Puzzles and Dragons


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
So my Kushi is evo'd and currently lvl 29. I just finished maxing out a green snow dragon, which is worth 1.5m. I'm curious if it makes a difference when I feed it to Kushi. If I do it now, I jump her up to lvl 70. But then I could wait and do the cheaper levels now, and save that for when shit gets more expensive. The down side to that is I'd be foregoing having a strong as fuck leader right now, making subsequent leveling easier.
I think 29ish is where it starts to get upside down on the gold:XP ratio using smaller fodder. At that point I usually switch over to larger things like High or King. 70-99 is going to be a slow crawl either way, but I'd probably look at the curve and figure out what the levels will get you vs. waiting. Also keep in mind if it is a 1.5xp the amount of XP that might go to waste of you crit the feed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The general efficiency suggestion is to use fodder until level 70. You end up having to feed fodder to fodder but you should be able to get there without going over the 1:1 gold to exp ratio. This suggestion is more in regards to stuff like Kings, Pengdras, and Super Kings than gift dragons. High metals and Moltdras you probably want to save until 60 or so. From 70 there's still 2.33million exp to go, so a 1.5x feed still wouldn't be wasting any exp. Though a 2x Super would. Have to feed from level 58 to need 3 million, and with no luck from there it will put you at 83 or so. Meaning you skipped 20+ levels where you could feed fodder efficiently.

Me? I'm impatient, I'd go from 58 and justify it by saying I was playing it safe=P Plus ever since they did the 1/2 exp weekend dungeon weekend a few months back I haven't cared about gold and feed pretty indiscriminately up to about level 80-85. Rarely bother to feed fodder to fodder. Was over 14 million gold after that weekend and I'm around 12 million now, and that's with completely dragging ass on running +eggs. You make decent gold doing those so I'd probably be closer to 13 million if I was playing smarter dungeons while still feeding like an idiot.

Wish they'd do that again some time. Easiest way to grind up to rank 167 where you hit 100stam. Comes in like 20 exp/stam(781) behind King of Gods and it's way easier and faster and gives more gold(obviously). Can chain run it to like rank 172.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I always hated that part of the game (gold feeding efficiency for leveling monsters). The important part is getting your TEAM up to the necessary levels to run things, not just max out a single monster. If kushi is at 85, but you're using masks, you better be hitting 12+ combos regularly. Versus using some other subs (golems, etc) where they get some actual damage so the multiplier isn't required to be that high.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I never cared to min/max any more than just feeding off the little devils and shits that I got from normal farming. Feeding fodder to fodder lasted about 1 day before I gave up paying that much attention. I also strongly agree with Ao- too, that it is less about having that 1 max level monster and having a better team. Hell, I think at umm.. rank 256 or something I've still only got 1 max level and that is my Horus. Like everything else is 85+ but I stopped chain running 2x Kings and other things and now just feed the occasional high value to someone for an extra level or two.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Who are you two raging at?=P No one said anything about focusing on one monster. He asked about feeding a single monster, we answered how to feed a single monster. Unless there's some secret way to split the exp from a single feed I have no idea what triggered those responses.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Who are you two raging at?=P No one said anything about focusing on one monster. He asked about feeding a single monster, we answered how to feed a single monster. Unless there's some secret way to split the exp from a single feed I have no idea what triggered those responses.

There's a bunch of shit they do simply for monetization that just bother the living shit out of me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My question was more due to the fact that I had pulled a green snow globe when I first started, and outside of Godin, I don't see there being any green gods worth a shit. And since I have a Kushi that's finally evo'd, whether it'd be worth using it on her now or waiting until she was maybe 50+. I'm kind of at a sticking point right now where I can't quite evo much, so my power is kind of stagnant.

My farming team is:
Kushinada, Evo'd, lvl 29
Persephone, lvl 50 (max)
Devil Dragon, lvl 70 (max)
Mid Light Ninja, lvl 33

I finally got a Keeper of Dark from the Tuesday dungeon today (and a Keeper of Rainbow), so I'm getting closer to more evo's. Hopefully tomorrow I can snag a few masks.

Other shit I have I'll spoiler:

Volcano Dragon, lvl 25
UmiYama, lvl 50 (max)
Aurora Dragon, lvl 69
Snow Globe Dragon Vert (max)
Mid Wood Ninja, lvl 22
Amaterasu, lvl 47
Vampire (max)

The rest of my box is basically shit I'm saving up to evo my gods, the rippers, and vampire. I've just had shit luck as far as getting subs to drop and in getting all my evo materials. I've probably tried for Siren a good 40+ times with at least half of those being 1.5x drop dungeons. No luck with Naga or Lilith either.

