Scottish Independence


Mr. Poopybutthole
9)Scotland's national dish is "Deep Fried Mars Bar", it's a chocolate bar covered in fat and oil.All of their oil revenues will be going into keeping their population alive. They already get higher than average money per person than the rest of the UK and have things the rest of us don't have like free University fees. Are they going to nationalise the oil rigs or tax it?
Brb, applying to become a Scottish expat.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
December 6, 2005.

These people do nothing but blow up economy bubbles and profit from the fallout when those bubbles burst. Just like in the latest Brown thread, when black people loot, they smash windows, white people loot by destroying the whole economy. Every ounce of hate they get is perfectly deserved and I can fully understand why the Scots want to get away from a Tory government that clings to this "industry" like a needy child to their helicopter mother.
Ok, well I'm glad at its core it's a capitalism vs social justice issue for you, however what you are condoning (hoping for?) is just as morally bankrupt as the "fascists" that you condemn. Ironically, these "rich fascists" you despise will continue to be rich while the rest of the population suffers the real consequences of a weakened economy.

Also, comparing Tories to fascists demeans the meaning of the word. Mussolini was a fascist, not current day British tories. I love how the ultra-left these days throws around words like Genocide, fascism, and racism without any inkling as to their definitions.

BTW, interesting equivalency between violent rioting and financial exploitation... Guess what, when black people are rich they "loot the economy" as well. The effects of wealth don't discriminate based on the color of your skin.


I miss Longshanks



Musty Nester
I was also surprised that there wasn't a thread on it. First I heard of it was a few months ago on the BBC. And you'd think, since this has been going on for years, it would be a bigger deal on the BBC.

But then I realized that I listen to their international broadcast, not their national one, and it made sense.

Americans don't really get this. It's not like if one of our States was trying to (peacefully) secede. Or even make a special case for what Statehood means in their situation. It's a different sort of thing. So we don't have much of a context.

But it's also different because England has most of the MP's, doesn't it, while it has none of the regional sorts of government that Wales, Scotland, and Ireland do. The English just roll that into the larger administration. The social contract is just fundamentally different. In America, we like our shit simple.


Potato del Grande
lol Scottish financial buisnesses are starting to announce that they will move their operations to London if this happens, including The Royal Bank of Scotland. Hahaha.

England will get all of the Islamists, Scotland is 96% White while England is only 86%. Our black people and the hindu half of the asians are quite good though.


Molten Core Raider
The Welsh are a little touchy at being forgotten. But you can't understand a word they're fucking saying anyway so it really doesn't matter. Hell I'm a quarter Welsh and I can make heads or tails of it.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The Welsh are a little touchy at being forgotten. But you can't understand a word they're fucking saying anyway so it really doesn't matter. Hell I'm a quarter Welsh and I can make heads or tails of it.
When I visited London I met a few Welsh guys and my brain had to work at constant 99% CPU usage to understand what they were saying.


Potato del Grande
The Welsh are a little touchy at being forgotten. But you can't understand a word they're fucking saying anyway so it really doesn't matter. Hell I'm a quarter Welsh and I can make heads or tails of it.
Wales has literally never been a real country. Most people I meet claiming to be from Wales sound like they are English anyway (I was in North Wales last week, didn't hear a single Welsh accent), unlike Scotland it's actually very close to the main English population centres so I think we fucked most of them away. Just the weird ones left in the hills now.


Potato del Grande
There are three and a half countries (states), three towns on islands then some further away towns on islands sharing the same main government, with local (state) governments for everything except England. It's not that complicated!


Potato del Grande
EU just does free movement between members and trade laws to make sure products are safe and not full of horse meat from Romania. They want to do more and fuck them.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I'm going to tread into territory I am not that familiar with, but hasn't the whole EU/currency thing been deemed a failure, mainly because of the drain caused by effectively "3rd world Euro nations" like Greece? Wasn't the UK's decision to keep the pound a smart one? Looking for edumacation here, so don't all start jumping down my throat.


Potato del Grande
I'm going to tread into territory I am not that familiar with, but hasn't the whole EU/currency thing been deemed a failure, mainly because of the drain caused by effectively "3rd world Euro nations" like Greece? Wasn't the UK's decision to keep the pound a smart one?

Ko Dokomo_sl

There are three and a half countries (states), three towns on islands then some further away towns on islands sharing the same main government, with local (state) governments for everything except England. It's not that complicated!
Don't lie. It's pretty complicated and needs a Venn Diagram.