Political Affiliation


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Because the lower your income, the higher of a percentage of your income gets taxed on must have necessities which will inevitably leave you with less money to put into savings, investments, education, etc. If the cost of groceries, gas, and electricity suddenly jumps 17%, a family of 4 with an income of $50,000 suddenly has a lot less disposable income and social mobility.


Social Anxiety? Yeah fuck you, you dont get SSDI.
Is this back to "people with mental disabilities should starve in the street or just be locked up because mental disabilities aren'trealdisabilities"? Oh, wait, can we execute them like the poors? *BLAM!* Suh-weeeeet!

I'm always down for an execution!


Silver Squire
Technocratic wibbleh wonkeh with a gregariously flippant desire to bans berets. Fuck berets. And ascots too


Ssraeszha Raider
Conservative when it comes to fiscal policy and foreign policy, liberal when it comes to everything else. Ergo, I vote Democrat. Voting Republican is currently idiotic, and voting Libertarian is usually at least as idiotic as voting Republican. The fact that every fucking Libertarian you've ever heard of runs as a Republican is evidence of this.


Silver Squire
Elizabeth Warren, right now, feels like the only politician with balls. She could rip the damn head off of a lion. I'm for the fuck bankers (no lube, no foreplay, no courtesy reach around) party.

Furthermore, Republicans and Democrats are not R------D, and it's not C-------L (it's C-------K or C------T). Both parties, for the most part, <3 that government enforces property rights, provides liberty for its citizens, and allows 55 year old men who are balding, fat, and soulless with many opportunities to bang impressionable, 21-25 year old females.


Musty Nester
It's really going to depend on your State a LOT.

I just don't like democrats in this state. The republicans are slightly less terrible... or they're equally terrible but in a way which I'm less concerned about.

Nationally? I've voted D about as often as R for Representative. Voted against Burr, and for Dole (both R-Senators -- I was in the minority each vote). Voted for Clinton, then against him. Voted against Bush, and then for him. Abstained totally with Obama, and then voted against Romney.

So by some metrics I'd be centrist, but I do consider myself a conservative. I just think a lot of other conservatives are fucking stupid... that doesn't mean that loliberals are smart. I don't think there is any one Dogma to rule them all, any one party that knows all the answers, any one answer for every situation and I find that sentiment echoed more often locally among the (R) leaning than among the (D) leaning.

But in a different state that would be entirely different.
It's really going to depend on your State a LOT.
^ this people outside of this state give us 'kudos' for putting forth such progressive representatives. from our perspective they are shit bags, but the least shitty shit bag we were allowed to choose from. there are some seriously shitty congressmen and senators atm, makes me wonder how much of a fucktard you had to be to lose to them. I think choosing candidates by lottery ala jury duty would give us better leaders, the people who actually pursue the office are narcissistic self serving idiots who obviously didn't learn shit from the expensive college they attended.


Trakanon Raider
Voted for libertarian even though I dislike the people who cry libertarian when they are really just republican. I'd like to see the USA break apart into smaller micro countries though mostly of my hatred of the south and bible thumping midwest.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Is this back to "people with mental disabilities should starve in the street or just be locked up because mental disabilities aren'trealdisabilities"? Oh, wait, can we execute them like the poors? *BLAM!* Suh-weeeeet!

I'm always down for an execution!
Lol talk to sean.


I'm still a damned Canadian!

My politics are a mix of social liberalism with fiscal conservatism and a healthy dose of leave_me_the_fuck_alone_ism. As expected, no party seems to really capture my allegiance.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So there's no such thing as a conservative democrat anymore? What happened to the blue dog? No centrist R and D's? I'm registered D and lean left, so I took that, but I generally consider myself centric. I guess other is there for a reason, but its pretty sad that you reflexively lump parties with ideology. Understandable, but unfortunate.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Voted liberal. I have centrist/conservative leanings when it comes to specific issues, but with the way the parties are currently aligned, I cannot put myself in the Rep. camp at all. You cannot support batshit crazy and expect things to turn out well. Batshit crazy just breeds more batshit crazy.


Registered Hutt
I voted centrist. I've been trying to get (D)s in charge because my state, Florida, is run by (R)s and both it and the nation are a bit too far to the right. I do not appreciate shit like voter suppression in my democracy, and my representatives think that's cool. Also I'm pro-science, I want to see us colonize mars and shit. The (D)s aren't making any progress in that regard, but the (R)s are denying evolution and climate change. That really doesn't engender my support.

That said, not all (R)s are assholes. I think if we had a different voting system that supported smaller parties, they wouldn't take such an alienating view as they had to garner the support of those smaller parties. Florida is run pretty damn well, and the (R)s are a part of it.