Reason hate pirates ninjas

Millie said:
Your logic just isn"t adding up, Galiem. You claim your wife"s purse was stolen, yet neither you nor your wife saw the supposed thief. And from there, you make the assumption that the thief had to have been one of the people using the bank, and driving a nice car? The odds of that happening are ridiculously slim.
I wasn"t with her. If the thief was not some one there when she came out, then it had to be some one with the uncanny ability to hide under dirt, because that"s all that is nearby.

As has been mentioned before, one of two things happened here:

a) The thief had been lurking or had just entered the parking lot, saw your wife with her purse unattended, snatched it, and ran

b) Your wife misplaced the purse and, having lost it, assumed it was stolen
Both are wrong, with absolute certainty. She didn"t notice the thief taking it. Well, people can move quietly. She would have heard a car enter the parking lot. She heard the one that left. It could not have been some one on foot. Like I said, there"s no place to hide, run to, walk to, etc. Nobody was in the parking lot or the land around the bank when she found it missing, and only very nice cars were there.

There are only two possibilities: A thief stole a car and then a purse, or some rich asshole stole money from a woman who had an infant with her. Either way, that person is a piece of shit.

If the thief had actually been a bank customer in a fancy car, wouldn"t it follow that you"d see one of those cars speeding off soon after the theft? And couldn"t you have written down a license plate number, or at least the color/make/model of the car?
There was a car that left while she was struggling with the carseat. She could have gotten the liscence plate number beforehand, if she were in the habbit of writing down the number for every car that she sees.

Also, where is the motive for a rich person to snatch your wife"s purse? It just doesn"t make any sense on any level. If someone has enough money, he/she doesn"t need to steal purses to make ends meet. If they need to feed an addiction or something, they can afford to do it on their own. Hence, the term "rich" person.
For the thrill of stealing? To pay for crack? To get by on after being fired? I can think of many reasons why a rich person would steal. Rich != Saint

And does this incident really warrant your latest tirade against humanity in general? As a representative from humanity, I can tell you that we"re getting pretty sick of it.
When have I ever tiraded against humanity before? I have only ever tiraded specifically against Muslims.
Eomer said:
Attempted, the Pentel P205 5mm mechanical pencil did not achieve penetration.
Your skull is mighty indeed. I will go now in defeat to mourn the comparitive weakness of my own skull.

C&TV, the emo thing makes no fucking sense. Getting stolen from = emo? Fuck, why define "emo" at all? Just use it for anything. Pardon me now, I have to go take a wicked emo while I think about my skull.
Not really, ralph. They were in her car, and it was searched. Unless she shoved the purse in her vagina, then she couldn"t have taken it. I"d search her vagina, but I"d really rather not. It wouldn"t be worth the money that was stolen.


GaliemVaelant said:
or some rich asshole
Just because someone has a nice car doesn"t make them rich, particularly in an area like Louisiana where you are likely to see someone with a nice car living in a trailer park.

Can I assume she walked back into the bank to make sure she didn"t actually leave it in there while distracted by her child rather than put it on the car?
Liz said:
Just because someone has a nice car doesn"t make them rich, particularly in an area like Louisiana where you are likely to see someone with a nice car living in a trailer park.
Good point! That"s very true.

Can I assume she walked back into the bank to make sure she didn"t actually leave it in there while distracted by her child rather than put it on the car?
Aye, of course she did.


I would like your wife to register an account so that we can talk to her too. I"m sure Millie or Britt would be willing to make an exception to activate it.


GaliemVaelant said:
Really. Honestly. Please, just die.
i usually just skim over what you post because it"s generally not that interesting, mostly self-righteous, and consistantly shitty.

aren"t you a scientist or something??

while i hate to take pot shots at people on the internet because i think it"s pointless (apart from doing it to blazen), i think you should take your own advice.


Trakanon Raider
I was just assuming Galiem was his wife"s cousin...being from Louisiana and all. So...the question is...
How did you fit the purse in your vagina?


GaliemVaelant said:
Both are wrong, with absolute certainty. She didn"t notice the thief taking it. Well, people can move quietly. She would have heard a car enter the parking lot. She heard the one that left. It could not have been some one on foot. Like I said, there"s no place to hide, run to, walk to, etc. Nobody was in the parking lot or the land around the bank when she found it missing, and only very nice cars were there.
A bank without any security cameras, or trees/bushes to hide behind, and mighty morphin power cars that form like Voltron into 1 super car halfway through the story and then back into a BMW/Hummer/Lexus when it"s time to leave.

I lol"d, would lol again. Your wife and her cousin spent it at McDonalds. Next thread please.


GaliemVaelant said:
I"m pretty pissed off, and need to vent this some where.

My wife went to the bank with her cousin, had finished her business, and was buckling the little one into his car seat when her purse was stolen. Along with it, all our money, her ID, etc.

The only cars in the parking lot were nice ones. I mean BMWs, Porsches, NICE, new cars. This means that some piece of shit who is already rich or close to it stole from a woman with an infant.

I hate human beings. If there were a God, then we"d have been killed off a long time ago. Every where I turn, I see another, bigger, uglier piece of shit, and not one fucking decent human being in the lot.
How dense can your fucking wife be to not notice someone jacking her purse in the fifteen seconds it takes to buckle a child? Unless David shittin" Copperfield decided he wanted to make an easy $20 there"s no way that someone could have mysteriously vanished like your wife claims.

It doesn"t suprise me that once again you deliver a pathetic abortion of a thread. Give us an update when the said thief starts calling your house and threatening to kill you. Until then, you can stitch yourself a Batman costume and scour the night looking for your invisible criminal because nobody here gives a flying fuck.