ReRolled Minecraft Server IV


<Prior Amod>
Man I've never played a heavilly modded game and the screen shot above kind of intimidates me. I've watched videos on the advanced building of things and it always confuses me.
I'm Minecraft retarded.


<Prior Amod>
Do I have to download mods to play or is it all server side? I think I tried installing something once before and couldn't figure out how to get it to work.


Just go toFTB, download the client/manager. It is all one or two clicks from there. It installs all of the mods for you. You will probably have to go into the options and adjust the RAM/Memory/Whatever up to 5 or 6gb. It's default is 1 or 1.5gb and that is not enough to run Direwolf20 (Which is what the server runs).

It is intimidating at first. Hell, I have probably clocked 10-15 hours on the server (Maybe more. Yikes) and I have barely scratched the surface of one mod pack. I have not touched the solar/wind/etc 'Green' technology pack yet or the Forestry (Growing different species of trees, bees, etc) or either of the two (Or was it 3?!) Magic Packs involved in the pack. It is pretty fracking awesome. I am not sure I will ever be able to go back to a 'vanilla' server permanently.

The 'hammer' tool mod alone has me salivating whenever I log in. Easy (relative to almost everything else in the pack) to get tool that mines in a 3 tall by 3 wide plane? Yes please!

Plus, most of the people on the server are very helpful if you are lost/have questions.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I got my hammer yesterday


How does the auto repair function? Do i Have to be holding it? Is there a way to check durability (exact number) on the fly?


Not on the fly but it will give the exact numbers if you put in in the TC tool forge.

Also i have four mossy stones in my suite at Casa de Hiro. If you still need feel fee to grab some.

*just saw the autorepair screenshot nvm!


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Mossy autorepair seems so slow that it's almost not worth the modifier.

Am I doing something wrong.


<Gold Donor>
You can stack multiples of a modifier to increase it's effectiveness. Each time takes a multiplier spot however.


<Gold Donor>
I went over this last night.

You have to find ONE Moss Stone. Then use it in a Liquid Transposer, which will turn normal Cobblestone into Moss Stone, so long as you keep the machine running and supply it with plenty of water.
Did they change the way this worked? I've never had to find a moss stone first, I always just put regular cobble into the transposer and it just makes mossy. I'll hopefully be at that point sometime today so can verify if it still works, as I haven't found any mossy myself yet.

As for the auto-repair from moss, yeah it is a bit slow, but that's typically where I then try to do other shit around my base for awhile if I'm waiting for it to repair. And it supposedly repairs a little faster during daytime. I don't remember if having it on your hotbar matters or not, I don't think so. Just don't have it in a chest or backpack or pouch, etc.


Trakanon Raider
You don't need a mosy stone to make the mossy stone in the fluid transposer, just put a bucket of water into in and throw the cobble in, it makes 4 mossy stone per bucket of water.

And after looking at the Project Red, configs last night which is what add's the ability to grow mossy cobble, it's disabled for some odd reason, must be some lag maker or something only reason why they would disable it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Why not the cobalt head? Isnt it cheaper and faster?
The cobalt head would indeed be faster - it looks like for the hammers the mining speed is determined by the head and not by the plates.

Also, regarding the auto-repair: it is painfully slow (though slightly faster in sunlight). When I was dicking around in singleplayer I tossed the TE capacitor on mine, with the thought that energy is much easier to come by than cobalt. Unfortunately that didn't quite pan out how I expected... they charge quite slow, and if you try to charge them by using the TE Flux Capacitors, each tick of recharging resets your swing, meaning the super fancy cobalt hammer I built and loaded down with Redstone (for haste) is utterly wasted. Basically I can mine one block (well, one 3x3 area), and then have to wait for it to finish recharging before I can break the next one. Quite irritating.


<Gold Donor>
I have used Tinker's far too many times, so I decided to go with the Redstone Arsenal tools (related to Thermal Expansion). I'm using the pick right now, and I love it. Base model is not as fast as some of the Tinker's stuff of course, but I enchanted it and it got Efficiency IV and Unbreaking III on it. Now the standard usage dropped from 200 to 80 RF and the charged use from 800 to 320. Huge difference, and now it goes much faster as well, so I'm guessing Unbreaking cut the cost and Efficiency made it faster.

For those unfamiliar with it, charged up it mines the block in front of you, the one above it, and the one below it. In other words, a 3-block tunnel if you go straight ahead. Also, it charges from empty to full in less than 10 seconds in the Energetic Infuser. It also mines through "shovel stuff" when charged up, one block at a time, at lightning speed. So dirt, sand, and gravel all pretty much vaporize if you have it on charged mode. No more switching to a shovel.

It also mines Ardite and Cobalt. However, now that I have it with a nice enchant (looting would be nice, but quarries will be doing most of it now anyway), I see no reason for me to ever use Tinker's this playthrough. They can be a bit expensive, several diamonds if I remember correctly (I think 2 per "stick"? as in, a pickaxe normally uses 2 sticks for the handle, so it would require 4 diamonds...but I could be off on that).

And it makes a little thunder noise every time you switch to charged mode!


Trakanon Raider

AE Autocraft yay, ran out of certus quarts putting it together *facepalm*

all the stone brick is just a place holder, till I get more quartz... damn shit is like liquid gold..



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
One thing that always suffers in the heavily modded MC servers is the building creativity. Most people make a machine dungeon or cube and spend all their time gathering mats to make machines to create more machines to gather mats.

So I'm happy to see some people making fancy houses


Lord Nagafen Raider
One thing that always suffers in the heavily modded MC servers is the building creativity. Most people make a machine dungeon or cube and spend all their time gathering mats to make machines to create more machines to gather mats.

So I'm happy to see some people making fancy houses
I usually go for the big, opulent bases, but I've not played a heavily modded MC on a server where I actually have a reason to care about how out of hand my stuff gets (typically I play on a private server with just me and a couple friends). With that in mind, I decided to go for something a bit different this time and see if I could get everything (functional) crammed into a single chunk, and build vertically. Once I get up and running I'll start building some sort of fancy tower around it, but in the interim, enjoy what I assume will end up looking like an elongated Borg cube~