Reason hate pirates ninjas


GaliemVaelant said:
She stood up, and the purse was gone, one of the other cars was gone, and there was nobody around.
Ok, so let me get this straight. The mysterious thief was quick and silent enough to sneak by your wife, cousin, and child in broad daylight, undetected even though some of them would CLEARLY have seen him coming through the windows, unheard by anyone, snatch the purse and drive off - silently - in the course of a few seconds.

This can only mean one thing, my friend. Your purse was stolen by Batman. Why? I don"t know, but he"s Batman, for Christ"s sake. I"m pretty sure he had a damned good reason.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I don"t even play an MMO right now but nice try I guess. Even if I did, I"d much rather MMO"s be my reality that that giant piece of ugly you call a wife.

Waitafuckingminute. Where did I get the druid zing from? That"s right moron, from a post you made on Vanguard forums bitching that Druids aren"t true to your heritage. Who"s fucking reality is MMO"s now fuckwhit?

What the fuck are you basing my "MMO reality" on? Because I"m on the same board as you? Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You are a goddamn reject in life and on the internet.
SorcererOfXegony said:
Gayliem... To post such a retarded story of a big mistake that your dear wife made is like politely DEMANDING us to make fun of her.

If you were expecting a bunch of " ohh gee, im so sorry to hear that " you obviously dont know who the fuck most of us are.

Your wife should drop kick you in the balls for even posting it in a forum full of humorific people. Nice job DICK
Humorific? Child porn is not funny. Talking about raping kids... NOT funny. Pictures of shit, videos of some woman farting, and snuff films... NOT funny. There"s nothing funny about this place anymore. It"s just sickening.

Yeah, you could have posted, "Sorry to hear that," or joked in good humor. Instead, you monkeys attacked because that"s all that you"re capable of. That"s not humor; it"s a disability on your part. You"re fucking unable by any means to even attempt to be funny without specifically targetting someone.

I hope that this thread is entertaining. I honestly do, because it would be one of the very few entertaining things on this forum in a long time, if that were the case.

Live it up, monkeys. Sling your shit. I know you are capable of nothing else.

Millie said:
This can only mean one thing, my friend. Your purse was stolen by Batman. Why? I don"t know, but he"s Batman, for Christ"s sake. I"m pretty sure he had a damned good reason.
THIS is humorific. Y"all could learn a lot from Millie.

Pirate Batman. I"ll tear off his hook AND his mask!


Millie said:
Ok, so let me get this straight. The mysterious thief was quick and silent enough to sneak by your wife, cousin, and child in broad daylight, undetected even though some of them would CLEARLY have seen him coming through the windows, unheard by anyone, snatch the purse and drive off - silently - in the course of a few seconds.

This can only mean one thing, my friend. Your purse was stolen by Spider Man. Why? I don"t know, but he"s Spider Man, for Christ"s sake. I"m pretty sure he had a damned good reason.


GaliemVaelant said:
Heh, now we should hurt infants? Jesus, you people really are fucking depraved. Some of you should be in fucking prison, just to protect the general public.

Wait... Wait... Yeah, I forgot, an infant is not twelve years old yet, and thus is not quite in your preferred age range for sexual victims.

edit: I"ve not broken, you fucking retards. You want someone to hate? Like I said, I"ll be that. Bring it on, motherfuckers. Keep talking, so that more and more people who read your dribble can see what sorry excuses for human beings you are. Tell me more about hurting infants, or better yet, start talking about fart porn or boning Dakota Fanning. Show lurkers what damn fine human beings make up FoHSS.

Better yet, tell me how failing to adopt the fucked up mindset represented here lately makes someone stupid. By your measure, the vast majority of society is stupid. Really, y"all would love prison. You could fuck with eachother over being ass raped every day! You"d be surrounded by your kindred spirits. You"d have to sleep in the same room your toilet is in, and would be able to see your cell mates" shit all you want. Why wouldn"t you love it? It sounds like it"s fucking right up y"all"s alley.
Haha, he finally lost it.

Taking bets on what"s gonna go down. My bet is on a full out serial killing rampage, sniping people from a tall tower... military style.
Korbal said:
Haha, he finally lost it.

Taking bets on what"s gonna go down. My bet is on a full out serial killing rampage... military style.
I lack one fifty caliber sniper rifle. There"s no other way to properly go on a military killing spree, and I don"t feel like ordering one. Sorry to dissapoint.

Samus Aran_foh

Millie said:
Ok, so let me get this straight. The mysterious thief was quick and silent enough to sneak by your wife, cousin, and child in broad daylight, undetected even though some of them would CLEARLY have seen him coming through the windows, unheard by anyone, snatch the purse and drive off - silently - in the course of a few seconds.

