Recommend a dating site


<Silver Donator>
I've played it cool and not contacted her, but she keeps contacting me. It went on for about 3 hours last night. I was half-wasted at a bar when it started. Now she's all "I'm not seeing anyone, including the ex. I want to take it slooowww. By the way, I need you to come by my house and fix my printer." ahahaha Oh man.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I've played it cool and not contacted her, but she keeps contacting me. It went on for about 3 hours last night. I was half-wasted at a bar when it started. Now she's all "I'm not seeing anyone, including the ex. I want to take it slooowww. By the way, I need you to come by my house and fix my printer." ahahaha Oh man.
You know the "fix my printer" translates to 'fix my pussy", right?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've played it cool and not contacted her, but she keeps contacting me. It went on for about 3 hours last night. I was half-wasted at a bar when it started. Now she's all "I'm not seeing anyone, including the ex. I want to take it slooowww. By the way, I need you to come by my house and fix my printer." ahahaha Oh man.
No harm in that. Just keep your feelings in check, man. She's being honest. That's all you can ask for. Let her move the relationship forward. Don't bring that stuff up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Now she's all "I'm not seeing anyone, including the ex. I want to take it slooowww. By the way, I need you to come by my house and fix my printer." ahahaha Oh man.
Oh my. Guess the ex just wanted a quick pump and dump. And that printer isn't going to fix itself! LOL.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've played it cool and not contacted her, but she keeps contacting me. It went on for about 3 hours last night. I was half-wasted at a bar when it started. Now she's all "I'm not seeing anyone, including the ex. I want to take it slooowww. By the way, I need you to come by my house and fix my printer." ahahaha Oh man.
If it helps just be aware that when online dating you and the girl have virtually nothing invested in one another and it is very, very common for someone you are interested in to just all of a sudden stop responding to your messages and texts. Just move on. I used to take it personally but around the 10th time it happened I just decided to fuck it and never get invested in anyone until maybe 3+ actual real life dates. Even after the first date it would happen that there would be no chemistry. I used to try the "You're a great girl ... buuuuut" line but then I decided it is actually easier on everyone involved to just cut off contact completely and not even respond to her texts. Sometimes I felt like a dick but it is just the nature of the beast of online dating. A few times I felt bad but after they kept texting and going "Why aren't you responding?!" and shit but they'd eventually stop texting after a week or so of being ignored.


Got something right about marriage
If it helps just be aware that when online dating you and the girl have virtually nothing invested in one another and it is very, very common for someone you are interested in to just all of a sudden stop responding to your messages and texts. Just move on. I used to take it personally but around the 10th time it happened I just decided to fuck it and never get invested in anyone until maybe 3+ actual real life dates. Even after the first date it would happen that there would be no chemistry. I used to try the "You're a great girl ... buuuuut" line but then I decided it is actually easier on everyone involved to just cut off contact completely and not even respond to her texts. Sometimes I felt like a dick but it is just the nature of the beast of online dating. A few times I felt bad but after they kept texting and going "Why aren't you responding?!" and shit but they'd eventually stop texting after a week or so of being ignored.
Haha, let's not pretend that ignoring someone is "easier on everyone". It's just easier on you because you've created a fantasy wherein this woman you are cutting off will be so heartbroken over how wonderful you are that she's going to cause drama and/or beg, when in reality as long as you aren't a dickhead that almost never happens. It's far more decent to just simply say "It was nice meeting you, I enjoyed our conversation but I don't think we had any romantic chemistry". You might not realize it but the "You're a great girl... buuuuut" line is about as condescending and patronizing as you can get. It's incredibly fake, and people don't like being treated with obvious insincerity.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Haha, let's not pretend that ignoring someone is "easier on everyone". It's just easier on you because you've created a fantasy wherein this woman you are cutting off will be so heartbroken over how wonderful you are that she's going to cause drama and/or beg, when in reality as long as you aren't a dickhead that almost never happens. It's far more decent to just simply say "It was nice meeting you, I enjoyed our conversation but I don't think we had any romantic chemistry". You might not realize it but the "You're a great girl... buuuuut" line is about as condescending and patronizing as you can get. It's incredibly fake, and people don't like being treated with obvious insincerity.
I have no fantasy about this. You seem to paint me as a completely different person than I actually am for your own fantasy about me (stop fantasizing about me, btw.) Saying things aren't working out leads to them asking why which leads to you having to give specific reasons why you don't like the girl. Which basically means I have to insult and critique this girl I barely even know -- I just know I don't want to pursue a relationship with her. 9/10 it was obvious we didn't have a connection and we'd both just mutually stop communicating to one another. It wasn't the standard for one side to be oblivious.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I have no fantasy about this. You seem to paint me as a completely different person than I actually am for your own fantasy about me (stop fantasizing about me, btw.) Saying things aren't working out leads to them asking why which leads to you having to give specific reasons why you don't like the girl. Which basically means I have to insult and critique this girl I barely even know -- I just know I don't want to pursue a relationship with her. 9/10 it was obvious we didn't have a connection and we'd both just mutually stop communicating to one another. It wasn't the standard for one side to be oblivious.
Nothing wrong with saying exactly this, which you said yourself:

