Rift: Planes of Telara


I'm surprised it took this long. A lot of people hate the idea, I definitely did about two years ago, but it's something you've either got to accept or move on with the genre. Outside of niche titles with a lean budget, I can't imagine MMOs going forward to not offer it (Blizzard definitely included). I like the model if done right and at first glance Trion seems to be pretty fair with it. When the barrier to entry is $0, poking your head in to see how things have changed is as simple is patching up -- I might even spend a few bucks when it launches in June. The housing system seems pretty awesome, which wasn't in the game when I was playing.


Tranny Chaser
I kinda had a feeling it was going F2P real soon. The content updates and indeed any sort of info dried up after the Regulos dungeon came out post Storm Legion and post Hartsman.

Hopefully this is a move that can reinvigorate the game by shaking up the playerbase some. Will be interesting to see what other changes they have in mind.


<Silver Donator>
Trying to flag my account with my free Storm Legion key from preordering Defiance, but this shit apparently says I'm gonna get billed for a month of play if I do. I read the forums and they say it should say I get billed 0, but mine says 12.99euros and I don't wanna pay for a sub. Checking with their support which is really good as far as I remember, I guess I'll check it out once it's F2P maybe if I'm bored enough.


2 Minutes Hate
I had a dev leak to me about 3-4 months ago that the F2P model was on internal test servers. Unfortunately the guy was anonymous and didn't offer anything to back it up so I ignored it. Looks like he was right.


<Bronze Donator>
Scott disappeared the moment Rift went gold.

That's probably an exaggeration but as active as he was leading up to release he certainly dropped off after.


FPS noob
it really feels like its getting to the point where MMO makers are gonna pay us to play their game to provide "background people" for the whales who buy tons of shit on the stores, like extras on a movie set or something. For $100/mo you have to be a healer and run at least 10 dungeons a week, for $200/mo you have to be (pretend) a girl and tell at least 10 people how big their sword is or if they will kill a monster for you.

You can play Rift, TERA, swtor, lotro, NWN, PS2, etc without putting up a single penny and have way too much stuff to do to ever even bother buying a store item.


I have no plans to pay a subscription ever again, unless something completely blows me away. I don't mind throwing a few dollars for transactions, and I like the direction GW2 and Rift have gone. SWTOR, not so much. I'm still playing it occasionally but it's a bit too tedious without a sub and with the huge amount of content out there I can't see a need to play it to get my fix.

This is the money quote from Trion's Reddit:

We don't plan on putting any dungeons, raids, or content behind paywalls. We want more people playing together, not a few folks playing in a walled garden. - Bill Fisher, Creative Director


Scott disappeared the moment Rift went gold.

That's probably an exaggeration but as active as he was leading up to release he certainly dropped off after.
That's definitely an exaggeration. In fact, he made a post on fohguild saying that he wanted to know how customer service was doing. My guild was being jerked around by a GM, so I PM'd him and he got the head of CS involved, gave a real human response, and got us taken care of.


I remember a player on the Rift forum predicting that this game would go F2P by June right after the expansion was released and nearly every response in that thread was him being retarded for saying that. I bet he has the biggest shit eating grin on his face right now. I was one of the few people that agreed with him on that thread given how bad the expansion fucked over some of the classes. I swear you could have removed the warrior class from the game with the expansion release and never would have noticed them missing.

I'll download the game and give it another shot come June to see how things have changed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I remember a player on the Rift forum predicting that this game would go F2P by June right after the expansion was released and nearly every response in that thread was him being retarded for saying that. I bet he has the biggest shit eating grin on his face right now. I was one of the few people that agreed with him on that thread given how bad the expansion fucked over some of the classes. I swear you could have removed the warrior class from the game with the expansion release and never would have noticed them missing.

I'll download the game and give it another shot come June to see how things have changed.
Looking forward to the F2P switch. Been meaning to give this game a go again but just never got around to it. Too many free games around keeping me occupied.

Activision stated that they expect to lose a ton more WoW subs in the coming months, mainly because of the competition from F2P mmos. Eventually even they will have to explore some sort of F2P model, not any time soon though.


FPS noob
apparently raptr, some weird ass game tracking company, gives you (courtesy of trion I'm sure) a free copy of the game and xpac and 30 days if you ... play enough? dovetails nicely with the f2p switch in june. The "vet" version of rift has some stuff you will want over the pure free version, so might be a good thing to try. its unclear to me whether you have to use a trial account or an old launch (no xpac) account is fine too.


I'm doing it right now and its a fucking pain to setup. It wouldn't recognize my old shitty version of rift (like patch 1.3), I had to reinstall from within steam for the raptr client to detect it. gonna leave it running all night and see what I get


Millie's Staff Member
ive never played a f2p mmo. how do they make money if its free? you gotta buy gear upgrades? are they removing loots from the game so you have to pay rl cash to progress?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ive never played a f2p mmo. how do they make money if its free? you gotta buy gear upgrades? are they removing loots from the game so you have to pay rl cash to progress?
It depends. Some mmos are Pay to Win, Runes of Magic is a good example of that. Some mmo's are Buy to Play initially, but later purchases do not effect your power and are mostly cosmetic (Guild Wars 1 and 2).

A lot of the new F2P conversions are like EverQuest's. You can play everything for free up to a certain level but after that if you don't subscribe or spend a ton of money, then you are screwed. EQ 1/2 and SWTOR have that model.

The best F2P models, imo, are Guild Wars and LoTRO's. Guild Wars is Buy to Play initially but after that it's up to you. LoTRO is free at first but you have to buy the expansions. In both games you can earn coins in game to pay for everything. It takes a bit of grinding to skip paying real world dollars in Guild Wars and LoTRO, but it is possible. EvE started the way to buy monthly subs, etc, with ingame plat that some of the other mmos are now following.

Don't know what Rift is going to do, but the most likely model is one like EQ's and SWTOR's, free up to a certain level but sub after that. Basically a glorified free trial.