Official Blood Bowl League


<Gold Donor>
This game gives me the warm and fuzzies, every time.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Cutlery, im home around 5pm pst. I'll be ready to go by 6
Great, assuming I'm still awake by then, I'll set everything up. By that point I'll have been up for 24h. I'll try to catch a nap when my oldest gets home.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Khalan - take your rats team outta the official league when you get home, search for " dummy league" and app it to there and then let me know on steam or in IRC or on here when you're ready to go.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So here's a story about Cutlery and I. Doing my level best not to shade the truth even slightly, because this story is very unflattering to me and rightfully so.

Cutlery asked in IRC yesterday morning if I wanted to play our league match so he could have it done before it was time to play Khalan. I was still feeling very stressed from an awful day on Tuesday, but instead of saying it wasn't a good time to play I went ahead and agreed to start the match. Match proceeded normally, until late in the first half when my cage had started to crumble and I went for a pass. I was mainly hoping for a scatter launch, because I needed a 6 for an accurate, but with a reroll I had a 75% chance of getting the ball there. I threw the pass with 3-4 seconds left in the turn, it switched to Cutlery to pick his player to attempt the interception, and when it switched back to me, it threw a fumbled pass and then immediately asked me if I wanted to reroll the failed pickup roll, never giving me the chance to use a reroll on the pass. Apparently time for the turn had expired either while it was processing or while it was letting Cutlery pick his interception. I lost my temper and essentially quit playing, although I didn't concede because I still wanted my MVP.

The thing is, even if the game hadn't cheated me out of rerolling the pass, the second roll still had a 50% chance being a fumble and the resulting fumble scatter and failed pickup rolls bounced it all the way out of my cage and either into the middle of Cutlery's players or right into the hands of one of his players, I can't recall precisely. Combined with the fact that he had KOed a mummy and my MB/PO wight, and he had legitimately earned a dominant field position. Add to that my two players failing both the recovery roll on Cutlery's ensuing score and on the Halftime roll, and Cutlery was well on his way to a deserved victory even if I hadn't quit.

Needless to say, he had no desire to win the division and league that way, so he wanted to reset the match and play again. While I wasn't interested at first, I realized that he was the one getting screwed out of a good competitive match by me quitting, and he was also willing to give up the fantastic level ups he got that game for the chance to play again, so I agreed that we would play again today. Aside from me killing his troll outright on the first block of the game, the dice were a fairly even back and forth for the first half, with me being unable to stop his score to tie in the first half, and also failing to make a KO recovery on my mb/po blitzer for the start of the second half. During the second half, the dice started tipping pretty heavily in my favor, and after his drive stalled it was looking like a draw, but after a perfect series of blocks I was able to blitz his ball carrier and knock the ball loose, ultimately resulting in me being able to pick it up, break for the endzone and score.

So really, I wanted to make sure that Cutlery came out of this looking like the saint he really is and I come out looking like the bum that I acted like in our first game. I normally pride myself on my sportsmanship, so quite frankly the whole thing is just profoundly embarrassing to me, and I'm ashamed of having lost my temper in such a way. My record for this season definitely gets an asterisk by it in the books.


Trakanon Raider
hey yeah im in London so it'll be that, i have 50mb line at the moment, but im due to go upto 100mb soon so hopefully that'll make a difference.

sorry guys!
Hey, my schedule is a bit irregular at the moment. My g/f and I were in the hospital until 4:30 AM this morning, she has to have her gallbladder removed. Monday/Tuesday are my normal days off, but Tuesday she goes in for her consultation for the outpatient surgery. Ishouldbe good for Sat/Sun after 5 EST (I know that is like 11 PM in the UK), and any time Monday. Let me know what is good for you, I can't guarantee if I can pull through due to potential complications from gallbladder attacks until she has the surgery, but I will try my best.
Hey, my schedule is a bit irregular at the moment. My g/f and I were in the hospital until 4:30 AM this morning, she has to have her gallbladder removed. Monday/Tuesday are my normal days off, but Tuesday she goes in for her consultation for the outpatient surgery. Ishouldbe good for Sat/Sun after 5 EST (I know that is like 11 PM in the UK), and any time Monday. Let me know what is good for you, I can't guarantee if I can pull through due to potential complications from gallbladder attacks until she has the surgery, but I will try my best.
hey, whatever works, im usually on till 5-6am anyway, so if evenings better for you thats np. Im usually idling in the irc channel so if you send me a message on there il usually get it pretty quick. I should be around most of the time (evening-nights) all weekend and monday. Good luck with the gallbladder thing!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Looking for one more player for the Stunty league, since Khalan will be on vacation for the next 2+ weeks and he'll be missing a few games here. First game will be vs me, toss me a PM and app to the league if you're interested.