we didn't have a connection, I just know I don't want to pursue a relationship with you. Thank you for a nice date, bye!

Rather than ignoring her like a fucking douchey 12 year old.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Are you speaking from experience? Because that isn't how things go. There will always be follow ups to a line that you put down like that and generally anger. This reeks of "In my guy's mind this all makes sense and she should be happy with my honesty and appreciate me for that!" but it never quite works out that way. I've tried it both ways and the flat out stop responding approach worked out the best.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Are you speaking from experience? Because that isn't how things go. There will always be follow ups to a line that you put down like that and generally anger. This reeks of "In my guy's mind this all makes sense and she should be happy with my honesty and appreciate me for that!" but it never quite works out that way. I've tried it both ways and the flat out stop responding approach worked out the best.
I think its ok to flat out stop responding after saying that you're going to flat out stop responding because you're not interested. Just stopping responding without saying anything is douchey. My $0.02


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thats your opinion and I held it as well until I was slogging through internet dating for over 6 months going on a date at least once a week -- generally more often. It became very tiresome trying to do the "let them down easy" and generally they'd actually continue to communicate more after sending a goodbye text (possibly because I would semi-occasionally respond if I felt it warranted a response.) But in the online world it is very routine to know if you go on a date and they don't respond to your next text after a few days its over. Move on. Most would. Like I said very rarely would someone continue to hammer your phone.


Got something right about marriage
Are you speaking from experience? Because that isn't how things go. There will always be follow ups to a line that you put down like that and generally anger. This reeks of "In my guy's mind this all makes sense and she should be happy with my honesty and appreciate me for that!" but it never quite works out that way. I've tried it both ways and the flat out stop responding approach worked out the best.
That line I gave is what I use 100% of the time, verbatim, word for word. I either get no response, or a response that says "I agree, it was nice meeting you, good luck out there". You're talking about much younger women than I am though I think. You were like 24 when you were online dating weren't you?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yes the vast majority of these girls were 2-4th year college. Occasionally a 1st year and occasionally someone out for a year or so but most college. I've also been out of the napalm strike strategy online dating world for a few years so maybe things have changed but I doubt they've changed a ton.


Got something right about marriage
Nah that's just the age. I'd probably not say anything if I were dating 18-20 year old women too. But I don't think Gnome is a youngster dating other youngsters.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was really just trying to help him out to not taking a girl falling off the face of the Earth personally. It is something that actually took me a while to get over when I first started online dating.


<Silver Donator>
Well, this girl didn't disappear. We've gone on several dates. I even did the "get her friends's approval" date and she said they liked me. As I said, things were great until her ex showed up. She says she's not going to see or talk to him anymore. She seems sincere when she says it, but who the hell knows. I've been trying to give her space, but she keeps texting me wanting to talk. /shrug


NeoGaf Donator
Since I announced I'm moving out of state at the end of the month pussy has been raining down. From girls I know socially to okc/tinder dates. I didn't even really plan it that way but about 70% of my inbox is "wanna hook up before you go?"

I've seriously railed like 7 girls over the past month. Had to turn down two exes who wanted me to fuck them in front of their current boyfriend though...

Also one tinder conversation got a little weird. She mentioned that she was at home listening to Chopin. I responded with "wanna get a little drunk and listen to classical together?" She was down and right before I left for her place she got weird and said that she wanted to roleplay me breaking in, fucking her, "murdering" her and then fucking her again. Unswipe. That's a sexual assault charge waiting to happen.

Edit: It's simply absurd that this clip has come to my mind so many times while thinking about my entire sexual history...