Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm running a mermaid (evolves into a Siren) with my Vampire/Vampire Lord. The Mermaid turns red orbs into heal orbs while the vampire lord turns the heal orbs into dark orbs. It has worked pretty good for me so far.

You can farm a Mermaid via "Neptune Glacier (Mermaid Feast)" & "Sea Cave Mercury (Voice of the Siren)". I got lucky and got one through a PAL roll.

This actually happens quite often with this build,
I get that, but I keep getting starved for gem types... maybe I need a converter then.

Here's my team and the follow up from Metal Dragon dungeon day and my first two runs through the ruby dragon dungeon.

Metal dragons from yesterday

Ruby dragons from today (so far)


<WoW Guild Officer>
Are Ruby Dragon xp fodder too? Same amounts as metal?
Yeah I'm running low on gold (gonna have to grind out more weekend dungeon next time I guess) and you can't see my level 23 3* starter dragon up there. He's going to eat most of those (while I try to level him to max for 4*).


What rank is good to start the daily special dungeons? I am rank 10 right now and I tried them a few times and got destroyed. I am using 5 star Loki for leader with my starter red guy...and a random blue guy. I have been power infusing my guys as I can afford. The red starter got evolved once but things are becoming a lot harder. I always try to pick a healer friend to help. Any other tips?


<WoW Guild Officer>
What rank is good to start the daily special dungeons? I am rank 10 right now and I tried them a few times and got destroyed. I am using 5 star Loki for leader with my starter red guy...and a random blue guy. I have been power infusing my guys as I can afford. The red starter got evolved once but things are becoming a lot harder. I always try to pick a healer friend to help. Any other tips?
I didn't really start any of the ones past apprentice until rank 20+. I'm still not at the technical dungeons (though that's more because my strategy is sucking, not so much because of rank).


Golden Knight of the Realm
I am using an archangel as my leader for healer, and either a dark or light team (based on the dungeon). I can handle most Adept level dungeons right now. Really thinking about moving up after I get to 5khp on a regular basis.

Also, fuck dragon seeds. I get all sorts of awesome drops, but I need those to evolve pretty much everything right now.


Great link I saw elsewhere today, it gives coin/xp per stamina for each level. I'd read before running "Dragons of the Tower" from "Tower of Giants" was the best to level up at weekends when it's always half stamina but his confirms it by a long way. When you are a pretty high rank running the "Lava Cave" in "Hyperion Lava Flow" is the best.


On the subject of rank though, I've seen a couple of posts which ask about what rank can do which level. Unfortunately the way you obtain the units etc doesn't really tally with rank for the most part, it's what team you can field to get past them. I'm rank 62 but I probably can't do some levels that a rank 30 could with their team and vice versa, I'd love a rainbow keeper but I simply don't have the team to field to get one on expert.

Talking of expert, fuck the Mechadragon 0 for 5 atm >.<

Also, fuck dragon seeds. I get all sorts of awesome drops, but I need those to evolve pretty much everything right now.
Tomorrow, farm the shit out of the Thursday dungeon. Dragon plants are what I want, will keep as many of those buggers as possible for pengdras.

I bumped up my monster box to 85 earlier, probably going to take it to at least 100 before I even think of blowing stones again on rare eggs as my luck has been so shitty since the initial two pulls.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Attempting to farm healers driving me insane. Anyone have any luck on this? Did you go to the 2nd set or 3rd set of dungeons? I guess they only drop off the bosses, I'd think the 2nd set would have a better chance since it's a trio of bosses, but that's purely speculation.


Trakanon Raider
Attempting to farm healers driving me insane. Anyone have any luck on this? Did you go to the 2nd set or 3rd set of dungeons? I guess they only drop off the bosses, I'd think the 2nd set would have a better chance since it's a trio of bosses, but that's purely speculation.
Oh I feel your pain. Been trying to farm a goddamn succubus and naga now every day. I dump almost all my sta into trying to run either the 2nd tier black and red dungeons they drop and now today I just opened up the Satan level that has a succy and a naga as the bosses.

I wish I could just give them 5 bucks for the specific 3 star mob I want.


Potato del Grande
Game would be too easy if you could just pick and choose what you get

Any tips for farming up a team for Amaterasu? I have a Succubus/Yomi and thats about it. Yomi is low level and doesnt seem to be a great choice unless you're using it as a leader.


Yeah, it's purely the RNG.

I've read the expert MechaFlame dungeon has a good chance of dropping them when you hit 3 of them on stage 9 but I've not seen had one drop from 5 runs on it yet. I've had 3 naga's from Flame Snakewoman in Fire Forest Nerva. I'd deffo farm Mermaid Feast in Neptune Glacier for a Siren, if that's the right one I remember having three as a boss.


Trakanon Raider
Attempting to farm healers driving me insane. Anyone have any luck on this? Did you go to the 2nd set or 3rd set of dungeons? I guess they only drop off the bosses, I'd think the 2nd set would have a better chance since it's a trio of bosses, but that's purely speculation.
50+ on mermaid, 75+ on succubus, no luck so far. As a random 'screw you', I got two nagas from the one and only run I've done of the fire dungeons... on my alt account that has no fire creatures.


Golden Knight of the Realm
50+ on mermaid, 75+ on succubus, no luck so far. As a random 'screw you', I got two nagas from the one and only run I've done of the fire dungeons... on my alt account that has no fire creatures.
Similar situation here. Succy/mermaid not dropping for me. Got a naga to drop, then got another from a rare egg.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ok, I have a Great Valk (5*) and a lvl 30 Angel, so I've been leveling up a light team and have a bunch of evolved healers and knight things to go with them. Now, I just got a Kagutsuchi. How should I work this team? Should I create just a new red team? Or try to build up a red/light team?


Trakanon Raider
I've tried to understand the most efficient way to level up units, by googling that shit and reading the thread, Can anyone summarize what to do when you're lower? should you only feed 5 of a color specific level mob? They talk about evolving carbuncles, but I can't make sense of exactly what it is I need in both gold and minions to do so. Anyone with experience give the quick and dirty of what the most efficient way of feeding mobs?


Potato del Grande

That's for Carbuncles, as soon as you're able to run technical dungeons you can get Pendras which cap at lvl 10 and give 9k xp to a like colored mob or 6k to off. (takes 2600 xp to get one to 10?) If you evolve them they are worth 30k or 45k, so shit tons more.

Essentially you want to feed 5 at a time because as you level up the cost to level increases, same colored creatures give a 1.5x XP bonus.


Trakanon Raider
so I hit up that thread daezuel, but I didn't quite understand the notation. What do I feed the carbuncles? and when are they suffuciently leveled to feed to what I want to level?


Trakanon Raider
so I hit up that thread daezuel, but I didn't quite understand the notation. What do I feed the carbuncles? and when are they suffuciently leveled to feed to what I want to level?
Most important thing first - if you aren't getting 3* evolved carbuncles ( they have spiky hair ), completely ignore that guide, you will be just throwing away xp.

If the creature you want to level is under level 10 :
Feed your carbuncles whatever you want til they reach level 10 ( they list a few examples of things that will get them to level 10 ), then when you have five level 10 carbuncles, feed them to whatever you want to level up.

If the creature you want to level is over level 50:
Same as above, but get the carbuncles to between levels 14 and 16.

My take is that the window that you'd want to do this in is very limited - once you can clear castle of satan, the pengras from the tech dungeons are so much better than the above method that it is not even worth considering.