Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?


Would it have to be a one shot from organic compounds to stuff edible by humans? Why not a multi step process converting simple carbohydrates to more and more comlpex ones with end result that can be eaten by deep space explorers?
At least until we get the Star trek matter resequencers.
What? Synthesizing the simple single carbohydrate that would be made into the complex one in the first place is required. I'd like to see the opposite. Exploit the ionic gradients of plants somehow to generate usable electricity while they photosynthesize. Yaya still run rinto the problem or night not good light quality depending on geography and seasons.


But where does the base sugar molecule come from in the first place if not photosynthesis? Carbs are cool and all, but they require base sugars don't they?

I suppose we could grow plants here on the earth rock which is bathed in starlight in order to use phylum plantae genes to compact the code to make some carbs into some genes that can then be activated by electricity acquired from fossil fuels or solar or nuclear energy up in space or on Mars or whatever at a later date.

But as awesome as all of it is, it all requires a base sugar, right? Am I missing something?
Yes photosynthesis creates the glucose.

6CO2 + 6H2O --> glucose + O2


Poet Warrior

So, there is no way to 'inject electricity' into such a system, is there?

Most of our electricity already emenates from that equation, and from the Sun, yes?



So, there is no way to 'inject electricity' into such a system, is there?

Most of our electricity already emenates from that equation, and from the Sun, yes?
I mean you could theoretically create a biochemical(-ectrical) pathway that utilized electricity instead of sunlight to convert h2o and co2 into a sugar, but that would also entail creating highly complex proteins needed to catalyze all the reactions
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Poet Warrior
You know, I spent all day today walking around the city botanical garden worshiping plants.

So maybe I am in a biased mood, but my understanding is that the chemical reaction happening inside those green leaves is one of the most amazing processes in all of the known cosmos. It's up there with neutrinos and planck lengths and gravitational constants and shit.

To just 'skip it' is, well, it's like skipping time or gravity or electromagnetic propagation.
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
You know, I spent all day today walking around the city botanical garden worshiping plants.

So maybe I am in a biased mood, but my understanding is that the chemical reaction happening inside those green leaves is one of the most amazing processes in all of the known cosmos. It's up there with neutrinos and planck lengths and gravitational constants and shit.

To just 'skip it' is, well, it's like skipping time or gravity or electromagnetic propagation.
Yes Photosynthesis is very elegant, efficient and basis for converting sun energy into something usable by almost all living beings on this planet( some Extremophiles excluded) The only reason why any one would want to get away from it is for deep space exploration and settling on planets that do not get enough sunlight. Oh yeah and to sate pure scientific curiosity... Understanding the exact process could also help create plants that can supplement photosynthesis with heat/electrical energy or chemical processes.
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Yes Photosynthesis is very elegant, efficient and basis for converting sun energy into something usable by almost all living beings on this planet( some Extremophiles excluded) The only reason why any one would want to get away from it is for deep space exploration and settling on planets that do not get enough sunlight. Oh yeah and to sate pure scientific curiosity... Understanding the exact process could also help create plants that can supplement photosynthesis with heat/electrical energy or chemical processes.
Your previous post made it seem like you were conflating photosynthesis with glycogenesis.

AngryGerbil AngryGerbil photosynthesis is by the most efficient and uses the most abundant resources to produce glucose (water, co2 and sunlight) but there are othere metabolic means of generating glucose, though they typically require products of other biochemical pathways (ie amino acids)


what Suineg set it to
Yea what the hell are you guys putting all this colonialism in this thread for, this is for multidisciplinary science and I don't see no voodoo.
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Yea what the hell are you guys putting all this colonialism in this thread for, this is for multidisciplinary science and I don't see no voodoo.
What's the energy conversion of chicken decapitations? Why aren't those being considered to power interplanetary vessels? Fucking whitey


what Suineg set it to
What's the energy conversion of chicken decapitations? Why aren't those being considered to power interplanetary vessels? Fucking whitey

Dude chicken power? That's 1950s bullshit. We use Direct Voodoo Lightning to power our modern equipment, everything from a simple vPad to a Tesla Model V.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
If Apple makes an iCar, I will intentionally crash into any faggots who buy one.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Can't wait to hear about no cup holders for the iCar as an aesthetic design choice.
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
Your previous post made it seem like you were conflating photosynthesis with glycogenesis.

AngryGerbil AngryGerbil photosynthesis is by the most efficient and uses the most abundant resources to produce glucose (water, co2 and sunlight) but there are othere metabolic means of generating glucose, though they typically require products of other biochemical pathways (ie amino acids)
Yeah i think Tuco wanted some plants to plug directly into the wall socket or something(extremely simplified) and the first thing to accomplish that would be getting rid of Photosynthesis ad replace it with something else.
Fungi dont run on pure photosynthesis but require dead organic material from plants that do. Extremophiles require chemical reaction/heat but i dont think they could produce anything usable by humans as food or stepping stone to food.
Some bacteria run directly on electricity but again i dont think they could be useful without some major genetic engineering.
Lichens have a symbiotic relationship with photosynthesizing algae and could be modified to be a step in production of food again with some major GE efforts.
All of this again is extremely simplified.

I am sure there are other things to this too and if anyone knows more i would love to learn about it.
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I mean almost all (probably all) eukaryotes and prokaryotes and archea (ie everything) are capable of gluconeogenesis.