Ravvenn is the Megan Fox of Hooking

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<Prior Amod>
The rule is no POSTING of RL information.


<Gold Donor>
Prefacing this by again mentioning that I donated a fairly significant amount directly to her at the beginning for both Haley and the animal rescue, so I was a potential sucker for quite awhile and privy to a lot of her random texts about her woes. I wonder if that PC "in storage" is the same one she pawned because it wasn't working anymore? It was in one of her old pics on FoH I believe, a nice laptop that had some WoW shit on it I believe. Or maybe it got stolen by one of her roommates that stole all her shit (apparently every single one of them is guilty of this)?

Either way, I doubt we'll ever see any "confirmation" even if it did exist, because unless she made up everything about roommates and pawn shops, that computer is long gone. If it somehow made it into storage, the last I heard (maybe a year ago? more?) the moving company was "extorting" her and wanted more money, so I can't imagine she's raised the exorbitant fee to get her shit back. I believe they were already on the verge of selling it to recoup losses back then. But I don't believe the laptop was even in that.

To be honest though, I have no idea why she'd try to pin something on Tuco. I mean, I don't believe her for a minute, for two reasons: first, while I know this is the internet, I just can't see Tuco doing anything even remotely close to that, and second, with all the crazy shit she told me in an effort to garner sympathy, some of which is really fucking dark and out there, you'd think she would have mentioned this one.

Still, it mystifies me why she'd target Tuco, unless there is some bad blood there over the previous thread, or they clashed as mods perhaps? Not that any other mod here is more of a target really I suppose, but still just seems strange to me.


<Gold Donor>
Oops. Did I miss something obvious by reading over shit too fast?

Or is it about the Tuco thing, that everyone knows he didn't do it? If so, I get that, I was just wondering why she'd even get it into her head to accuse him in the first place, that's all. Not that I think there is a basis for any of it.


This shit's getting good. Now all we need is Salty and his Hosebeast to come forward with proof they paid for a menage-a-trois with Ravvenn.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Does anyone other than Sir Tarrant of the Ivory Tower of Xbox really think her brother beat her up? Ordinary day to day women make up crazy bullshit to get attention. This is an ex-EQ playing smack whore who has been PROVEN to be a scammer and liar. Never trust a junky. Words to live by.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I believe there is about 0.000006% chance her brother beat her up and there is about 0.000004% chance she even has a brother.


Musty Nester
I trust tuco when he says, "I never had sex with that woman".

He did the fingerpoint and then the half-thumb emphasis and everything.

If Tuco says that he never drove to Ohio in order to stick cigars up her cooch, I believe him. If tuco says that while on the long drive back to his girlfriend in michigan he was never overcome with misgivings over his nearly compulsive indiscretion, I believe him. If Tuco claims that he never crafted a plot over the following weeks, as the guilt slowly gnawed at him and made him withdraw from his loving spanish soon-to-be-bride, then it is on the accuser to provide proof rather than the accused. If Tuco says that he did not then, with some moral trepidation, launch his plan to "make sure that dumb whore kept her whore mouth shut" and set into motion a series of events which ultimately ended with said whore keeping her fucking whore mouth shut, then I simply believe him.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am always confused why whores/strippers always seem to look down upon their clients. Its like ... they're the ones with the money. You're the one taking off your clothes for cash. It doesn't get lower. You can't look down from rock bottom.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Superfreakonomics has that chapter about the escort who made megabillz being a hooker.

She had a better business plan tho
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