This can only mean one thing, my friend. Your purse was stolen by Batman. Why? I don"t know, but he"s Batman, for Christ"s sake. I"m pretty sure he had a damned good reason.
Well apparently his wife is Batman, because it"s OBVIOUS she"s fucking stole the money. Either that, or this happened:

Okay, so Galiem"s wife is having a hard time with her struggling kid and purse at the same time. A little old lady on a motorized cart comes by and Galiem"s wife says, "Excuse me, little old lady?". The old lady puts her cart in reverse and says, "May I help you?"
To which Galiems wife responds, "Hey, can you hold my purse here, while I try and strap my son into his car seat?" She agrees, and Galiem"s wife says, "Hey, I guess they"re right. Senior citizens, all though slow, and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. Don"t you go diein" on me!" With that, the little old lady hauls off at an insane 3mph while Galiem"s wife struggles to get the kid strapped in.

When she turns around... nothing...


GaliemVaelant said:
I lack one fifty caliber sniper rifle. There"s no other way to properly go on a military killing spree, and I don"t feel like ordering one. Sorry to dissapoint.
lol, nice... Perfect guess, you posted this as I was editing in the sniper part.

PS: It was the fucking pirates... Fuck the ninjas.


Galiem, somewhere between the first time I bothered to post in the SS forum having a go at Uber in the IRL thread, Brittney setting my ass straight on how Uber was one of the few keeping it real and Uber threatening to staple my labias to my chin someone sent me a PM saying, "A handful of the folks who post here do so because this is the one place they can be total pricks to anyone they want." Stop taking all of this so personally, it only fuels the fire and makes it worse.
Korbal said:
lol, nice... Perfect guess, you posted this before I edited in the sniper part.

PS: It was the fucking pirates... Fuck the ninjas.
There"s only one way to properly go on a military killing spree There also aren"t a lot of water towers around here, lol.

It was pirates. It was Pirate Batman. Ninjas would have taken the money and left the purse without being noticed.

We just got a call about this. They found the purse (minus money, of course). It was in a dumpster in the next town over. That completely clears the wife. She didn"t have time between when she left the house and got back to go to that town.

Then again, if she"s Pirate Batman, then she could travel faster than normal.

Liz said:
Galiem, somewhere between the first time I bothered to post in the SS forum having a go at Uber in the IRL thread, Brittney setting my ass straight on how Uber was one of the few keeping it real and Uber threatening to staple my labias to my chin someone sent me a PM saying, "A handful of the folks who post here do so because this is the one place they can be total pricks to anyone they want." Stop taking all of this so personally, it only fuels the fire and makes it worse.
I"m not taking it personally, Liz, I"m just playing the role I"ve been assigned. I walk away if this shit starts to bother me in the least. I know that about FoHSS, but stil, the notch has been extremely lowered in terms of humor lately. That is serious. Without proper FoHSS humor, then how will children in Africa learn about skull encaving?


god that bitch must be fucking retarded to be with a guy like that. she"d probably have to suck dick like a hurricane to be with anyone else that has a normal intelligence.

Samus Aran_foh

GaliemVaelant said:
I"ve said it a few times in PMs now. This forum used to be a place where anyone could come, and no matter how fucked up their perspective in life, they could bullshit and laugh with others. Seems the monkeys have taken over, and now if you"re not a pedophile homophobe who loves shit pics and fart porn, and taking it up the ass depite that homophobia then you have no place being here.
You don"t remember the SS history very well it seems.

Fucking "03er.


fohss was founded on, believe it or not: everquest screenshots. somehow you lost that idea and now we got this sorry state of affairs.

Samus Aran_foh

This forum has never hit any lower than it did the time ya"ll were cracking jokes on that little girl who got horribly disfigured by the drunk driver and that was about 3 or more years ago. there was never a "golden age" for the fohss forum becuase its always been like this. As for your bogus story, please stop adding to the lie. Just say it was all a goof and be done with it. Even if it really did happen, just say you made it up becuase if it really did happen like you or your alter ego pretending to be your wife say it went down then you/you impersonating a wife are one dumb motherfucker who shouldnt be allowed to procreate.


GaliemVaelant said:
I"m not taking it personally, Liz, I"m just playing the role I"ve been assigned.
Man, I didn"t want to... But you"re the only one that has assigned that role to you. You can"t say, "This forum used to be a place where anyone could come, and no matter how fucked up their perspective in life, they could bullshit and laugh with others" and then deny "the monkeys" that same priviledge and the "monkey" thing isn"t cool.

I hate to say it but I lol"d at the fart porn...


I"ve been poking fun at you Galiem, as has pretty much everyone (because it is far too easy to do), but overall I think you are an alright guy. You just need to chill out. I know you say you don"t take this stuff personally, but it is obvious that you do.