Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Silver Knight of the Realm
Quit being dumb Tuco. Any sumbitch with 3 Laprusesuses needs to be banned if not dead.

On the subject of bots... I've used one on a few alt accounts just to see what it was like. I've played 100% legit on my primary account and with all the trouble the bot accounts are having I haven't even tried to log mine in. It was getting soft banned every couple hours or so which made it not fun. I never did complete the pokedex on it and though it was close in level, my fighting pokemon on my legit account are MUCH better. yeah I could have like 7 Charizards and 3 or 4 Dragonites if I wanted but it's boring to have it camp the same stuff and it was annoying to have to manually snipe things that the programming should have picked up on automatically. You can see ALL the spawns on pokefarmer so I'd log it in next to a spawn, log it out, wait a minute or 2 then move it to another spot. It just got boring though so I would log it in and let it run and get whatever it gets while I was out playing legit.

I have soooo much more fun playing legit. I spent $100 on this account for eggs mostly. I'm terrified of this account getting banned so I don't ever log it in with the bot. I'd love to see the actual IVs but it's not worth the ban risk.


El Presidente
Just use the GoIV thing from earlier in this thread. It just uses and image capture so there's nothing to get banned over.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Oh I'm not accusing him of cheating. My motivation here is purely jealousy.
For what it's worth, I didn't get my first Snorlax until this week at level 29, and finally filled out my (non-regional, non-legendary, non-Ditto) pokedex.

Pity that the darn Snorlax is 408cp.



Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah jealousy is gone lol.
I haven't powered up any of the Lapras, mainly because I'm just hording resources for now. Figure it's not worth it to spend a single candy on a 'mon until I'm ready to power it up all the way. So here I sit with 44 Lapras candies from having this pokemon somehow supposedly follow me around. What, does he bring a magical floating kiddie pool? Or does he just magically float himself? Come on Niantic, you're messing with my realism and immersion in the game here.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I haven't powered up any of the Lapras, mainly because I'm just hording resources for now. Figure it's not worth it to spend a single candy on a 'mon until I'm ready to power it up all the way. So here I sit with 44 Lapras candies from having this pokemon somehow supposedly follow me around. What, does he bring a magical floating kiddie pool? Or does he just magically float himself? Come on Niantic, you're messing with my realism and immersion in the game here.
But you're perfectly Cool with Gyarados floating in mid air? Or Dragonite flying around with tiny, tiny wings? Or Eggs headbutting shit effectively? lol


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm renaming one of my 3 Laprasii to Raprasu in your honor. =) Grats on your kickass (level 27?) 14/15/15/Lapras.

Level 28 15/15/14!

This will definitely keep me motivated to keep getting out there and walking until I have enough candy to max the Lapras and I'm level 30. After that, I'll probably play a lot less until there's something more to do. I'll even try not to cheat by using the train that goes in a circle around inner-Tokyo to get free KM.

I thought that pokemon would keep getting full CP gains on power up until you were level 30, but it's until THEY are level 30, so when I hit level 29, their last powerup was only half since their max level is 1.5 above yours. My 100% Dragonite topped out at 3025 CP and each level and subsequent two powerups will give him an additional 50 CP. It really hammers home the importance of high IV's. An 80% Dragonite would be 2950 and wouldn't match my Dragonite until level 31. 2 wasted levels to get to the same power.


Silver Knight of the Realm
But you're perfectly Cool with Gyarados floating in mid air? Or Dragonite flying around with tiny, tiny wings? Or Eggs headbutting shit effectively? lol
Excellent point. This entire game is unrealistic. I demand Niantic bring it in line with Newtonian physics.

As a side note - I've found that the recent change in allowed movement speed has made biking worthwhile again. In my 4km bike ride to work, I got credit for 3.5km today.


Potato del Grande
The 2nd Snorelax I have found in my neighborhood. Pretty cool because I dont live near the city. This is my 3rd in the wild. Took 2 raspberrys and 4 regular pokeballs



Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't really understand the point in people livestreaming their gaming. My exes kid used to watch pewtie pie or some bs and I'd be like isn't it more fun to...... PLAY THE GAME YOURSELF??? than to watch someone else PLAY THE GAME??? Livestreaming pokemon might be cool if you were at some pokemon HQ like SE corner of CP and crazy rare pokemons were popping up causing stampedes every half hour but they don't pop up that rare.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I don't really understand the point in people livestreaming their gaming. My exes kid used to watch pewtie pie or some bs and I'd be like isn't it more fun to...... PLAY THE GAME YOURSELF??? than to watch someone else PLAY THE GAME??? Livestreaming pokemon might be cool if you were at some pokemon HQ like SE corner of CP and crazy rare pokemons were popping up causing stampedes every half hour but they don't pop up that rare.

For two reasons.

First, you watch a streamer because he's way, way better at the game than you are. You watch to pick up tips. Good examples of this are Bjergsen for League of Legends, Seagull for Overwatch or Kolento for Hearthstone. They aren't hugely entertaining but it's almost like pro coaching for free. The good ones will explain what they are doing and why for the moves they make, what they are thinking, what they are focusing on.

Second, you watch a streamer because they are entertaining. Streamers like Lirik, Sodapoppin or Reynad. They aren't particularly good at the games they play, but you watch them for entertainment, usually comedy. Watching them playing the game and the commentary they give can be more fun than playing the game by yourself. Plus they play a lot of games you would never play yourself.

For me it's also good background noise when I'm doing something boring, almost like listening to a podcast while driving.

Don't conflate Let's Plays and streaming. Pokemon GO livestreams are garbage though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wigglytuff scans at opposite corner of town, 10 minutes to get there, shouldn't be too bad. Rush outside to unlock bike, tires badly need air, not enough time. Haul ass across town on bike with low tires that can't shift into high gear, get to Wigglytuff. Shit level. Oh well that just means I won't need to use ultras. Catch Wigglytuff first throw. Shit moves. Shit IVs.
