

Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
This aired last night. Not sure which of those damn three threads to post in. But seriously, god damn amazing cinematography in this.


Yeah, the cinematography was great. I read a review that said it was like someone mistakenly gave Wes Anderson a Quentin Tarantino script and he shot it anyways. It seems like it's going to take a lot of liberties with the source material (way more than GoT for instance), but it has the tone and themes down pat. Cassidy is great.


Tranny Chaser
Cassidy is spot-on. I was surprised they took their time with this first episode / pilot to really ease into the characters.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Pilot was violently awesome, how brutal can they make this show on cable tv? Not sure on how much gore you can get away with on tv


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
AMC can do pretty much whatever they want as a cable channel. FCC only regulates "obscenity" for non-broadcast TV. I thought it was kind of odd that they had Jesse say "fuck you too" but muted the beginning of it, as they're under no obligation to do so. Cassidy not being able to talk like Ennis wrote him in the comic is going to be weird, but whatever.

I thought the pilot was pretty good, despite some huge changes from the source material. About the only thing that really bothered me was Tulip. I don't care about her being black, that's the most trivial change they made. The fight scene in the car was terrible and didn't even make sense, and then it just got worse with the MacGyver shit she did in the farmhouse. I hope that was just the writers being overzealous and they stop trying so hard to prove what a 'badass' she is as the show goes on.

I read that next Sunday is going to be a repeat of the pilot and episode 2 won't air until the week after. What retard thought that was a good idea? I know it's Memorial Day weekend, but if they were so concerned about people not tuning in because of a holiday then they should have put off the premiere until after instead of putting a gap in the schedule.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I thought season 1 is a prequel to the comics, season 2 I think is supposed to be where the comics start off

also dont see the issue with the car fight


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't see how that's a possibility. Season 1 seems to be one part origin story (in which the main characters are changed drastically), one part cribbed from the "Salvation" story arc (which started at #41 out of a 66 issue run), and the rest new material.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I still don't see it. Both comic and show start off with Jesse getting possessed by Genesis--with very different results for his congregation obviously--and both quickly introduce Cassidy and Tulip as main characters. The main antagonist in season 1 is said to be Jackie Earle Haley playing Odin Quincannon who, as I mentioned above, is from the Salvation arc very late in the comic book run. Tulip also seems to have been merged with the character Cindy from Salvation.

I suspect the real reason for starting off with Salvation (sort of) had more to do with budget constraints than anything else. Having a fixed setting rather than trying to do an extended road trip right off the bat has got to be a hell of a lot cheaper to shoot. Nothing really wrong with that, since the Salvation storyline was mostly self-contained anyway.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah not only do they do a repeat of the pilot next week, but they were advertising that they would have a different cast of characters on the "post-show" live interview segment for next week. The best I can hope for is that they think people will build buzz about it during the week and their friends, who reside in an adjacent dimension where On Demand doesn't exist, will tune in next Sunday.


Avatar of War Slayer
0.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 2.4 million viewers overall in "live plus same-day" estimates

lead in "Fear the Walking Dead" averaged a 1.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 4.4 million total viewers

premiere episode available online (free, no authentication required) on AMC's mobile app and through Apple TV.

not great for a premier, but guess ok with time slot and night


Still a Music Elitist
I think I'm gonna watch this. The trailers I've seen look interesting.

It's a tough time to compete with HBO's All Star Sunday lineup. It doesn't really get better than this time of year with GoT > Silicon Valley > Veep.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I have zero familiarity with the source material, but really enjoyed this. As had been mentioned the cinematography and general look of the show was great. Some of the over the top stuff I just interpreted as being a call out to the comic / graphic novel nature of the show. The fight scenes were pretty cool too, especially the plane one, felt like Kingsman.


Tranny Chaser
Kinda wild that both Cassidy and Tulip were on Misfits (as was Ramsay Bolton). That show was a good incubator for millennial acting talent in Britain.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't read the comics yet and I loved this first episode so I'll probably have to buy them now. I don't know if this is major spoiler territory and I don't really want to know but right now I'm curious - what was the deal with the kids scarred face and what was the deal with the taller investigator guy who ate a teabag?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Not a major spoiler at all. The reason for his scarred face WAS:

Kid with the deformed face shot himself in a suicide attempt. In the source material (because it was the 90's) he and some other dopey kid made a suicide pact because their lives were shitty and Kurt Cobain had recently killed himself. Since that won't relate well with the current generation who knows what they make up for as the reason. If they do make one up at all. It was really just fluff. Not the scarred face, but the reason for it.

Guy who ate a teabag I cannot place. No idea.

EDIT: Nitpicky but can we get AMOD to change the name of this thread to something less wordy? Like Preacher (TV series) or something?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
My girlfriend and I both really enjoyed the first episode. Neither of us are familiar with the graphic novel. Thread title shortened.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Tea bagger and his buddy are Fiore and DeBlanc. Without getting into spoiler territory, they were in charge of keeping the thing that possessed Jesse (Genesis) contained and having failed at that are now trying to fix their fuck up.