Red Pill: Bitches Are All the Same / MRA Circle Jerk


Registered Hutt
That sign, and the name of the movement, really makes me think y'all are gay. Men go their own way. And then you have a picture of an erect cock / crooked line. It's like a triple entendre. Just sayin.


Registered Hutt
And then my imagination has jumped to that group of old chicks in Jerry Maguire just bagging on men, saying how they're done with them, etc. but in reverse. It's not an attractive idea.


Vyemm Raider
And then my imagination has jumped to that group of old chicks in Jerry Maguire just bagging on men, saying how they're done with them, etc. but in reverse. It's not an attractive idea.
It's funny to me. The thread has moved past trying to debunk the Red Pill, because you can't. So now we've moved from discussing ideas to discussing people. Socrates does not approve.

Strong minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Weak minds discuss people. -Socrates


Registered Hutt
I am discussing an idea. The sign and name are problematic. And how do I know what y'all do? You've gone your own way. Like, elves of the forest. It's a mystery. You're free to gather and bag on chicks. I celebrate your freedom to do so.


Vyemm Raider
Himeo can you please advise us how RP actually worked for you, how many dates? how many 2nd/3rd dates. how many sexual conquests? how did they make you feel? Satisfied or lust for more? How many first date conquest how many times did you have a date after a conquest.

this will be the 3rd time i have asked. you say its a great system, but wont say the results!!

How did it work fo you ??


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
The thread has moved past trying to debunk the Red Pill, [bold]because you can't.[/bold]
Yes. Tell yourself that.



Vyemm Raider
So no acutal quantifiable data other than "it worked well for me?"

You understand how that can be a bit of a hard pill to swallow right?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It worked so well he decided to be a MGTOW and stop dating completely!


Vyemm Raider
So no acutal quantifiable data other than "it worked well for me?"
Go read the first post. All the "quantifiable data" you're looking for is already in this thread.

Red Pillers are making valuable information available to the community. I don't care if you, personally, swallow a pill or whatever. I just want to make sure you have access to this stuff if you ever get bored and want to see the world in a new way.


Vyemm Raider
I dont want stats, I want Himeo's anecdotal evidence. Art posts his, but i dont see any from Himeo,

I dont see any in the the first post, if i wanted to read C&P from Reddit, i would read reddit.

I want a personal account from this one guy.

Has it worked for you even once? was it satisfying? do you feel fufilled? if not why not and why did you stop using it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont want stats, I want Himeo's anecdotal evidence. Art posts his, but i dont see any from Himeo,

I dont see any in the the first post, if i wanted to read C&P from Reddit, i would read reddit.

I want a personal account from this one guy.

Has it worked for you even once? was it satisfying? do you feel fufilled? if not why not and why did you stop using it?

I recall him saying he was doing the RP thing then he "let a plate drop" in some way that was "really bad" or something which led him to MGTOW. Which made no sense to me, the whole point of spinning plates is if one drops or you have to let one drop you aren't heartbroken, you have other options to fall back on, interest from other girls. You know, same as chicks do with guys. So he's either using his own terminology wrong...or he was doing it all wrong, got his shit pushed in while trying to be a player and then decided to take his ball and go home to become a MGTOW.

I also remember in the past being told not to put stock in "red pill lite" or any blogger/site that doesn't accept the "fact" that women are inherently inferior to men, which is when I knew it was pointless to engage him. These conversations might have been in this thread but I'm thinking it was in the Marriage/Divorce thread before he was kicked out and started this one. I'm sure as hell not interested enough to go digging.


Pay to play forum
The Rickshaw plays by its own rules.

But yes, I think he fell in love with one of his plates and of course it didnt work out.

Edit. Found it

It is beautiful:

"I fell in love with one of the girls I've been seeing.

I can't stop thinking about her. About the way she smiles, the smell of her hair, the feeling of her lying next to me at night.

I didn't know I loved her until I broke up with her. The look on her face, it just destroyed me. I've been going in circles the last couple days trying to forget about her but I can't.

I'm not cut out for this Red Pill shit. I can't handle casual sex. I want more than that. But, I'm not crazy enough to get into a long term relationship or give up my freedom.

I don't know what the fuck to do. It might be easier to go back to celibacy.

Fuck my life."