Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow, I read the first 5-6 pages a while ago and thought "maybe the redpillthing isn't so bad"

Just read the last ten or so pages today. It's amazing how far down the rabbit hole this has gone.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Honestly, I have to check out of this thread. After Antarius's posts about his stepdad, mom and her several relationships, I just feel bad. I was raised by an awesome mom and I often take that for granted. I'm glad that I don't have these views on life, women, etc...but it's not really fun to troll after that shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. I had a whore mom but an awesome grandmother. It sucks to not have a positive female influence in your life. I managed to piece together positive influences for both sexes. Wasn't easy.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah Dumar tossed poor Antman to the wolves when he tapped out. I guess there is no loyalty among the Church of the RedPill.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know which of them is more damaged anyway. Dumar is clearly the lower-IQ, more easily influenced, everything is black & white retard of the two. But he seems relatively more harmless for all that. Antarius seems to have a lot of pent up female hatred, but he is smarter and sees the shades of gray in things. Antarius buys into RP because it validates his female hate. Dumar just follows the "script" because he's autistic and sees things in absolutes.

Jive Turkey

I get that it's probably tough coming from a shitty family - I didn't have to deal with that - but we've all got problems and coming from a shitty family doesn't give you a free pass to treat people like shit. There are plenty of people that come from broken homes and grown up into well functioning adults. I supposed I pity antarius to some degree, but he posts some pretty hateful and ignorant opinions in here. I have no problem lobbing some grief back at him in the same way I would have no problem treating a racist like that regardless of his upbringing. Upbringing is not an excuse and it's not insurmountable, though I will admit the wrong combination of brain physiology and early life experience can stack the deck heavily against you. That said, I'll probably back off a bit


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't know which of them is more damaged anyway. Dumar is clearly the lower-IQ, more easily influenced, everything is black & white retard of the two. But he seems relatively more harmless for all that. Antarius seems to have a lot of pent up female hatred, but he is smarter and sees the shades of gray in things. Antarius buys into RP because it validates his female hate. Dumar just follows the "script" because he's autistic and sees things in absolutes.
It's not hating women to do things that they are attracted to.

Women do not care about male weakness and neither does society, if you are weak, depressed, small, poor, uneducated, unconfident, not powerful then nobody cares. People only care about you when you're powerful or a pretty woman. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody gives a fuck about you. Society will always have a safety net for women, white knights will charge in, the state will provide and etc, as a man you have no such luxury, your propensity and ability to gain power is much higher than a woman's but your ability to hit rock bottom is far more pronounced too. As men we are more extreme than women. Women are typically average and don't move much either side of the bell curve, as men we are either highly successful geniuses of repute that feminists can but scoff and be jealous of, the posterboys for their esteemed patriarchy, or the ignored voiceless poverty stricken peasant class that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
I had a woman call me "privledged" last week (this woman spent 2 years at a private university costing 35,000 a year). Later that night we fucked. The next day she texted and said she wasn't interested in seeing me ever again because I was blind to my advantage, I said "ok". (She would have been horrible long-term partner, no way am I interested in taking on her disabling level of student loan debt.


I don't know which of them is more damaged anyway. Dumar is clearly the lower-IQ, more easily influenced, everything is black & white retard of the two. But he seems relatively more harmless for all that. Antarius seems to have a lot of pent up female hatred, but he is smarter and sees the shades of gray in things. Antarius buys into RP because it validates his female hate. Dumar just follows the "script" because he's autistic and sees things in absolutes.
You've provided no alternative explanation to anything we've discussed except feels & notions of gender equalism.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
It's not hating women to do things that they are attracted to.

I had a woman call me "privledged" last week (this woman spent 2 years at a private university costing 35,000 a year). Later that night we fucked. The next day she texted and said she wasn't interested in seeing me ever again because I was blind to my advantage, I said "ok". (She would have been horrible long-term partner, no way am I interested in taking on her disabling level of student loan debt.
sounds like a bitch. nothing more than a cumbucket at best.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
It's not hating women to do things that they are attracted to.
Its not the way you attract them, its the fact that you think you need to. And that you can't see one of them as human enough to be worthy of more than a quick fuck.


Molten Core Raider
Women do not care about male weakness and neither does society, if you are weak, depressed, small, poor, uneducated, confident, not powerful then nobody cares. People only care about you when you're powerful or a pretty woman. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody gives a fuck about you. Society will always have a safety net for women, white knights will charge in, the state will provide and etc, as a man you have no such luxury, your propensity and ability to gain power is much higher than a woman's but your ability to hit rock bottom is far more pronounced too. As men we are more extreme than women. Women are typically average and don't move much either side of the bell curve, as men we are either highly successful geniuses of repute that feminists can but scoff and be jealous of, the posterboys for their esteemed patriarchy, or the ignored voiceless poverty stricken peasant class that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
I agree with some of the points here -- mainly that society really doesn't give a shit and its up to the individual to make the best of the hand life dealt him. The first thing I do when I hear a man complainingabout anythingis take a look at what he has done AND plans to do to improve his situation.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
By the way, what happens when your looks succumb past the point where 20 year olds will fuck you, regardless of how much of an asshole you "pretend" to be? Will you decide then that it's finally worth your time to find a used-up beta-seeker to share companionship with in your later years, or will you realize you lack the social skills and basic levels of human empathy for even that? Just curious.
Maybe he'll be able to settle for a woman that did much the same during her youth and then ended up not being able to land a 5 herself when her body ends up looking like she tied sandbags around herself under her clothes.

Every time a douchebag has to settle for another douchebag, an angel gets its wings.