Puzzles and Dragons


Blackwing Lair Raider
I breezed through a1 and a2 but haven't even tried a3 yet. Maybe it's just an issue of not having those killer latents yet? I've been working on revos and these new ults and catching up on awakening everything while coins are on sale


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm still having trouble with A1 :( I need to redo my inherits I think :|

I'm having a ton of fun playing Krishna and Julie though.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I breezed through a1 and a2 but haven't even tried a3 yet. Maybe it's just an issue of not having those killer latents yet? I've been working on revos and these new ults and catching up on awakening everything while coins are on sale

That's exactly the trouble. The problem is if you don't have the latents, you can't get the latents. And unless you have a Fujin, you have no easy radars, really. Zeusdra in theory should be manageable, but it's really luck when you're talking about hitting 10 million damage without going over.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Ive got Fujin on my Athena permanently. You'd probably have to run solo but she's always up in slot 1 for me if you want to add her to your friends list. Not a fix-all, but might help.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Might have to put together that minerva a3 cheese team after all

The thought had seriously crossed my mind, again.

The good news about Minerva is that I highly doubt you need the entire cheese team in order for it to work. You can probably run it at 90+% resist just fine and bring someone like Tsubaki to speed things up.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
The farmable cheese team is Minerva, Lifive, Dark Red Skydragon x2, Charite, Minerva friend. Still gotta drop 300k mp to build it and i know nothing about inherits that are necessary but yeah. Totally farmable (if you count farming 300k mp)


<WoW Guild Officer>
The farmable cheese team is Minerva, Lifive, Dark Red Skydragon x2, Charite, Minerva friend. Still gotta drop 300k mp to build it and i know nothing about inherits that are necessary but yeah. Totally farmable (if you count farming 300k mp)
Saving for DAth instead, any other subs instead? I've got a shitload of red subs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Jesus christ the amount of gold keepers required for mecha hera is annoying as shit... and having to have two of each of the fucking golems is just fuckoff levels of shit sandwich.


Vyemm Raider
Jesus christ the amount of gold keepers required for mecha hera is annoying as shit... and having to have two of each of the fucking golems is just fuckoff levels of shit sandwich.

The way to at least help with the tedium of this is build the monday Ganesha farm team if you can. All the golems drop there 1 evo down from the one you need. If you can build the Ganesha team w/ Zeus Dios you get a bunch of XP as well.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah monday dungeon is def the best bet for the golems. Can get keepers today from the evo thing


<WoW Guild Officer>
The way to at least help with the tedium of this is build the monday Ganesha farm team if you can. All the golems drop there 1 evo down from the one you need. If you can build the Ganesha team w/ Zeus Dios you get a bunch of XP as well.
Yeah, max skilling the ZD is my problem. I have 3 ZD now, and ult Ganesha.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Jesus christ the amount of gold keepers required for mecha hera is annoying as shit... and having to have two of each of the fucking golems is just fuckoff levels of shit sandwich.

The best way to do this is to keep at least 2 of each golem on hand at all times (specifically when you are running monday dungeon for dub metalits on whatever skillup is on rotation), and then only running keeper of gold when you need keepers. As your glut of keepers of gold grows, you simply fuse them into golems for their UEVO, and when you have one of each color, you fuse them into L/D and you start the process over again.

If you do this gradually over time as you're doing other things, you end up with a good headstart on the golems when you need them and it won't be as painful. And trust me - you will need them again.

As far as DIos goes, you really just need to put in the time and the stones to farm them up. I think it took me one sunday of doing nothing but Dios, but I'm so glad I did.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The best way to do this is to keep at least 2 of each golem on hand at all times (specifically when you are running monday dungeon for dub metalits on whatever skillup is on rotation), and then only running keeper of gold when you need keepers. As your glut of keepers of gold grows, you simply fuse them into golems for their UEVO, and when you have one of each color, you fuse them into L/D and you start the process over again.

If you do this gradually over time as you're doing other things, you end up with a good headstart on the golems when you need them and it won't be as painful. And trust me - you will need them again.

As far as DIos goes, you really just need to put in the time and the stones to farm them up. I think it took me one sunday of doing nothing but Dios, but I'm so glad I did.
Eh, I've got all of the mecha hera parts done except the dark golem uevo. I've got the blue done, and need to farm up the red and green. After that, I'm money.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Guess my odd/bad/weird luck transcends beyond my main account and has infected my alt account as well. Had 7 rolls on the alt for the PCGF. Rolled a Haku, Anubis, Acala x3 (?!), Goetia, and FA Luci. The Haku and Anubis is nice but three goddamn Acala when I dont really need or want one...blah.

With the freebie roll I had 10 pulls on the main so far, got Haku #4, Pandora #4, Arcline, Yomi, DQXQ #4, Hatsume, Dill Sirius (aka MP), Lumiel #2, and two silvers. I really only wanted an Andro or three so I could maybe build something blue in the future but she continues to elude me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Having real good luck so far. We did a bunch of rolls before work I don't remember them all but we had 4 or 5 on each. Gf rolled her 3rd haku and then a fujin which is our first card with that ability on all 3 of our accounts. Main got a dupe leilan, andro, and an eshamali. Alt got a ganesha so now we got 1 on each account, nobadungu, 3rd ra,and a dupe andro

That's just the ones I remember. No silvers on any roll we did so far. So stoked on fujin. Gonna try to farm a bunch more stones before it ends, I've barely touched challenges


<WoW Guild Officer>
5 rolls, almost all shite.

Loki #3 (+HP), Indra #2 (+ATK), Snow White #2 (+RCV), Andromeda #2 (+ATK), GZL #2 (+RVC)

I wish it just sent me a woodsy with +50 on it so it would be easier to sell the shit I rolled.

I guess I'll take Andro and another Indra (less inheritance to mess with). I wish I had pulled a haku or serin though.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Splurged on 30 more stones for six more rolls. Four were silvers, got Sheen and another Hatsume (wtf). Think Im done rolling this pcgf...