Pregnancy Thread


A Mod Real Quick
Nice man, good luck! Better be geared for our raids though.. priorities..

I got the full emotional pregnancy outburst this morning. My wife is kind of retarded, so let me preface it with that. We have another snowstorm here (10-14 inches on top of 30 inches last week). I suggested she call out sick because the roads were bad. After around an hour of deliberation on her part she decides to call in. I'm taking a shit in the bathroom and I hear her panicking on the phone telling her boss she isn't coming in because of the weather and stuff. I'm thinking, you never say that, you just say you're sick!

Well I guess he went off the rails on her, so I see her sitting there crying after the phone call. Took over an hour and a half to calm her down, in between tears, blowing her nose, and dropping F Bombs like I've never heard. She's currently on the computer looking for a new job. It's the second time she's ever called in in her life... had to explain you just say you're sick.

Now I'm stuck in the home with her.. fuck my life.


Molten Core Raider
Seriously, when a woman is pregnant, that's like a get-out-of-jail-free card for work. Call your boss, say you're sick, no one will think twice about it when you're pregnant.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah that's what I told her. Saying you're sick is something they can't really legally do anything about.. saying the weather is rough is strange

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Nice man, good luck! Better be geared for our raids though.. priorities..

I got the full emotional pregnancy outburst this morning. My wife is kind of retarded, so let me preface it with that. We have another snowstorm here (10-14 inches on top of 30 inches last week). I suggested she call out sick because the roads were bad. After around an hour of deliberation on her part she decides to call in. I'm taking a shit in the bathroom and I hear her panicking on the phone telling her boss she isn't coming in because of the weather and stuff. I'm thinking, you never say that, you just say you're sick!

Well I guess he went off the rails on her, so I see her sitting there crying after the phone call. Took over an hour and a half to calm her down, in between tears, blowing her nose, and dropping F Bombs like I've never heard. She's currently on the computer looking for a new job. It's the second time she's ever called in in her life... had to explain you just say you're sick.

Now I'm stuck in the home with her.. fuck my life.
Your pain. I feel it. Right now. FML infuckingdeed.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
So we're taking a natural birth class and there are some videos to watch at some point. I've been exhausted from shoveling 4 feet of snow so I just don't feel like watching a TED Talk right now. Of course this makes her hysterically upset which sets me off too which makes things worst blahblahblah. Fucking fuck. Have things calmed down now and she's still been sobbing for bout half an hour. All over a stupid fucking TED Talk. Fuck you TED Talk!

And now she walks over and hands me her kindle and a checklist saying there's 4 books for me to read. Yeah I'll get right on that right now. Then walks away sobbing. I really just don't know how to handle this right now to be perfectly honest. I literally Don't Even.


<Gold Donor>
The emotional roller coaster is like 10x as bad when they are preggo than on the rag. Your woman will look to you to be the stable one. They are questioning their own sanity the entire time, so any sort of conflict turns into "the whole world is against me! " it is very difficult for us guys, especially when they are being totally irrational. Be the rock, think before you react, and go with the flow.

Easier said than done.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Everything is calmed down and peachy again. Man it's a constant bipolar battle. ugh

Turns out it wasn't even the dumb ass videos. She was wicked anxious she wouldn't be able to make it to the birth. Second guessing everything and what not. Had a discussion about her fears and concerns and she feels much better now. I would have been more than happy to have that discussion without the unrelated drama.

edit: We've only got 12 weeks to go. In the home stretch now.


2 Minutes Hate
It gets worse. Just wait until she can barely move and you have to be her maid, Butler, servant and emotional coach every second.

It's even better when you have another kid and you have to juggle that too.


A Mod Real Quick
Well my wife isn't that bad yet, but there have been a few occasions. She went to work and I guess half the team called out and those that came in didn't deliver mail but just sorted through stuff at the office. The boss even told the crew my wife had the only legitimate claim to calling out, so she felt better.

This is a lady that at 7:00AM was looking for a new job...

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Honestly there haven't been many breakdowns like last nights. She's had anxiety issues in general over the years so she's done pretty good in that regard over the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. As we get closer to the actual due date she's starting to get freaked out about the actual labor and thinking there's no way she can do it or keep going. It gets worst when she has a lot of free time such as the past week with all the snow we've gotten. She's a teacher and last Monday was the last day they had school because of all the snow. She really doesn't handle that amount of free time well. But she's back to school today and was already feeling better this morning.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Has she tried googling "hobbies" to find a hobby to occupy her time like my wife has done? Not gonna lie. I laughed really hard when I found her doing that. lol


A Mod Real Quick
I find I need to create hobbies for my wife, otherwise she sits online reading "thebump" forums. It's all depressing shit like "Just miscarried today", or "husband is a no good piece of shit".


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, if you think sites like WebMD are bad for trying to self-diagnose ailments(everything is cancer), pregnancy sites are 100 times worse.

anytime your wife feels a little weird, she'll do some googling and within 10 minutes be in tears convinced that she's either about to miscarry or that the fetus has some horrible, debilitating disease.


2 Minutes Hate
Has she tried googling "hobbies" to find a hobby to occupy her time like my wife has done? Not gonna lie. I laughed really hard when I found her doing that. lol
Funny you mention that. I told my wife she needs a hobby yesterday.