Pussification in America: Political Correctness is Gay


Gates still "hoards" enough wealth to keep him in the 1%, despite his generous donations. We're still wondering why that makes him less of a psycopath than other 1%ers, Tanoomba.
Didn't do too well in English class, did you?

1% is an inaccurate measure, since many of the 1% are, in fact, people who just got rich providing some kind of highly-valued good or service. I have acknowledged this. Gates is one of these people. This I have no problem with. However, there comes a point at the higher end of the 1% where the wealth accumulated can not be justified by any good or service, regardless of value. These are people who broke the system and do nothing but move money around in order to create more money. They are leeches on society, they provide nothing of value, and they are psychopaths.

But to answer your misguided question anyway, I refer you to the definition of psychopath I've already repeated several times: A psychopath is someone who suffers from "a lack of empathy, callousness and complete disregard for anything or anyone else other than one's selfish needs". When you give away half your fortune, you are showing regard and concern for your fellow human beings. You are showing empathy. You are not prioritizing your needs exclusively to the detriment of those around you. Get it yet?


Molten Core Raider
Or is Gates just giving away money to massage his ego while placating drooling retards such as yourself?


privileged excrementlord
Who are you to say some of these 1% aren't just trying to accumulate Gates levels of wealth in order to donate massive amounts while still maintaining their 1% status?


Who are you to say some of these 1% aren't just trying to accumulate Gates levels of wealth in order to donate massive amounts while still maintaining their 1% status?
Gates isn't even in the category of people I'm talking about. You're looking in the wrong place, son.


Sparkletot Monger
First.. Read this.http://www.fastcompany.com/53247/your-boss-psychopath

Look at history and the Titans who made America into the most powerful country on earth. Vanderbilt, Carnegie, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Ford.

1 of those guys was semi normal... Vanderbilt. The rest were really fucked up. Carnegie was the least fucked up, But he partnered with Henry Clay Frick, and had people fucking murdered. He tried to make up for it later in life by donating massive amounts of wealth to a bunch of stuff. Henry Ford was a massive asshole, pedophile, nazi sympathizer who employed actual gangsters to commit violence on union organizers. JP Morgan crushed people and entire businesses just to "win". He was one the richest men in the world when he was still defrauding people like Tesla and Westinghouse. Then there was Rockefeller... If he was a politican he would have been Stalin... A near perfect example of a man obsessively driven to accumulate as much power as he could the sake of having more power and willing to crush and destroy anyone in front of him for it.

There are way to many modern, lesser examples to name.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
how do you know that as pack animals that isn't a neccasary attribute for group survival as lead by alpha leader personalities? sometimes life presents situations like submarine commanders that have to order people to their death, what kind of person does it take to do that?

every american president is supposed to be a psychopath as well.

How U.S. leaders from JFK to Roosevelt and George W Bush share character traits with psychopaths

Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...#ixzz2YqIeJlGF


impoverished Americans are psychopaths because they kill little children. They are most prone to commit crimes, most prone to commit murder, and most prone to steal and rob. They contribute nothing to the society or benefit mankind. I mean why should they! They are poor and have nothing! They are desperate and are willing to do anything!

Wait, sorry, I meant 1%.


impoverished Americans are psychopaths because they kill little children. They are most prone to commit crimes, most prone to commit murder, and most prone to steal and rob. They contribute nothing to the society or benefit mankind. I mean why should they! They are poor and have nothing! They are desperate and are willing to do anything!

Wait, sorry, I meant 1%.
Do you think you're clever?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
there's no evidence jesus even existed as a person never mind a deity.


I'm not theistic, but Jesus made some pretty decent points. I'm partial to "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven".


Molten Core Raider
I probably just skimmed that, but I've been consistently impressed with the level of reflection present in Lithose's posts so I have little doubt that his solution is a good one.
So any educated, well-spoken person is gonna be right about things? Do you really believe that? That sounds like a very lemmingish thing to say. I love Lithose's posts, which is why I'm even more critical of them.

Mental disorders have to be judged against a norm. A lot of successful people have to have the drive and ambition to fight a system already stacked against them to "succeed". To a lot of billionaires and millionaires, money and power isn't actually the driving factor. It's the challenge of it, succeeding, and yes, beating other people.

So, by that definition, maybe they would be psychopaths as their drive allows them to not have remorse to those they may have harmed. Would I be remorseful if I got the better hand out of a business deal? Nope.

Are they anti-social? Sure, to a degree. Again, people with that kind of drive and ambition would rather fuel their passion for success (and in some cases positive change) than go to a kegger where some hot chicks might touch their weeenies.

They're a different breed, to be sure, and there are fewer and fewer of them in the newer generations obsessed with social media and reality TV (I believe - No citation).

Is it a bad thing? No - These are the people that, in the end, give society great advances in one form or the other. Is it to the point where they should be admitted to a mental institute? I doubt it.

Now, I think you're going to say what about those that are lucky, or are just a CEO of some blood-sucking company that doesn't actually benefit anyone. While I admit the gap has gotten obscene, it's people mentalities you have to change. And you can't force them to change it. If 85% of the people actually want to throw McDonalds and Coca-Cola in their faces while watching Jersey Shore or The Voice, who are you to say they can't? If people want to invest in these companies and support the fact that these companies give their Execs WAY too much money, you need to change their minds about it, again unforcefully. Because in these instances, it is you who are outside the societal norm.


Silver Knight of the Realm
1% is an inaccurate measure, since many of the 1% are, in fact, people who just got rich providing some kind of highly-valued good or service. I have acknowledged this. Gates is one of these people. This I have no problem with. However, there comes a point at the higher end of the 1% where the wealth accumulated can not be justified by any good or service, regardless of value. These are people who broke the system and do nothing but move money around in order to create more money. They are leeches on society, they provide nothing of value, and they are psychopaths.
I'm not going to argue if they are psychopaths or not, but it's certainly true that a large part of the financial sector these days serves no purpose other than to exploit the system. Not only do they provide no value -- they make a living stealing (legally) from the people that do. They are not the real problem though. The rules of the game needs to be set so that they reward acting in a way that benefits society. Unfortunately no one has the guts to do this.