Puzzles and Dragons


Vyemm Raider
I am quickly getting super bored with this game. I still log in every day and run a dungeon here and there but its getting super boring. To do the new descends coming out you need the type of teams Ishad was talking about and you get something that you wouldn't ever put on a team ever.


Trakanon Raider
I go through many phases where I spend most of my stamina, or two weeks where all I do is log in once.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Last month or so I just log in and throw myself at whatever the big dungeon is max difficulty. No planning usually. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My plan has basically boiled down to creating teams with as much overlap as possible and then stoning the shit out of 5x techs and starry lane whenever they come around. If you have around 900+ eggs between your friend and your team you've basically added a sixth team member worth of stats.

Planning on max egging, l.meta, echinda and valk. That gives me a l.meta team with around 1200+ eggs, a kirin team with around 1500, and I can run horus/horus with kirin, valk, echinda, vamp with around 1200+.

Should cost around 65 stones to finish them.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I am quickly getting super bored with this game. I still log in every day and run a dungeon here and there but its getting super boring. To do the new descends coming out you need the type of teams Ishad was talking about and you get something that you wouldn't ever put on a team ever.
Not only that, but because the descends are coming from Japan, the difficulty seems to keep in mind that Japan gets a shitload of skillup collabs. Here in the US we get fuckall for collabs. So, a ton of our monsters either flat out can't be skilled up, or are so ridiculously hard to skill up that it's the same difference.


Vyemm Raider
5 stones, got about 26 + eggs. Averaged about 1 a run. I think the most I got was 3 in a couple runs.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
In the first time since playing P&D, I didn't even bother to look up limited dungeon times. I missed Starry Lane and don't really care. To expand on my bitching from earlier, I hate that there isn't a solid progression path in this game. Just about every single "top tier" team is either entirely based on REM monsters, or damn near close to it. So, you're left with a situation where you're just relying on sheer luck to do be able to complete more and more difficult descends. Descends that drop monsters you won't ever use on said teams. It then begs the question: What is the point of descends?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mean, her UVO helps, but it's not like you "need" that extra hp to make her viable. 3x gods makes a pretty good team, I do bastet/artemis/parvati/izanagi/yomi(venus would be preferable)/athena for a pretty killer team.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
There's a lot of high end players leading with Athena now. She's a descend boss.

I'm just saying=P
I'm glad you used Athena as an example, because it helps illustrate my point as to how REM reliant it still is. Athena is one of the rare few descends which is actually a "top tier" leader and sub. The problem is, her UVO mats are a complete pain in the ass. Not only do you have to wait for the proper descends, you have to hope the orb event is active,andyou have to spend 50 stamina a pop for achanceat an invade. Even with all that being said, it's not something I'd considercompletelyoutlandish. Now, the problem with an Athena team is that you might as well not even bother without Izanagi. Where does Izanagi drop? Exactly my point. Now, even if you do manage to have an Izanagi, her "ideal" team still relies on 3/4 subs from the REM.


Trakanon Raider
This game definitely requires some rem luck, but that's why advice is to reroll and reroll and reroll until your account has a leader that can take you places without requiring a pile of other rem shit. Just play the monsters you get after you have that one leader - I'd love to use my blue sonia - but without a blodin she's not all that useful. Healer teams can accomplish a lot of content and while certainly some rem subs exist there are many good farmable subs. Valk is not a super hard decend. Best thing I ever decided was that all the experience I loot is light.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yep. That said he's right about descends becoming increasingly harder while offering increasingly poorer rewards. Used to be you beat a descend and added the boss to your team. Now anyone who can beat these new descends doesn't need the drops as anything but skill up/evo fodder.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
This game definitely requires some rem luck, but that's why advice is to reroll and reroll and reroll until your account has a leader that can take you places without requiring a pile of other rem shit. Just play the monsters you get after you have that one leader - I'd love to use my blue sonia - but without a blodin she's not all that useful. Healer teams can accomplish a lot of content and while certainly some rem subs exist there are many good farmable subs. Valk is not a super hard decend. Best thing I ever decided was that all the experience I loot is light.
I have a fully awoken/max level Anubis, so I've experienced just about all the content there is to experience (like I said earlier, a lot of it will likely never even be released here, because our licensing stateside is awful). Any descends I fall just short of being able to pass, I typically only fall short due to a poor skyfall/bad luck. The issue is, even when I pass these descends, I'm getting monsters that do absolutely nothing for me. I'm not progressing at all and that's a huge problem. My only progress happens every 2 or so weeks, when they decide to throw us a bone with Starry Lane appearances. Even then, you better pray your group gets a timeslot that won't interfere with work/life. The power curve of descends made a massive swing. So much so that they just about flat out require max skilled/REM only monsters. Now it's quickly creeping up into requiring alotof +eggs on your monsters, because of things like preemptives.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hmmm, I have 2 Uriels, With Freyr and Wangren I could have a pretty decent top tier red dragon team if I had a Ronia, maybe I should focus on that instead of blue healers.

It just seems like without BSonia/GSonia/RSonia I'm pretty much locked out of any of the current "top tier" teams (Blue physical, Green Balanced, Red Dragon), which is a shame, because I pretty much have all the subs for those teams minus the sonias.

I guess even without BSonia, my physical isis team would be pretty damned "ideal" having karin, orochi, and bodin, but I still don't think it could possibly compare to the truly "top level" teams.


Vyemm Raider
It just seems like without BSonia/GSonia/RSonia I'm pretty much locked out of any of the current "top tier" teams (Blue physical, Green Balanced, Red Dragon), which is a shame, because I pretty much have all the subs for those teams minus the sonias
Thats not really true. I have a red sonia, and have her hyper maxed with a pretty good team. And the new descends she isn't good for. You do need a top tier burst leader though which are generally super rem dependent which is really what all the bitching is about.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
5x techs should be a part of every event. It's much easier schedule wise, and you can burn through lots of stones. I understand licensing issues, but not turning on that is lazy and annoying.


Vyemm Raider
So I just did something stupid and rolled outside of Godfest but got rewarded for it by rolling a Pandora. I was thinking of running:

Pandora/Hanzo/Ronia/Vamp/Haku/Pandora. Would that be okay? I don't have a persphone or an FA lucifer