I would say that this is not entirely noob friendly..if you don't know the mechanics of the game, it could be a bit frustrating for you. It's pretty fun for anyone who does though, it's an entirely different take on how the game normally plays.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Alright, my season's over, finished up the last match with Khalan last night in an open league, and we already got our winnings. After the match day rolls over, I will manually admin our game with 2 dummy teams in the main league (which will award winnings to those teams), and then I will slot back in our teams.

All of my matches are up on BB manager and available to download. Final Record for me, 14 points, 4-2-1, Khalan 6 points, 1-3-3. Looks like Djay could still tie me for 2nd place since I shit the bed in games yesterday, assuming he beats up on Gav (who deserves a good gang raping). Can't yet determine who's gonna be dropping from D1 since Moon still has 1 game left, and Oblio and Sean have 2. It's entirely possible to end up with a 4 way tie at the bottom there, so uhh, don't do that guys.

I have divisions built for Season 2, and as the games finish up next week, I'll start the work of sorting everyone out, and then we'll get the new guys in here. We'll be taking the week of march 13th to the 20th off for me to get everything set up for season 2. Looking for a few people from D1 or D2 who have some extra free time for Blood Bowl and would like to fill in the new D4 with tier 3 teams for helping to train the noobs - these would be Vampire, Gobs, Halflings, Ogres and Underworld. May need 4-6 of these teams, depending on what we end up with for final numbers on the league.

As it stands now, Season 2 begins on or about March 20th.


When do you want to play our game ZProtoss, start time between 9:30 and 11:00 est is best for me, any day.

let me know


I would love to join the stunty league, probably roll halflings for the lols if thats cool and you still need someone. I can't get to my steam account till tomorrow so I will check back to see if there is still space.


Trakanon Raider
McCheese, I'm home, but too tired to do anything tonight. Let me know what's best for you over the next couple days.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I would love to join the stunty league, probably roll halflings for the lols if thats cool and you still need someone. I can't get to my steam account till tomorrow so I will check back to see if there is still space.
Go ahead and app, Waxed, and when we catch up on IRC or something we'll play.


I'll post here as well. I applied for the open league with my already created Mr. Stupid manager name and one team called Magic Numbers.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
How do you guys feel about me making a recruitment post on the BB forums to fill out the bottom spots of D4 next season with guys not actively a part (yet) of this community?

I can fill up the league with stunty/t3 teams from D1, or I could just find 4-5 guys somewhere else. Obviously pros and cons to each.

Keeping it in the community means we know who the reliable members are and that there's not going to be any headaches midseason because Timmy decides he doesn't want to play anymore, and doesn't have any shame in never coming back to RR. On the other hand, it's also hard to filter for skill, even if I ask for new players, so Braen and Numbers and whomever else in D4 could potentially end up getting steamrolled for awhile while they learn the game.


Trakanon Raider
I'd rather a few of us just play Stunty teams. I know we'll need fresh blood eventually, but I'd rather people bring their friends and keep pulling from the community here. Both of your points in that last paragraph are reasons not to bring in "outsiders"...the only pro I see is to fight off the eventual attrition.


Molten Core Raider
I would also prefer that we fill out the division with stunty teams. If eventually we need to contract into 3 divisions or something, I would still prefer that to the alternative. This season has moved along pretty nicely considering that we have 32 teams and only a few hiccups along the way, and I'd attribute that to keeping it in house.