Puzzles and Dragons


I am getting some strange errors... lucked out on three Amats so far but each time the account gets locked at "Error code: 1" says I was trying to buy a magic stone and just does this over and over... UGGHH


Thursday dungeon is farm day, get as many dragon plants etc as your box can store. With the freebie stones I'm up to 90 spots now and I want mooooore!

[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 1/17/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to
(A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)
A: 12:00 17:00 22:00
B: 8:00 13:00 18:00
C: 9:00 14:00 19:00
D: 10:00 15:00 20:00
E: 11:00 16:00 21:00


Potato del Grande
Most important thing first - if you aren't getting 3* evolved carbuncles ( they have spiky hair ), completely ignore that guide, you will be just throwing away xp.

If the creature you want to level is under level 10 :
Feed your carbuncles whatever you want til they reach level 10 ( they list a few examples of things that will get them to level 10 ), then when you have five level 10 carbuncles, feed them to whatever you want to level up.

If the creature you want to level is over level 50:
Same as above, but get the carbuncles to between levels 14 and 16.

My take is that the window that you'd want to do this in is very limited - once you can clear castle of satan, the pengras from the tech dungeons are so much better than the above method that it is not even worth considering.
Well the other thing is you may want to farm for a siren/succubus/enchidna or try to level up a sirens skill so you may just end up swimming in carbuncles anyways so it's still worthwhile to use them like this, saves a lot of money.

Finally got another 5 eggs and pulled a fucking Cupid. /sigh


Potato del Grande
I know I asked this before but the answer was unclear to me, is there any reason to keep 2 lil black dragon and 2 lil blue dragons? Should I feed them to the higher level one? Are the Wednesday mask dungeons easier to get a divine mask than clearing 5th tier dungeons?


Yeah I'd dump any 'lil dragons past one of them, iirc they are fuckers to evolve anyway in that they have a pretty big xp curve. You only take them for the leader skill so you need one of your own and sometimes one from a friend.

Using two Volcano dragons to defeat Master Mechadragon is a good example of that, 75% resist sounds like the only way to survive that fight unless you've spent tons of coins or been the luckiest fucker ever in farming stuff up.


Potato del Grande
Well that's interesting, I actually got a skill up on my Blue Dragon by feeding the lil' blue dragon to him. Lvl 2 Cold Ball.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thursday dungeon is farm day, get as many dragon plants etc as your box can store. With the freebie stones I'm up to 90 spots now and I want mooooore!

[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 1/17/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to
(A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)
A: 12:00 17:00 22:00
B: 8:00 13:00 18:00
C: 9:00 14:00 19:00
D: 10:00 15:00 20:00
E: 11:00 16:00 21:00
I only tried the green dungeon once to see what was up and got one dragon plant. I have had a lot more luck* on them in the fire forest nerva - fire-worshipping snake while trying to farm a naga. It also gives more exp and takes less stam, I believe.

*By luck I mean, I have nothing to use them on and have no space, so I destroy them. I am certain that later on I will be angry about this, but there's just nothing for me to do with them right now.


True enough, I should have qualified that by saying if you are at the technical dungeons onwards then farm all day. 1 per run is a little unlucky, with double drop rate it's been averaging about 2 ish for me with a couple of 3 runs.

I've got 14 or so dragon plants atm (after using 4 on pengdras I had waiting) and hopefully will get another 3-4 more before my time runs out.

I really want to try and somehow blast my way through the water technical dungeon this week so I can then knock out the fire dungeon and really start xp-ing my big guys.


XP or coins, they aren't used in any evolves.

I sell the smallest normal (dark) metals as the xp value is rubbish fairly quickly and also sell all of the gold dragons as they are worth 3x as much. Any other colour high/king I use for xp fodder.


So, i really really want to play this, but apparently this isn't working for a german. Does anybody have a mirror for the download? Google.play is all like "not available in your country".
Been playing this so much over the last 3 days that I have terrible eye strain. I think I'm rank 26 now and using Indras (from first pull), and a third form starter dragon from Fire, Water, and Dark types, with the last 2 available cost as a lil' fire dragon until I get more team cost and can replace him. I have had no real trouble advancing through the dungeons as long as I bring a healer in my ally spot. My only real concern is how long some bosses are taking to kill. Every golem type boss takes forever with most attacks dealing 1 damage, and the only real damage coming form the activated abilities that take 20-30 turns to charge. Those bosses can be a real drag.


Riddle me this...
Wish there was a way to up my party budget (besides upping rank), also wish the fuggan mermaid would drop. Ole' daddy needs more healers


<Prior Amod>
I just got that damn mermaid today...only level 5 of course...and I was looking for a damage dealer on top of it.


Riddle me this...
Im kinda fucked really, with the Valk I need healers to be viable because my rare pulls have been shit. Got Shaitan from my last one and he seems like a shitty rare to me. Ooo boy look at him blocking wood dmg, so at the moment I'm rocking the Greater Valk and 4 evolved Carbuncles. I don't kill anything fast but its hard for me to die. /firstworldproblems


Trakanon Raider
Im kinda fucked really, with the Valk I need healers to be viable because my rare pulls have been shit. Got Shaitan from my last one and he seems like a shitty rare to me. Ooo boy look at him blocking wood dmg, so at the moment I'm rocking the Greater Valk and 4 evolved Carbuncles. I don't kill anything fast but its hard for me to die. /firstworldproblems
I've been running a 4* Valk with a siren 4* and a dryad 4*...trying to fill the last 2 spots is a real pain. Usually I slap in this light genie and the light mystic knight just to boost my yellow damage matches.

Need a goddamn succubus and naga!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's true, putting about 2.7k exp into a pendra turns it around into a 6k enhancer. Evolving a pengdra yields ~32k exp but this is situational as the mats aren't super easy to get.


Found out to fix problem just need to delete data25.bin...

in case anyone was wondering :p

Gonna mess around on a tosser Amat account to see where the temp game data is stored and see how much is actually checked serverside