Remakes: What would you like to see?


Here's just a few I would like to see redone.

All the Quest games. Kings, Space, Police etc etc.
7th Guest
11th Hour
Rise of the Triad
Quake & Quake 2
Mechwarrior series
Cannon fodder
System Shock
Age of Empires
Warcraft 1
Ultima series
Blood and Blood 2
Deus Ex
Full Throttle
Legacy of Kain
Heretic and Hexen
Commander Keen
Wolfenstein 3D

That's all I can think of right now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Privateer. of all space sim games, that has, by far, remained closest to my heart. I played the crap out of all the wing commander games and would love to see some remakes (actual remakes... updated graphics and that's it), but privateer has always been at the top of my dream list. Starlancer was a great game too, but i wonder how much of that was because i bought my first force feedback joystick just to play that game and i have such rose-tinted glasses because of it.

tie fighter and x-wing vs tie fighter as well, but i never got into them NEARLY as much as the wing commander series. not because i didn't enjoy them, but because i was a kid with VERY limited spending money so i had to pick and choose.

someone said castlevania: SOTN and a huge part of me wants to agree, but another part of me knows that so much of the charm of that game was the art direction. it stands up so well today because of it and updating it would feel alienating.

i'd love to see more side scrollers on PSN or XBL like the the 80's x-men arcade game. that game was boss.

people have mentioned Master of Orion 3, but i had SUCH a hard time getting into it. i LOVED MOO2... loved it. MOO3 did NOTHING for me. i'd love to see a remake of MOO2


Mr. Poopybutthole
people have mentioned Master of Orion 3, but i had SUCH a hard time getting into it. i LOVED MOO2... loved it. MOO3 did NOTHING for me. i'd love to see a remake of MOO2
Uh, as the first person who mentioned MOO3, yeah none of us liked it. That was the whole point of what I said, a new Master of Orion that wasn't complete dogshit.
To those yearning for an Ogre Battle remake/sequel: they did make Ogre Battle 64, and it's actually really good. It's also available on virtual console.


Edit: Super Mario RPG remake/sequel wru
RIP Quintet =:emoji_nose:(

Paper Mario is the successor to Super Mario RPG (not nearly as charming though imo).

SOTN has Belmont family successors on the gameboy.

There's a game without the RPG elements of Shining Force on SNES called Bahamut Lagoon which isn't bad.

Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) was released somewhat recently and there is afan translation. You can even buy a cart or make one yourself so you can play it in your gameboy. I did because sound is part of the Mother 3 gameplay and the emulators out there can't do sound right. Don't forget the first Mother game on the NES if you've got a hankering for some more.

Also, I may be alone on this one, but I think remakes suck. They're always just a cash grab and development is usually offloaded to some other studio. There are very few that are really worthy of spending another bundle of cash on.


Totally agree on Mutant League Football, Master of Orion and X-Wing vs Tie Fighter

And I'd love to see new games of these series:

Bushido Blade
Syndicate (not in FPS style!)

Another Capitalism game wouldn't hurt either.


A Mod Real Quick
Tired of people asking for a FF7 remake. Why do we need it?

If you play the HD re-release for the PC, it's the same game with improved resolution. If SE re-made 7 there's a good chance that most people wouldn't like it, just like they never like anything square puts out. What are people hoping for exactly? The game is great in its current form, leave it alone.

Remake Phantasy Star 1 through 4. Oh wait they already did, but never released them in the US. Goddamnit, release them here.


That guy
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Doom + Doom II (the original styling with the crazy fast movement, etc.)
FF7/8/9. Yes I even liked 8. Though 9 isn't near as bad as 7 and 8 are, the graphics are just such a massive turn off for those two when playing on like a 55" screen.
SimCity 2000 with a better engine
Original Command & Conquer and Red Alert on a newer engine
MechWarrior 2 on a new engine. FrostBite 2? CryEngine 3? Don't care, the series needs to come back.
Total Annihilation on a new engine. Best RTS of all time and people are still pumping out new units and mods for it. AND the engine has aged decently well, including supporting all modern resolutions.
Tribes. PlanetSide 2 made my dick tingle a little bit reminding me of Tribes, but it just isn't the same without the crazy speed.


That guy
Shattered Galaxy - An amazing mmorts that sadly went down the drain with no support...
Total Annihilation - Best rts I've ever played, but most awful unit pathfind I've ever seen once you had alot of units swarming around.
holy shit didn't know anyone else on this board actually played SG, I was Atomix in that game way back when


Silver Knight of the Realm
Master of Magic
Tie Fighter

Endless Space is pretty similar to MOO. At least if feels similar to what I remember.


<Silver Donator>
How the fuck have they not made a modern day X wing vs Tie fighter is unbelievable. This game should have been made now with the technology we have, fuck.
I want a remake (re remake i guess?) of Pirates! with something like assasin's creed 3 for the battle engine. Pretty fucking please.


holy shit didn't know anyone else on this board actually played SG, I was Atomix in that game way back when
I still think its one of the best games I've played to this day... No mmorts has ever even been good at all except this one.

I was killbot and killboticus back then. I was Fiera on the good planet. Ran my own squad for a bit when overlord system was active since i had a lot of support, but i played mostly as TOFU after having left the game for a little bit and coming back.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
How the fuck have they not made a modern day X wing vs Tie fighter is unbelievable. This game should have been made now with the technology we have, fuck.
I want a remake (re remake i guess?) of Pirates! with something like assasin's creed 3 for the battle engine. Pretty fucking please.
Couple of reasons. First, the original games were really fucking hard. Modern devs, with few exceptions, do not make hard games because they want to sell them to the largest common denomenator. Second, these games were great as single player excusions, but developers have a hardon for multiplayer and DLC milking. Last, space combat sims have basically disapeared from modern gaming, because any retarded studio can make a FPS and sell copies.