Pussification in America: Political Correctness is Gay


Registered Hutt
The children's union is not your elected anything. Kids can't vote. They're unrepresented in all representative democracies.


Musty Nester
Oh don't be pedantic. That's not even clever. Parents vote. Children are represented.

But when parents are of the opinion that the teachers union is charged with looking out for Jr.'s best interest and remain uninvolved in the process you wind up with what you have.


Registered Hutt
The parents don't know shit about the situation of the teachers and generally blame them for the byproduct of their own bad parenting. Asian parents don't shit on teachers. Their kids kick ass in school. Which one is employing a strategy of actually educating their kids?

I'm not being pedantic. Children are unrepresented in our democracy. This is no different than restricting the right to vote depending on in you're the current rich class. You know what's good for the middle and poor class. You create the jobs and govern the country. The money trickles down to them as you succeed. Their interests are looked after by their betters.

I don't think kids should have the right to vote, but that doesn't mean they're represented. Their parents are represented, and that is separate.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
if children were to be represented, you kind of have to remove protective measures that are in place. How would they be represented though? Voting?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Teachers unions are shit, but to hear most conservatives talk, teachers don't deserve pay or benefits at all, which is absurd. If teachers weren't treated so badly, the unions wouldn't have this power to begin with.


Molten Core Raider
Teachers unions are shit, but to hear most conservatives talk, teachers don't deserve pay or benefits at all, which is absurd. If teachers weren't treated so badly, the unions wouldn't have this power to begin with.
Most conservatives I talk to think teachers should be positions of respect and extremely well paid. Their problem is with the current education system which they think needs to be completely thrown out the window.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Teachers unions are shit, but to hear most conservatives talk, teachers don't deserve pay or benefits at all, which is absurd. If teachers weren't treated so badly, the unions wouldn't have this power to begin with.
Aside from general anti union views, pretty sure that has to do with how shitty our education system is in this country.


Buzzfeed Editor
Most conservatives I talk to think teachers should be positions of respect and extremely well paid. Their problem is with the current education system which they think needs to be completely thrown out the window.
I think you'd have a hard time getting any reasonable person to disagree with those points.


Yeah, god forbid we pay people.
You obviously didn't read what I quoted in your eager attempt to discredit what I was saying. I have no problems with teachers making a good pay check, or getting pensions or a great health plan. But when discussing the condition of our schools, we as tax payers are more then willing to invest in our schools and our children's education. Unfortunately it gets tiring when every time we allocate funding to our school system, once the teachers union takes their cut, the actual schools get stiffed and a year later they are back asking for more money. There has to be a better balance between what teachers make, and the actual funding for the schools, supplies, administrative staff, repair and upgrades etc....
The teachers union has the unique position of being responsible for not only teachers, but students and schools as well. Some may argue, "no they arn't." But really, teachers are the face of our schools. So a vote for a teacher, is a vote for our students and schools as well. However it seems they focus the majority of their efforts and budget to one thing. Teachers pay. Period. And that is what gets people upset. When teachers strike it's rarely about the students or schools, it's about teachers pay, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Your not going to make many fans when you keep stiffing our children and schools in order to get a raise or better hours or more pension. It's not about YOU, it's about our children and our schools. Period.


Given the thread title, this seemed to fit here. Please tell me there's more to this than the CNN email makes it appear:

The Food Network says it "will not renew Paula Deen's contract when it expires at the end of this month.?

The announcement comes the same the day the celebrity chef apologized for "the wrong that I've done." Her apology followed revelations this week that she admitted to using a racial epithet in the past.
(And holy shit is "Breaking News" overused these days.)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Apparently she didn't just say American Inventor a lot. She even wanted to throw a 'southern plantation style wedding' where she would hire blacks to play slaves(ie: the waiters/servers). She doesn't half-ass her racism and I can respect that.


The problem with teachers right now is we have had entire generations where the best and brightest passed on teaching. Paying existing teachers more would be pointless, most are the crappy students who couldn't do more moving on to a career in mediocrity. We need to pay new teachers more if they have great backgrounds/potential. Unions would never allow that however as seniority is everything thus they need to be squashed to make any progress as they would only protect all the existing shitty teachers.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There are a few good teachers out there that do it for the kids. My high school Physics teacher had worked for NASA before retiring and doing the odd contract work. Funnest fucking class I've ever had, and science is NOT my field of interest. Every Friday we'd do actual experiments and he'd SHOW us just how cool and interesting science can be. Unfortunately, for every one of those guys/gals, there are 5 more who just do it the summer off or because they think it's easy or some shit. Besides pay, how do you incentivize people to want to teach, when education is almost always the first shit to lose funding (job security), and unions keep all the terrible teachers there making morale shit?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The money is there, just a matter of how we spend it. I went to a stereotypical inner city school and there was no shortage of money.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Charter schools only look good because they're teaching a self-selected sample of kids who have parents that give a shit enough to get them into a charter school. If all schools were charter schools we'd be right back to the same damn problem.