Pussification in America: Political Correctness is Gay


<Silver Donator>
We moved last year and I am so happy about the public school system we were able to get our kids into.

1) It's school of choice here. We called the principal and told him we were thinking about sending our kids to the school although we are slightly outside of the district. He volunteered to meet us and spent around 90 minutes walking us through the school, showing us all of the facilities and answering all of our questions.

2) An abnormally large percentage of the teachers took on teaching as a second career so they bring a real-world perspective. Huge difference.

3) Some may think it is a little weird but I have seen many occasions where teachers were hugging children showing some sort of affection to greet them or console them. I personally think it's great and you don't see it elsewhere. It's like a second line of mothers for the kids.

4) Recently, at one of their "market days" (another great thing. twice per year the kids form entrepreneurial partnerships and sell products and services for school currency that they can use to buy things like pencils, extra restroom breaks, erasers, fun stuff for the kids) one of the groups had brought in Nerf guns that participants could pay to shoot at a target. I was blown away. At other schools they'd probably be kicked out for the rest of the year.

This is not a "rich" district by any means. The facilities themselves are actually not very impressive. It's a mix broad socioeconomic strata, although no "inner city" components. It's basically a farming and vacation community but the key is it has been run by people who are smart and give a shit, and leadership that lets common sense prevail.

Edit. Fixing give a shit typo.


A Mod Real Quick
shiiit you gotta buy extra bathroom breaks? SORRY TEACH I JUST SHIT ON THE FLOOR I WAS OUT OF MY ALOTTED DUMPS/DAY


We moved last year and I am so happy about the public school system we were able to get our kids into.

1) It's school of choice here. We called the principal and told him we were thinking about sending our kids to the school although we are slightly outside of the district. He volunteered to meet us and spent around 90 minutes walking us through the school, showing us all of the facilities and answering all of our questions.

2) An abnormally large percentage of the teachers took on teaching as a second career so they bring a real-world perspective. Huge difference.

3) Some may think it is a little weird but I have seen many occasions where teachers were hugging children showing some sort of affection to greet them or console them. I personally think it's great and you don't see it elsewhere. It's like a second line of mothers for the kids.

4) Recently, at one of their "market days" (another great thing. twice per year the kids form entrepreneurial partnerships and sell products and services for school currency that they can use to buy things like pencils, extra restroom breaks, erasers, fun stuff for the kids) one of the groups had brought in Nerf guns that participants could pay to shoot at a target. I was blown away. At other schools they'd probably be kicked out for the rest of the year.

This is not a "rich" district by any means. The facilities themselves are actually not very impressive. It's a mix broad socioeconomic strata, although no "inner city" components. It's basically a farming and vacation community but the key is it has been run by people who give are smart and shit, and leadership that lets common sense prevail.
blasphemy, we must protect our kids from their rapist teachers and disallow all physical contact

In seriousness, having taught kindergarten kids in korea, I couldn't possibly fathom having a relationship with kids that age without some sort of physical contact. We were allow to do whatever we want, like pick up boys an pretend to dunk their face in their birthday cake, boys would frequently gang up on a teacher during play time and tackle him, etc. Plus hugging kids for good scores/behavior or to console them was essential. In the states I don't know if that is allowed or not, but I know I'd be REALLY cautious about the level of physicality for fear of a kid saying something to his parents out of context and getting crucified.

Shit even in korea one of my students shit his pants and the old ladies that help out in those instances weren't around, and I say to a female teacher, "I'm a man, and a foreigner... I know hes my student but there's no chance in hell I'm going anywhere near a kid with his pants down."

Wtf am I talking about. Ramble level 9


Silver Squire
I'm entirely offended by the cis white male privilege in this thread. Yall ignorant assholes need to educate yourselves and stop supporting rape culture! Misogynist, judgmental pigs!


Silver Squire
I am what I eat.

Somehow being "offended" meant the other person fucked up and is used as a trump card to win conflicts. This is a horrible new cultural norm.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Afghani culture? One of the issues afghanistan faces is that nationalism isn't strong. They're primarily rural pashtun, northern tajik, and central hazara. Their anthem is in pashto, but dari is commonly used by half the population.
Bacha Bazi seems pretty popular through out the entire country. Though just because you are of different ethnicity or speak a different language doesnt mean you arent of the same culture and ideology. If that was the case there would be no one "American" culture.


Bacha Bazi seems pretty popular through out the entire country. Though just because you are of different ethnicity or speak a different language doesnt mean you arent of the same culture and ideology. If that was the case there would be no one "American" culture.
Ummm... there is no "one" American culture.
Heck, I live in Quebec and there isn't even just "one" Quebec culture, as evidenced by the ever-continuing parade of ridiculous language laws designed to preserve and protect French-Canadian culture (presumably from Anglo speakers who will destroy everything they hold dear). There's a wide variety of cultures present in my home town alone. You'd be hard-pressed to find an ideology everyone in my building subscribes to, let alone everyone in a country (any country).

TJ Lazer_sl

Ok how about Little Effeminate Men Organize Nerd Panic Among Retard Twat Yokels and you can acronym it as Lemon Party because this thread is the equivalent of a bunch of old white men finger fucking each others assholes.

I'm so glad the tools of the political thread could form a circlejerk thread that makes you feel better instead of feeling like loser assholes. Congratulations.


Ok how about Little Effeminate Men Organize Nerd Panic Among Retard Twat Yokels and you can acronym it as Lemon Party because this thread is the equivalent of a bunch of old white men finger fucking each others assholes.
There's no way the time you put into thinking up that acronym was worth the "payoff".


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ok how about Little Effeminate Men Organize Nerd Panic Among Retard Twat Yokels and you can acronym it as Lemon Party because this thread is the equivalent of a bunch of old white men finger fucking each others assholes.

I'm so glad the tools of the political thread could form a circlejerk thread that makes you feel better instead of feeling like loser assholes. Congratulations.
No, that is rejected as well. Please make your next suggestion better.



And teachers are not to blame in this. They aren't the ones who decide to build a multimillion dollar athletic complex when the elementary school has leaks, mold issues, and half the HVAC units are dead. They aren't the ones at capital hill playing scratch your buddies back and purchasing products only from those in the "good ole boy network."
Except, teachers UNIONS are the problem. They fucking hijack all the money from the school systems to pay teachers/pensions. Remember prop 30? Yep, they are at it again.
SAN FRANCISCO -- When a majority of California voters approved Proposition 30 last year, they did so under the assumption that the $6.8 billion per year generated by the temporary tax increase would go directly toward staving off cuts to schools.

However, a recent report from the state's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office found a $70 billion shortfall in state teachers' retirement plans -- and that deficit has the potential to suck up a significant amount of Prop 30 revenue.

It it really any surprise that teachers and teachers unions supported prop 30? It's like congress voting themselves a pay raise.


Registered Hutt
Merlin, valiant defender of the wealthy. When people can't buy shit and therefore companies can't employ people to sell shit, the solution is to be certain buyers of shit have no money. Just need some more benevolent rich fucks to swoop in and create some jobs with their rich magic, once the unions and government stop cockblocking our saviors anyway.


Musty Nester
Meh, he has a point about the interest of teachers unions not being the interest of the public system or not being the interest of the constituents -- sometimes they are but more often those issues are not the same issue. If you honestly believe every argument the union makes is pointed to "the good of the children" you should probably look critically at the arguments that teachers unions make. They tend to havenothing to dowith the children and everything to do with the administration of teachers. It's a teachers union, not a childrens union.

You know who the childrens union is? Your elected local or state representatives.

But that is not to say the institution of a teachers union is without worth. It's an ongoing negotiation.