Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
My good friend, who is Chinese, has Jimmy for his white-man name. Not James, but Jimmy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The thing is, it's really not a complex issue.

There's a couple of different ways to see racism.

1> All races are inherently equal, treating races differently in any way is racism, and racism is fundamentally evil.
1a> But only prejudice + power = racism, if you lack social power you can't be racist.
2> All races are inherently equal and most of what we see as racial differences are cultural differences, and treating people differently based on race is stupidity in general
3> Races are not inherently equal, treating different races differently is ok

Thats basically the positions, everyone falls into one of them, and only 3 is really wrong, but 1a just makes you an sjw homo.
How about 4> All individuals are inherently unequal, but that doesn't mean anyone should treat them unequally.


Musty Nester
Char Lee. Crever.

I think I might be the least racist person on these boards. You're all just 17 year old korean girls to me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
How about 4> All individuals are inherently unequal, but that doesn't mean anyone should treat them unequally.
Thats a variation of #1, where you just say everyone should be treated equally because reasons. Even when they aren't equal but it has nothing to do with race.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No. What thread is he going goofy over women in?


Bronze Squire
I knew Gravy was white. Have people not seen the women he goes goofy over?
I didn't realise I was going goofy.

I definitely do have a non-preference as far as women go, though. And it's probably racist? I don't think it is, but on the whole I find women from India and regions close-by not as attractive as other races. Is my dick racist? I'll have to spank that little fucker.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I didn't realise I was going goofy.

I definitely do have a non-preference as far as women go, though. And it's probably racist? I don't think it is, but on the whole I find women from India and regions close-by not as attractive as other races. Is my dick racist? I'll have to spank that little fucker.
Honestly I thought you were black too and just liked non black women lol. You're so much less cool now


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also how the fuck am I gonna say I have a black friend now to prove I'm not racist.


<Prior Amod>
I didn't realise I was going goofy.

I definitely do have a non-preference as far as women go, though. And it's probably racist? I don't think it is, but on the whole I find women from India and regions close-by not as attractive as other races. Is my dick racist? I'll have to spank that little fucker.
Your dick is probably too 'Merica for you, or maybe you just think that if you're bedding one and about to get it on, you can't help but think that, that red dot on her forehead is cultural, and not that Seal Team 6 is about to storm the place in, 5, 4, 3


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Go to a Republican town hall. The non tea baggers stock ma token Bryant Gumble type for that exact purpose. Not even joking.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The thing is, it's really not a complex issue.

There's a couple of different ways to see racism.

1> All races are inherently equal, treating races differently in any way is racism, and racism is fundamentally evil.
1a> But only prejudice + power = racism, if you lack social power you can't be racist.
2> All races are inherently equal and most of what we see as racial differences are cultural differences, and treating people differently based on race is stupidity in general
3> Races are not inherently equal, treating different races differently is ok

Thats basically the positions, everyone falls into one of them, and only 3 is really wrong, but 1a just makes you an sjw homo.
This post makes this thread easy. Im in the #2 camp and think that these issues would be a lot easier for ua to discuss and solve if more people thought of it in terms of cultural differences / bigotry instead of racial ones.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Usually when someone resorts to "I can't explain it any other way" it's a yellow flag. They probably don't understand, or have not fully examined, the opinion that they hold.

In his case specifically he's talking about systemic institutional racism. And his solution is more systemic institutional racism. No wonder he can't explain it any other way. If he said what he actually meant (and it sounds like he realizes what he means) he might just realize how dumb it is. Sometimes it takes saying it out loud.
I dont agree with tarrants friend but i also dont think him declining to reword his argument ia a yellow flag. I wish more people would have the confidence in their argument to state it and let it stand without going in circles.


what Suineg set it to
This post makes this thread easy. Im in the #2 camp and think that these issues would be a lot easier for ua to discuss and solve if more people thought of it in terms of cultural differences / bigotry instead of racial ones.
Is it really 'cultural' though or simply lifestyle choices? I'm not so sure in the first world that culture is not a choice anymore. 50+ years ago when you simply didn't travel as much, yea you are what your town made you. Now? Everyone has the internet. If you choose to be a racist fundie in Iowa or a gangbanger in South Chi-town, I mean that's on you for the most part.

Every kid has a ton of competing influences on them: parents/grandparents/friends/religion/school/sports/bullies/teachers/heroes/movies/superheroes/etc. It's kind of bullshit to say that people who have the option to choose to be different are 'just the way they are lol' IE how all the SJWs say non-white, non-male, non-christians are excused from everything because 'lol racism' or whatever.

TL;DR: It's ok to claim 'cultural' differences in a place like those islands near New Zealand where they still don't realize what WW2 was about and they call everything 'cargo', but I don't think you can just 'blame culture' on the misdeeds or choices of anyone who has internet access at this point.


Got something right about marriage
Is it really 'cultural' though or simply lifestyle choices? I'm not so sure in the first world that culture is not a choice anymore. 50+ years ago when you simply didn't travel as much, yea you are what your town made you. Now? Everyone has the internet. If you choose to be a racist fundie in Iowa or a gangbanger in South Chi-town, I mean that's on you for the most part.

Every kid has a ton of competing influences on them: parents/grandparents/friends/religion/school/sports/bullies/teachers/heroes/movies/superheroes/etc. It's kind of bullshit to say that people who have the option to choose to be different are 'just the way they are lol' IE how all the SJWs say non-white, non-male, non-christians are excused from everything because 'lol racism' or whatever.

TL;DR: It's ok to claim 'cultural' differences in a place like those islands near New Zealand where they still don't realize what WW2 was about and they call everything 'cargo', but I don't think you can just 'blame culture' on the misdeeds or choices of anyone who has internet access at this point.
You sound very out of touch with the realities of small town America and/or ghettos.