Room Temperature IQ Cuisine DIscussion

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I shouldn't brag about our pizza. We have Chicago. Their pizza (and crime rate) make me cringe like I assume a lot of you brits do when Chris posts.

I love Chicago deep dish pizza 🤷‍♂️

But I love Chicago thin crust even more.
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Potato del Grande
ive mostly had italian sausage for most of my life. the hot ones are great, but they make you pay the next day. so i stick with the mild version and mix in some onions and peppers with fried potatoes on a sub roll. its amazing.

Yeah that's what the good British ones look like, a quick google tells me it's just a different herb mix (fennel for Italian says google).

What makes your sausages good? You'd have to argue that they're better than a nice kielbasa or some cheese stuffed whatever from bavaria or the spicy italian ones or here by me they put onions and chili peppers in and they're amazing. Nah man, bangers are near the bottom of the sausage totem pole, above the likes of a shit hot dog and below almost anything else.

British culture and history has plenty going for it but food is definitely not your thing.
I need to investigate the Italian ones as I said above, they may get my seal of approval.

German ones are totally different, tend to be more... dense? and Germans typically have no idea when it comes to spices and they sometimes taste off. You can't really buy them here. I like Krakauer at the German Christmas market though.

You have to taste it for yourself, maybe see if you can find Cumberland Sausage anywhere near you. But do post it so I can verify it's authenticity.

Again, this is like tasting a McDonalds patty and using that experience to judge your fresh homemade expertly grilled burger.

ever have chorizo? that shit is also good. i make it with my omelet. break it up and spread the pieces in the middle. then add sharp cheddar and let it all melt together.
I wouldn't even class Chorizo and stuff like Salami as the same type of food item honestly. They are great though and are very popular here.
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Potato del Grande
Pizza is American? ok
American and Italian style pizzas are very different. I like Italian style but prefer American style as long as it isn't deep pan because of the larger quantity and variety of toppings.

Reality: no Brit would argue that America doesn't have a superior range of fast foods, junk foods and candy options.
What the fuck are you talking about?
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
What the fuck are you talking about?

Are you stupid? This does not need explaining. What UK fast food chains are actually British and not American? Have you seen how obese Americans are?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Are you stupid? This does not need explaining. What UK fast food chains are actually British and not American? Have you seen how obese Americans are?

Careful now. Chris Chris is obese himself so he might take it personally. Dont even start talking about hairlines.


Egg Nazi
Cows that are dosed with more steroids than a gymshark fitness influencer and cannot support their own body weight (like your average wal mart shopper), spinal columns served in buns, turkeys that are fed twinkies so that they float better, and eggs that are hand painted white.
Imagine believing any of these statements are true.

Kids, this is what happens when you eat beans for breakfast and call mashed potatoes and sausages a "dish".

British cuisine, not even once
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Imagine believing any of these statements are true.

Kids, this is what happens when you eat beans for breakfast and call mashed potatoes and sausages a "dish".

British cuisine, not even once

a) nice of you to leave out the stuff that is true

b) it was a riff on this scene you uncultured swine. Arguably you have the same intelligence level of US swine whose brains are lobotomised at birth and served to children as chicken nuggets

my breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs served on toasted brioche loaf.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Chinese takeout is american. Does that blow your mind? If you went to China and ordered a Gen Tso, they would tell you to get the fuck out.

No, of course it doesn't. It's the same here - UK chinese takeaways sell shit like sweet and sour chicken balls etc

It's a little different now due to the influx of mainland Chinese students, more authentic places are popping up.


Millie's Staff Member
No, of course it doesn't. It's the same here - UK chinese takeaways sell shit like sweet and sour chicken balls etc

It's a little different now due to the influx of mainland Chinese students, more authentic places are popping up.
Authentic chinese is meh, the flavorful stuff is the american stuff. I have eaten in Chinatown in NYC more than a few times and the real deal isnt what its cracked up to be. One of life`s disappointments.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
A lot of authentic places still sell the "americanized" stuff. They usually have two menus, the chinese menu and the american menu. But going to china town and ordering the "american" stuff is still head and shoulders above getting it at one of the random "Best Food #1" style place.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Authentic chinese is meh, the flavorful stuff is the american stuff. I have eaten in Chinatown in NYC more than a few times and the real deal isnt what its cracked up to be. One of life`s disappointments.

Careful, when ossoi pieces together that "real deal" = you probably ate dog, he's gonna be real mad!

For serious, authentic chinese food here is a pure joke. Japanese or korean, sure. American chinese, ok. They have that in big malls. Real chinese, fuck no. They make fun of it like I was making fun of british.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>

I take back everything I said about US fast food

View attachment 428697

This belongs in the sea like all the US revolutionaries that Britain sank

Sweet. I'll try it. But it better be cheaper than what I do now, which is order a pizza, strip off the toppings and throw away the crust.

Authentic chinese is meh, the flavorful stuff is the american stuff.

Same with "authentic mexican food". tex-mex and cali-mex is the good stuff.
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Millie's Staff Member
Careful, when ossoi pieces together that "real deal" = you probably ate dog, he's gonna be real mad!

For serious, authentic chinese food here is a pure joke. Japanese or korean, sure. American chinese, ok. They have that in big malls. Real chinese, fuck no. They make fun of it like I was making fun of british.
korean bbq steak is so good.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Sweet. I'll try it. But it better be cheaper than what I do now, which is order a pizza, strip off the toppings and throw away the crust.

You are legitimately becoming strangest creature on these boards.