunt Pok?mon ? come rain, hail, or snow.

The 24-year-old Kiwi quit his job in Auckland last week to embark on a two month tour of New Zealand, with the aim of capturing all of the Pok?mon released on smartphone game Pok?mon Go last week.

Currie has booked 20 bus trips around New Zealand and, in less than a week, has already visited six South Island towns ? and caught Pok?mon at every stop. So far he has captured 90 of the 151 Pok?mon released on the game...


<WoW Guild Officer>
Hatched a Meowth from a 5km egg, so now I'm a member of team rocket, right?


<Gold Donor>
I didn't have to install from an apk when using Nox, but perhaps I got in before they changed something. Or, maybe none of you are tying it to a real google account like I am? I don't really give a shit if I get soft- or perma-banned from this, as I doubt I will be playing it much in a week. I've already had my fill of catching fucking Pidgies and Rattatas every time I walk around my neighborhood, so once I grow bored with that I will probably just wait for something new to get patched in.

And like a_skeleton_03, I have zero intention of attacking my local gyms unless I'm standing there, because the only way to take them down is with help anyway (I guess, unless that trick above that Tuco linked really works, but even still I don't have anything even close to being able to take them down yet). Unfortunately, the people likely to be standing around my local gyms are probably selling crack or their bodies, not playing Go.

I have a double Pokestop 1/4 mile from my house at the light rail station, which is reasonably ok to sit at during the day, but last night I checked before going to bed at 12:30 and saw that some crazy motherfucker had a lure going. I hope he was either the head drug dealer in the area or was hiding in a bush, because fuck that. I can see hitting it once when you get off the train, but sitting there for at least 30 minutes? Motherfucker be crazy.

P.S. That's the reason I use Nox during the day at work. Unless I want to camp out at that light rail station after work, I run out of Pokeballs in no time catching the numerous Pidgie fucks in my neighborhood. I can walk for literally 5km (thanks hatcher for keeping track!) around the houses nearby, without going on the same street once, and not a single fucking Pokestop. Only that double at the light rail. Yes, yes, I know, submit to add some. How long does that take? And what is the criteria for being accepted? Or I could load up Nox at work and periodically check it to collect a bunch for the evening (and yes, catch a few that I otherwise wouldn't have caught as well).

EDIT: Oh, and I've only ever seen the show back when hanging out with some friends that had kids watching the show, but I know for a fact that Team Rocket was the best thing about it. I'd join it in a second if I could. I don't even know her name, but the chick was awesome. And the closest thing to a hot babe that I was ever going to get on that show.