RL Picture Thread


Tranny Chaser
View attachment 383160View attachment 383161
Just to follow-up the Gamergate/SJW thread of land whale me vs. me now. Top two pics are circa 2009-2010ish and both were probably after a loss of a good 40-50 lbs. So, I was even more disgustingly fat at one point. I think these are the last pics I have of fatso me.

Bottom pics are me at the Oregon Coast in 2020.

View attachment 383162View attachment 383163

The old pictures don't look like you. The new pictures do.

If that makes sense.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The old pictures don't look like you. The new pictures do.

If that makes sense.
Yeah, most people can't believe the first set of pictures. That's what happens when you lose an entire person.
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Log Wizard
Burn Steen. I didn't even know there was that extra "en" in there, much less an "a". I think it's because the places where name is written are either in cursive (in the title) or the author's names (which no one ever looks at). My teachers definitely said burn steen.
Two parallel universes merged. Berenstein/Berenstain. Bill Crosby/Bill Cosby.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, most people can't believe the first set of pictures. That's what happens when you lose an entire person.
You will always be fat to me Bro!

Seriously, awesome job man. You should be very proud of yourself. You always seem so angry though, are you hangry? We're you a jolly fat guy? You should be happier now that poon literally flings itself at you.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You will always be fat to me Bro!

Seriously, awesome job man. You should be very proud of yourself. You always seem so angry though, are you hangry? We're you a jolly fat guy? You should be happier now that poon literally flings itself at you.
Nah, I've always been pretty grumpy and even back when I joined in '05 (fuckin' 05er!), most of my posts were of the cynical variety. Although, I didn't post much then. I get it from my Grandfather. Never was the "jolly" fat guy. I'm actually pretty "chill", I think my posts here just come off a lot less so because I'm a MASSIVE fan of profanity in my regular vocabulary.

Did my share of whoring at the "height" of Tinder/Bumble, but after you sleep with a large number of women, it loses a lot of its appeal. Not because the sex isn't fun/exciting, but it becomes a lot more effort than the typical payoff, honestly. Especially in the era of #metoo and #woke women. Fighting through last minute resistance nowadays is a huge PITA. And a LOT of younger chicks are socially awkward as shit now.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
View attachment 383160View attachment 383161
Just to follow-up the Gamergate/SJW thread of land whale me vs. me now. Top two pics are circa 2009-2010ish and both were probably after a loss of a good 40-50 lbs. So, I was even more disgustingly fat at one point. I think these are the last pics I have of fatso me.

Bottom pics are me at the Oregon Coast in 2020.

View attachment 383162View attachment 383163
Holy shit kirun you were one degenerate disgusting fat fuck that transformed into a complete alpha Chad.

Goes yet again that being poor is just like being fat - it’s a choice. Hopefully you inspired all the forum fatties.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Holy shit kirun you were one degenerate disgusting fat fuck that transformed into a complete alpha Chad.

Goes yet again that being poor is just like being fat - it’s a choice. Hopefully you inspired all the forum fatties.
Yup. It helps to constantly remind fat people.."ever try NOT being fat?". Goes hand in hand with, "have you ever tried NOT being poor?".

I make sure to remind fat people everyday what tubs of shit they are. It's why I'm always busting Phazael Phazael 's balls.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Yup. It helps to constantly remind fat people.."ever try NOT being fat?". Goes hand in hand with, "have you ever tried NOT being poor?".

I make sure to remind fat people everyday what tubs of shit they are. It's why I'm always busting Phazael Phazael 's balls.
Man you are such a KIND and GENEROUS person to go out of your way to help people better themselves.

Everyone take notes.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yup. It helps to constantly remind fat people.."ever try NOT being fat?". Goes hand in hand with, "have you ever tried NOT being poor?".

I make sure to remind fat people everyday what tubs of shit they are. It's why I'm always busting Phazael Phazael 's balls.
This is true. And why bullying is important. You either correct your fuckups or learn to live with them. Lack of bullying results in faggots who blame everyone but themselves for their failures. I am old enough I am not getting skinny at this point (and frankly I would rather go out before dementia gets me from family history), but like hell if I am going to cry in my beer because some lunatic with bolt ons takes the obvious pot shot at me, nor am I making others pay for my errors. The world would be a much better place if bullying was still a thing and people owned their mistakes.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This is true. And why bullying is important. You either correct your fuckups or learn to live with them. Lack of bullying results in faggots who blame everyone but themselves for their failures. I am old enough I am not getting skinny at this point (and frankly I would rather go out before dementia gets me from family history), but like hell if I am going to cry in my beer because some lunatic with bolt ons takes the obvious pot shot at me, nor am I making others pay for my errors. The world would be a much better place if bullying was still a thing and people owned their mistakes.
For a fatso, you're alright man. I'd sit down and have a beer and hotdog with you. Or in your case, 42 hotdogs and 12 beers.
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<Silver Donator>
My girl decorating a table outside. Finally got a clear day
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<Silver Donator>
I'm just like farming now, but here's a few more with my helper. She made an "M" for mom. Pretty good at gluing stuff together now. So far she can paint, glue, sand and her favorite is the hand planer.....not that I know the right way to use that fucking thing myself.



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<Silver Donator>
What is Justin Timberlake doing with your kid and dog, bro?
The survey manager heard her say that and he told my friends about it at the house party this weekend. All of my friends shit on my ego for 5 minutes with-
"Yea, maybe Justin Timberlake after 2 years on meth."
"Justin Timberlake's white trash cousin"
"QANON Justin Timberlake"
"Did she forget to put her contacts in?"
"She's definitely thinking of one of the backstreet boys, not Justin Timberlake"
"Did she change it to Yosemite Sam after she heard you talk?"
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<Bronze Donator>
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<Silver Donator>
Marketer just texted me this today, while she was editing a staff recruitment video, which I got a haircut right before. So apparently the key to me looking like hillbilly Timberlake is a buzzcut.
I guess I'll start getting a haircut 4x a month instead of 4x a year.


It's great having people make a comparison between me and Justin Timberlake because I end up with limitless opportunity to be worse by comparison in every possible way from there on out.
I'll bet that fucker doesn't know how to make maps, though.
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<Silver Donator>
Murdering gophers with Amos Moses. I got in trouble because mom asked her "Are you getting gophers with Amos and Daddy?" and she said "They are not gophers mom, they are little mud RAT bastards". I just said "Hey, at least I stopped myself from saying 'fuckers'. Progress"

I'm going to teach her to flood the gophers holes and beat them to death with a hammer when they run out. Just gotta wait for Mama to leave the house long enough to mobilize.



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<Bronze Donator>
Murdering gophers with Amos Moses. I got in trouble because mom asked her "Are you getting gophers with Amos and Daddy?" and she said "They are not gophers mom, they are little mud RAT bastards". I just said "Hey, at least I stopped myself from saying 'fuckers'. Progress"

I'm going to teach her to flood the gophers holes and beat them to death with a hammer when they run out. Just gotta wait for Mama to leave the house long enough to mobilize.

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View attachment 415543

View attachment 415541
I used to love catching gophers. We just used string with a slip knot and whistled to get them to stick their head up. It's kinda like fishing. If you do the flooding method a nice modification is to set a trap upside down over the hole when flooding. Since I'm commenting I'll contribute. My youngest grandson.

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<Silver Donator>
We just drove 45 minutes on the lawn mower to go pet some goats through the fence. This old guy was laughing his ass off watching us rolling down the road and invited us in to feed them and pet the babies. Him and his wife have grandkids on the other side ofnthe country, so they were really excited we swung in. Never met these people before today, but they seem like a nice couple.


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