I basically rely on friends for clearing at this point because my team is stalled out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That was a very unnecessary spoiler tag=P

I'd be tempted to say use it on Grodin. He comes in handy relatively often for various things as a leader(S ranking some dungeons especially) and is a useful sub(bind immune, 2x skill boost) and a ridiculous stat-stick(4th highest weighted stats in game).

Plus he's got to be due for an Ultimate Evo soon.


Molten Core Raider
My question was more due to the fact that I had pulled a green snow globe when I first started, and outside of Godin, I don't see there being any green gods worth a shit. And since I have a Kushi that's finally evo'd, whether it'd be worth using it on her now or waiting until she was maybe 50+. I'm kind of at a sticking point right now where I can't quite evo much, so my power is kind of stagnant.

My farming team is:
Kushinada, Evo'd, lvl 29
Persephone, lvl 50 (max)
Devil Dragon, lvl 70 (max)
Mid Light Ninja, lvl 33

I finally got a Keeper of Dark from the Tuesday dungeon today (and a Keeper of Rainbow), so I'm getting closer to more evo's. Hopefully tomorrow I can snag a few masks.

Other shit I have I'll spoiler:

Volcano Dragon, lvl 25
UmiYama, lvl 50 (max)
Aurora Dragon, lvl 69
Snow Globe Dragon Vert (max)
Mid Wood Ninja, lvl 22
Amaterasu, lvl 47
Vampire (max)

The rest of my box is basically shit I'm saving up to evo my gods, the rippers, and vampire. I've just had shit luck as far as getting subs to drop and in getting all my evo materials. I've probably tried for Siren a good 40+ times with at least half of those being 1.5x drop dungeons. No luck with Naga or Lilith either.

I basically rely on friends for clearing at this point because my team is stalled out.
I wouldn't waste it on Kushinada...Lvl 29 Evo'd Kushi is all you need tbh. Just get a bunch of Bastet and Kushi friends and grind levels (and gold on weekends).


Mr. Poopybutthole
That was a very unnecessary spoiler tag=P
Haha, dick. It seems like it'd be unlikely to get a Godin anytime soon, but maybe I just feel like stones are super rare right now and they're not. I wish I had one though, it made Keeper cake (outside of taking a while).

Any advice on what I should be grinding out? Rank 68 at the moment. As you can see, no real subs. For dungeons, I'm at tower of nature lvl 4 for normal, and twilight woods lvl 3 for technical. I spent some time last week doing pengdra runs, but at this point I barely even need them since all my shit is waiting to be evo'd. And it feels like a waste of stamina to grind out something like the violet masks to evo my vampire.


Vyemm Raider
Grind Tower of Giants on the weekend when its half sta. You will level before you need to refill your sta into the 90s.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Haha, dick. It seems like it'd be unlikely to get a Godin anytime soon, but maybe I just feel like stones are super rare right now and they're not. I wish I had one though, it made Keeper cake (outside of taking a while).
I misread your previous post, thought you said your only other green god worth a damn was Godin, not that he was the only other you could see being worth it. Oops. Though there's certainly more green shit of value out there eventually=P


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nah, Kushi is the only green god I have. Only green monster I have besides the snow globe and mid ninja, in fact. That's why I was wondering if it'd be worthwhile to use the snow globe on Kushi for a quick boost up to the 70's.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Nah, grind her to 50 through shit dungeons (sorry, it's the best way). She's a combo lead, and you can get a 4x with her "easily". Pair with Bastet for fun, grind tricolor dungeons like it's going out of style.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You use Haku as your main lead, right?

I'd be tempted to just use it on her. Sure you're "wasting" 500k exp, but you're gaining 1 million exp to your main character. Unless you plan on using Kushi pretty extensively going forward.


Vyemm Raider
You use Haku as your main lead, right?

I'd be tempted to just use it on her. Sure you're "wasting" 500k exp, but you're gaining 1 million exp to your main character. Unless you plan on using Kushi pretty extensively going forward.
He has U&Y as his main lead.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I actually haven't used U&Y almost at all since I got Kushi. As I've played more I understand why people say U&Y is a very hard leader to master. And for me, it's just not worth the trouble of trying to match 4 different colors consistently (especially with limited orb changers at the moment). But like Ao said, it's incredibly easy to just knock out 3-5 combos on Kushi over and over, giving me 1.5-2.5x every single round.

