

Lord Nagafen Raider
I think its because people just leave their TVs on the same channel after watching The Voice, and walk away,lol.
The fact that The Voice is on before it is definitely a big part of it. It's the whole reason NBC kept Revolution on hiatus until it came back. It's NBC's strongest show and therefore the best lead-in, probably one of the smarter things NBC has done (though it still loses more than half of The Voice's audience). Sort of a shame it's wasted on Revolution when Hannibal is struggling in NBC's Thursday night death-slot.


You know, this show gets a lot of grief but I think it's enjoyable with a "turn-off-your-brain-popcorn-mode" mentality. The characters are mostly likable, especially Miles, Gustavo, and the chick (what the hell is her name? who cares - rockin' bod). Some gripes about, for instance, why isn't there steam-powered vehicles in use was answered a couple episodes back -- and that was cool to see, actually.

Yeah, it's not great, but I'm honestly okay with a psuedo sci-fi adventure show getting decent ratings and renewed instead of, once again, getting canned in favor of another police procedural or shitty reality show.


Millie's Staff Member
i started off watching it as a comedic curiosity but it does grow on you and in the last 3 weeks its gotten less funny and more serious with good drama. its still fucking dumb. you simply have to turn your brain off to watch this show because not much of it makes sense. but heh. i actually watch this when its on and i no longer grab it off the net. so i guess it means i like it.


Vyemm Raider
The fact that The Voice is on before it is definitely a big part of it. It's the whole reason NBC kept Revolution on hiatus until it came back. It's NBC's strongest show and therefore the best lead-in, probably one of the smarter things NBC has done (though it still loses more than half of The Voice's audience). Sort of a shame it's wasted on Revolution when Hannibal is struggling in NBC's Thursday night death-slot.
Maybe someday TV will emerge from the fucking dark ages and all programming will be on demand, so archaic things like time-slots will stop fucking things up for everybody.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You know, this show gets a lot of grief but I think it's enjoyable with a "turn-off-your-brain-popcorn-mode" mentality. The characters are mostly likable, especially Miles, Gustavo, and the chick (what the hell is her name? who cares - rockin' bod). Some gripes about, for instance, why isn't there steam-powered vehicles in use was answered a couple episodes back -- and that was cool to see, actually.

Yeah, it's not great, but I'm honestly okay with a psuedo sci-fi adventure show getting decent ratings and renewed instead of, once again, getting canned in favor of another police procedural or shitty reality show.
For as much grief as I give the show, I do have to say I think it's shown a marked improvement since its return from hiatus. Since the show doesn't primarily revolve around Charlie rescuing her brother, they've allowed her to become a stronger character by not making her constantly break down in tears. She was also one of the weaker links earlier on, and it has been to the show's benefit that she's taking more of a backseat to much more likable characters like Miles, Tom, and Aaron.

And, while I think they've taken Monroe in the wrong direction by basically turning him into a Bond villain, I do at least think the conflict has become more interesting due to him having electricity and us getting to see more of the world because of it. Like you say, the show is by no means perfect, but unlike shows like V and The Event, I do find myself actually enjoying it some of the time.

Maybe someday TV will emerge from the fucking dark ages and all programming will be on demand, so archaic things like time-slots will stop fucking things up for everybody.
I think we're moving in that direction already and probably will faster as soon as networks can figure out a way of getting advertising revenue effectively in that manner. However, I do wonder how that would affect shows like Hannibal that are having a hard time building an audience. The current model allows for people to happen upon a show because it's after something they were already watching or because nothing else was on, both things an on demand model kills.


Vyemm Raider
I think we're moving in that direction already and probably will faster as soon as networks can figure out a way of getting advertising revenue effectively in that manner. However, I do wonder how that would affect shows like Hannibal that are having a hard time building an audience. The current model allows for people to happen upon a show because it's after something they were already watching or because nothing else was on, both things an on demand model kills.
They can still get ad revenue if they disable FF during an on demand viewing, problem is they can't charge tons more for "prime-time" commercial spots. Commercials are more fucking retarded than ever now anyways, I mean, what fuckwads living in a cave watches shit when it airs, instead of tivo/dvr? Back when I still had cable I would DVR shit just so I could skip the fucking commercials. Just like anyone else with a brain. The whole system just needs to be trashed and re-built from the ground up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They can still get ad revenue if they disable FF during an on demand viewing, problem is they can't charge tons more for "prime-time" commercial spots. Commercials are more fucking retarded than ever now anyways, I mean, what fuckwads living in a cave watches shit when it airs, instead of tivo/dvr? Back when I still had cable I would DVR shit just so I could skip the fucking commercials. Just like anyone else with a brain. The whole system just needs to be trashed and re-built from the ground up.
It's not just a matter of them not being able to charge as much for commercials as they do during primetime, but that shows watched on demand aren't included in official Nielsen ratings, which is used as a measurement of how much its worth for companies to advertise during shows.

But yeah, I definitely agree about the system desperately needing an update. They're clinging to a system that worked for about the first 50 years of television and refuse to adapt to a rapidly changing world. I moved two years ago, and from one place to the next, I went from knowing every network's channel number and when the stuff I watched was on (since I watched many shows live) to having no clue in the new place since I now let my DVR handle most things I watch and using Hulu or OnDemand for the rest. The closest I come to watching anything live is when I watch Breaking Bad, but even then, I don't start watching it until 20 minutes after the hour so I can fastforward through all the ads.


Vyemm Raider
I'm aware of the criteria for pricing an ad-spot, thanks though.

Anyways, they've been aware of the Nielsen problem for years and are supposedly working on a new system, but who knows when they'll ever implement it. They already have better data from including some of the new sources, but the advertisers don't want it. I think it would be awesome if they updated their shit, and hopefully improve the quality of tv shows exponentially, but the main problem is the commercials themselves. They need to die. They don't sell product, they just fucking annoy your viewer. People already pay for cable tv, and ignore/ff/mute the retarded commercials. They need to go.

And I'll leave this derail at that. This thread is getting way more movement than it deserves, lol.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Just thought I would let everyone know the latest episode revolved around them being on a Steamboat.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
This show is great. It's caused me to alter some of my prepping plans.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The episode before the "hometown" episode and this latest one were actually really good. They need to quit over correcting. Don't write yourselves into a corner by pitting three people against five hundred, then it's not bad.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
the biggest problem with that scenario is, no matter how many times they say it, I just don't buy miles as a rambo billy bad ass type. Don't know what it is about him, but I don't buy it. If they had someone like van dam, segal, chuck norris, or jackie chan playing the role, I think it wouldn't be an issue.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
He's supposed to be an alcoholic? Holy shit, not sure if bad acting or bad writing. Just because a guy spent some time drunk running away from memories doesn't make him an alchy.


Millie's Staff Member
Hes something. This show while much better tham when it started is tossing out at least one WTF Lost mytery moment in each episode


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Rachel is so fucking awesome. Early in the series, I figured she must have just turned into a momma bear because of the circumstances. But now I'm thinking it just comes too easy and she must have always been like that. I bet she made Ben wet his pants on a regular basis before the blackout.