Pregnancy Thread

Already picked up some pampers newborn diapers that were part of a black friday thing at toys r us. Along with a fisher price high chair thing that isn't a high chair/attaches to a regular kitchen chair (gogo space saving!). Saved about 60 bucks between all the items.

Mesh bumper. Got it.

I've got some receiving blankets in my cart at amazon - including those ones with the velcro you all recommended. Planning on doing this in slow little increments over the next 7 months so that it feels like less cash outlay (chaos if you have any good stuff send it my way!)

Had sushi tonight - really needed to get some protein in my system because I threw up most of the protein I ate yesterday (throwing up my stomach acids this morning before even eating anything was SUPER awesome - haven't done that since being hungover last year).....husband made a comment this morning that I looked like I had lost more weight....up to 7lbs negative at the moment. (Was I really this much of an alcoholic?? LOL)

I'm planning on grabbing a couple of ebooks and one of those belly band sound things and hooking the baby up to that in a few weeks. Hoping that theres ebooks of Colbert/Stewarts stuff with them narrating.


Remember that actual raw sushi is not good during pregnancy because of the possibility of bacteria. Cooked sushi totally fine though as long as you stay away from fish high in mercury.
Remember that actual raw sushi is not good during pregnancy because of the possibility of bacteria. Cooked sushi totally fine though as long as you stay away from fish high in mercury.
Not true.

Everything that isn't cooked is flash frozen - everything dies. So the only risk of contamination is the exact same at any other restaurant - during preparation. This is obviously assuming you go to a place where the stuff is fresh/hasn't been sitting around for days wherein the airborne bacterium that again would impact any protein overtime hasn't had time to start eating it. The fish you get in the supermarket is more likely to be a risk unless you thoroughly cook it through very well. You run the same risk of your microwaved olive garden pasta touching a contaminated surface (or say an unwashed hand) and getting food poisoning from that.

The mercury thing you're right on - I cut down on predator fishes starting about 6 months ago but the sushi/raw thing is a common misperception. I asked my OB just to confirm and she said the exact same thing. The good news is that this misperception often results in good sushi places being so clean you can eat off the floor.

I also eat subway and jimmy johns. Those guys can't afford to be known as listeria factories. The sheer motivation to protect onesself from a lawsuit and damage to reputation is good enough to convince me that their preparation and supply chain practices are probably safer than say mcdonalds (from which my sister contracted a very nasty food poisoning).

No one thought that cantelope would cause one of the biggest listeria outbreaks in recent memory either.

I might not know a lot about pregnancy but foodborne illness I know. Extensive cooking experience + background in immunology, virology (less relevant really except when it comes to virulent prions which aren't true viruses but w/e), biochemistry = that's the one thing I understand. There's a whole bunch of "OMG DON'T EAT THIS" that isn't related to a particular toxin (ie mercury - which is a legit concern for almost total avoidance), but is related to risk of foodborne illness. I feel comfortable enough to make those decisions for myself. I discussed this with my OB and she agrees that I have a pretty good handle on the situation - or at the bare minimum that I fully understand the risks I'm taking, and fully understand that everyone takes risks they don't know about with 'safe' foods. And again she told me that sushi's completely fine - she was pretty jazzed that my favorite thing is salmon sashimi. mmmmmmmm good omega3's!


Good to know, thanks Etoille. I've never been into raw sushi so never really looked into.


Avatar of War Slayer
After your first child none of this nonsense matters. You are not the first woman to give birth.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Here's a fun bit:Listento everyone's newborn advice, but don't expect any of it to apply to your baby. Your friend may say "they'll feed every two hours" then your kid comes along and feeds every 30 minutes, or every 2.5 hours. I might tell you that the best way to get your kid to sleep at night is to keep him/her on a tight feeding and nap schedule during the day, but then your kid comes along and says 'fuck that' and does whatever the hell it wants. Babies have their own agenda; and sometimes it matches what those parenting books tell you, and sometimes it doesn't.

You may birth a content happybaby that you praise for being such a good newborn. You may birth the spawn of satan who never sleeps, refuses to eat, makes you cry, and if it wasn't for the fact that it's so damn adorable you wouldn't hesitate to cram it back into your babyexit for another 9 months.

It does boil down to this:
Pops_sl said:
You are not the first woman to give birth.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Already picked up some pampers newborn diapers
Fyi, neither of my daughters ever wore newborn diapers. I dunno what's going on with the 5lb tiny fucking babies in the hospital, but it was real easy to walk past the nursery and see which one mine was.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
My kids were 9 and 10lbs and newborn diapers didn't fit either of them. They both started in 1's.
My kids were 9 and 10lbs and newborn diapers didn't fit either of them. They both started in 1's.
Eh there's always charity/donation. Someone somewhere needs em if I can't use em. Or maybe the next kid will.

(I really hope I dont have a 10 pounder. But I am fat....actually I was an asshole today and didn't eat a lot...was so nauseous by the time I walked into the door...fed cats and immediately made chicken noodle soup, just to get something in my stomach to make it go the fuck away - I shouldn't have done that. Feeling pretty guilty. I can't just not eat like I used to for long stretches of time. I'm going to have a big fat slice of pie to make up for it LOL. In a little while at least....I had to eat the soup (was also thinking it was good to have more liquid) in three batches - about 24 ounces.)


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I'm not sure fat has as much to do with it as genetics. Just big babies in my family, both sides. Daughter was 10lbs 1 oz when she was born, less than 20lbs at 1 year. Whole family is pretty large babies, but overall fairly slim builds. Don't think they correlate too much.
Psssst. Was a joke duder.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
My son was 8lbs 14ozs and newborn diapers fit him just fine. Maybe it depends on the brand /shrug


I lived on dry cheerios in my first trimester. Never left home without a baggy of them in my purse. Morning sickness freaking sucks.
I lived on dry cheerios in my first trimester. Never left home without a baggy of them in my purse. Morning sickness freaking sucks.
Yeah I bring snacks (pineapple, yogurt, cracker crisps) to work everyday - I was just an asshole today and didn't eat them as diligently as I should have. I ate the crisps and some popcorn around noon - shouldn't have gone all the way til 8:30pm until eating something again.
Why should we even believe you are a woman?
You shouldnt!

You are however welcome to ask Ravvenn (who has met me IRL) her opinion if that's a source you consider trustworthy

Gavin I would remind you of Draegan's words on the dad thread. You can be penisy/do whatever it is you try to do to act like the cool pretend neutral I'm the guy that trolls everyone/whatever this sandy vagina act it is that you have going with everyone but this is the adult discussion part of the forum and that shit is frowned upon here. Draegan's rules. Not mine.



<Prior Amod>
Keep conversations civil here, getting infracted or banned because we cant act like adults in a single forum on the board would be a shame.