Puzzles and Dragons


Sorry, missed a couple of you mentioning the Gryps Rider, he's more of a long term bet but is bloody useful later on with his multiple orb changing ability if you decide to run a dark/light team. It's a longer path to get the units to fill out that team but he's solid enough.

You might want to try what I mentioned earlier if on the fence, try him for a few dungeons and crank out your next 5 stones and try the rare egg pull again. If you get something decent from that then stick with it, if you get a shitter then decide.

The last thing you want is to just reroll until you get sick of the game and end up not even playing though


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sorry, missed a couple of you mentioning the Gryps Rider, he's more of a long term bet but is bloody useful later on with his multiple orb changing ability if you decide to run a dark/light team. It's a longer path to get the units to fill out that team but he's solid enough.

You might want to try what I mentioned earlier if on the fence, try him for a few dungeons and crank out your next 5 stones and try the rare egg pull again. If you get something decent from that then stick with it, if you get a shitter then decide.

The last thing you want is to just reroll until you get sick of the game and end up not even playing though
I got the 2nd pull and it was crap, but right now I have a full dark team with lots of lvl 30/god dark friends. I like the fact that light orbs damage with the gryps also, so I'm not totally F'd if there's no dark orbs. I'll stick this one out for a bit and if my next 2-3 rolls go to shit too maybe I'll restart.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No, Composter, but the starters are pretty good for the early and mid game.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Gryps and Vampire lord fuck shit UP. Even with just Gryps leading (and taking Dark guides/friends) I was able to clear shit. There are lulls in my play though (where none of my orb change abilities are up and I have a ton of blue/green/health on the board), but I mostly just try to stack as many combos with my off colors with a single on-color.

What's even crazier is Vampire Lord's 2x dark attack and Loki's 1.5 dark attack (and heal) work on Gryps even if he's dealing light damage. So I'm generally doing 350% (Dark) to 100% (light) damage with Gryps (and my light cupid deals mediocre dmg on light as well).

I say stick with Gryps and just keep spending stones on rare rolls. Especially if they're doing a special (like now with the dark rares). Don't ever use stones to continue (unless you somehow got a + or a very rare or something) and never use them for restoring stamina. I'm at 45 or 50 boxes and I'm ok with space so far.


<Prior Amod>
Game is starting to annoy me, I'm to the point where I can't progress any more because the God healer I have fucking cant do dick in damage, I try to level it, took like 15 fusions to do so and she got no better at healing and does 5 more damage. I can't get pact the boss battle in the dungeon I'm in and I'm like level 8. I'm about to hang it up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Game is starting to annoy me, I'm to the point where I can't progress any more because the God healer I have fucking cant do dick in damage, I try to level it, took like 15 fusions to do so and she got no better at healing and does 5 more damage. I can't get pact the boss battle in the dungeon I'm in and I'm like level 8. I'm about to hang it up.
You have any decent dmg guys? Starter dragon?


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I'm a sucker for these things and dropped $5 for some extra pull, no stones showed up though and the game crashed when my purchase went through. How long does it take for stones to show up? Or do I need to contact CSR at this point?


<Prior Amod>
You have any decent dmg guys? Starter dragon?
Well I was building my light team around my healer, I do have my starter red dragon but the God healer is so fucking expensive to level that I don't have much fodder at this point for him, nor do I have much to build a red team.


Was your god level 30 out of the box? If so then leave it alone for a long time, hell my Shiva is still only 35 or so as the cost of levelling it is nuts and I know I won't have the stuff to evolve it to it's 6 star form for a good while anyway.


Potato del Grande
Well I rerolled one last time for the night a got a four star Valkrie. What is the difference between four and five stars and can this one be upgraded to a five star?


Yes, unless you are patient/crazy enough to try for a 5* you've got one of the best starts in the current US version. Going to borrow a post from SA by a poster called Pixaal.
Valk is Amazing She can only be pulled from the rare machine, but can basically steam roll a ton of stuff and just make the game so much faster (some bosses when you first hit them can seriously be tankable but you don't have the attack and can take 2-3hours, but valk can speed the fuck out of that). The only issue is you are going to want every healer, which they are not common drops. If the game is getting slow with her in the lead feel free to bench her, basically if you don't have all the healers on your team she's rather weak feeling.

Basically once you get her up and running and have a valk friend you have 6x damage and a bunch of healers to just spam heal yourself to full, oh and succubus will be poisoning the enemies making things nice and quick. If your Valk is 30, she'll really help carry you, if she's low leveled, you are probably going to want to sink your early XP into another good rare pull to make the early game easy.

Most of the recommended pulls honestly aren't that great early game, but are amazing late game, many of the good early game monsters you will not want to use late game anyways, and are more common, honestly the bulk of a standard team is probably going to be dragons and other easy to get to drop things, so you can just main one of them if you really need to. Hell use your starter, you wont get the most PAL points, but PAL pulls are trash. The starter is actually really really good.

Really Valk is awesome and will help you get by so many areas that suck, but what makes her good are the harder to obtain healers, so she will seam weak at first when playing, and she kinda is without the healers. So don't feel disappointed, she really will make the game fucking awesome after a week two. (and you will be playing this game for months).
[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 1/11/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to
(A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)
A: 9:00 14:00 19:00
B: 10:00 15:00 20:00
C: 11:00 16:00 21:00
D: 12:00 17:00 22:00
E: 8:00 13:00 18:00


Golden Knight of the Realm
So I was planning on going fire, but ended up drawing a siren (well, a mermaid anyway) early. Should I make a dark team then since the siren active removes fire gems?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Game is starting to annoy me, I'm to the point where I can't progress any more because the God healer I have fucking cant do dick in damage, I try to level it, took like 15 fusions to do so and she got no better at healing and does 5 more damage. I can't get pact the boss battle in the dungeon I'm in and I'm like level 8. I'm about to hang it up.
What I would do if I were you is to bench the healer for the time being and to use your starter dragon and go back and do some of the easier dungeons to get material to level him up. Then, once you have ranked up some and have a decent support team, start rocking the healer again.


<Prior Amod>
Was your god level 30 out of the box? If so then leave it alone for a long time, hell my Shiva is still only 35 or so as the cost of levelling it is nuts and I know I won't have the stuff to evolve it to it's 6 star form for a good while anyway.
No, level 5. Should I reroll?


Well, Ameratsu is one for the longer term, if you haven't got many healer friends with siren/angel etc it could be slow going early on. As Composter suggested pretty much ignore the big unit for now and try building a mono team around your starter dragons colour. It shouldn't be too hard to grab an ogre/goblin or two etc and bulk up a bit to get some dungeons cranked out.

Within a couple of days I had 10+ Sirens/Enchanters in my friends list and they logged in enough for me to almost always have one to use, it carried my useless arse a very long way before I got a decent lineup and even now I rately use anything other than a healer friend unit so I can convert health to fire orbs as often as possible.

Tried the Expert Friday Sprite dungeon earlier, was doing okay until I hit a strong sprite. Bugger hits for 6660
Time to read up on a zombie team!


<WoW Guild Officer>
Red Ogre with a Red carbuncle (leveled to 2 star) should do a lot for you with the red team.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So I should reroll then. Fuck it, this is my last go at it.
No, just redo some of the lower red dungeons for some guys. The daily dungeon today is Sprites (and is EASY). Should get some evo material and be able to go.

Fuck rerolling, it's setup with the rare finder to get a competent team for the early play.