The only time I'd probably be better off with U&Y is on bosses where I need a high spike, but I like pairing up with someone who's got Ronia...pretty much 90% of the time. I just save her skill for the boss, change board, and make sure I get at least a 3 combo, and it'll pretty much fuck the boss up pretty hard. If not, I use my Persephone skill on the next round and that generally takes care of it. The other times I'll go with Fodden and his Hino (that 10k nuke rocks for blowing through shit, although it's less and less useful as I progress) or something like Godin or Bastet/Kushi.

Knowing what I do now, I would've kept rolling for a different god other than U&Y. Maybe that will change when I get further into the game and figure out how to set up a board a bit better. In the meantime I just use Kushi. Persephone for a mono-dark team and Amaterasu for a healer I feel like I'm more likely to use than U&Y.


Trakanon Raider
Persephone is a really great leader in your box that you shouldn't overlook. She's basically the second best thing to having a lucifer of your own. She gives 1.5 to everything - so you still get the recovery and hp stats that lucifer teams grind things with. Also paired with a lucifer you get at least 1 cannon. 1 Cannon bypasses an absolute shit ton of the high armor stage bosses in the normal dungeons (i.e Neptune, Golems, etc).

If you can fill out a mono dark team and say take my max level lucifer - you can grind your way up to the stages Beautiful Being and Sea God. They are T5 normals, so there are no binds, orb swaps, board darkening etc. They have an EXP to stamina rate that you can't find anywhere except in T6 stages, and they both return an absurd amount of coin. For 15 stamina - Sea God gives 33-43k in coin. Both stages also go 2x on the weekend. The other benefit is that their fodder doesn't need to be fed to anything because your coin efficiency is irrelevant. Additionally, Sea God drops Mystic Masks as invades - this makes it so you do not need to run the Wednesday dungeon for mystics - Beautiful being drops Dragon Fruit - meaning you don't need to run the Thursday for fruit. Both dungeons drop king metals as their invade type as opposed to just normal or high dragons.

The other reason I'd suggest doing this is that an account needs to be around level 130~ to really start being full of ultimate evolutioned monsters, and still yet higher if you are filling it with high cost gods in the same forms. Its worked really well for me. My next goal on my account is to get a team capable of farming the t6 stages so I don't have to run the friday dungeon for mythlits which is worth no coin and no xp and a pure crap shoot.

You can literally watch tv and match orbs with luci/persephone teams. And on Sea God, you'll always use the lucifer cannon to kill neptune in 1 shot. I just shot for trying to be on his stage right as the 35th turn rolled around. At the current stage of your account life, there is nothing better than chain running sea god. I think I first ran it around account level 60. Vampire, Drawn Joker, and CDK are 3 cards you want to look for opportunity to farm for.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Knowing what I do now, I would've kept rolling for a different god other than U&Y. Maybe that will change when I get further into the game and figure out how to set up a board a bit better.
It will change as you get further in the game. You need a 10 combo with Kushi to match U&Y multiplier, and that's much much harder to do on demand than trigger him. When you are fighting bosses with 4 million+ HP that hit for between 12k and DEATH those Kushi combos will barely dent them. You started this whole journey by mentioning you were a min/maxer, but right now you're playing like a muddler=P No point min/maxing your characters if you aren't going to figure out how to really use them.

I'd say go ahead and finish the grind to 82ish this weekend, then start using U&Y hardcore for everything. Focus on getting rid of hearts and reds on turns you won't get attacked or where only 1 thing will hit you. This is to simulate stalling on later/harder dungeons where you want to use all your turns for cooldowns, and occasionally take a hit you can survive for the same reason.

Kushi can be played for endgame, but if you can manage the 8+ combos on demand you can probably manage U&Y pretty easily. It's not a 1:1 comparison, but the orb manipulation required should transfer over well enough.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I guess I just feel like my subs for U&Y are shit. Whereas with Kushi I don't really have to bother with them and can just use the strongest subs I have.

With what I posted for my subs earlier, what would you recommend? U&Y, King Bubblie, Aurora Dragon and...?

I seriously hit at least 40 or 50 "Voice of the Siren's" and haven't gotten a fucking Siren yet. And like I think I said before, a good 30-40% of those were on 1.5x. And I don't even know a good place to farm for an ADK, but I'd imagine my luck would be just as shit at getting one of them.