Scottish Independence


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I think it's a big problem if your vision is a united eu, they seem to use somewhat underhanded tactics to sell the eu to these countries and they are given a different product than what they are sold, so I agree with the nationalists in that regard.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I think at some point the EU needs to turn into a not-voluntary union, and dissenters from the federal govt punished just like the North punished the South in the US. Otherwise, how can it ever claim to be a unit? It's just a closely allied group of independent nations.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If Scotland gets independence, they can forget every treaty, agreement and deal that the UK made all these centuries. They will have to start like from zero.
EU? Forget that too. The decision to join the union must be unanimous, and Spain will never say yes (just watch what happened today in Barcelona).

They will get the oil in the North Sea for themselves (england will get fucked by it) but you need someone to buy that precious black liquid.


Potato del Grande
I think that this has been quiet because the NO campaign has been quiet on purpose, they want to drop all of their bombs this week so that there is no chance to answer them.

Last night all of the scottish banks announced that they will move their HQs to London, tonight we have supermarkets announcing that prices will rise because they'll be operating over a border.


Potato del Grande
The more I watch of this the more I want them to go away. Shame about the sane Scottish people, they'll be dragged down by the political class and white trash bravehearting.

Fucking lower taxes, more money for everything and entire British economy run to suit them. Why not vote Yes? xD


> Than U
Braveheart had it right. The problem with Scotland is that it is full of Scots.
I mean to me it sounds like a bad idea for everyone, but hey I don't live there nor do I claim to know everything about it, but for the 2 to be getting along well currently ( not beheading people or at war ), this decade probably isn't the best time to do this.
Shit like this is just going to keep making it easier brick by brick for Russia, China and hell even US to keep doing whatever in the hell it wants to keep doing.


Registered Hutt
Meh, Scotland wants to be part of the EU. The UK isn't a global competitor any more. The EU is. As far as Spain "allowing" Catalonia a referendum, I thought the EU guaranteed their right to one.
Meh, Scotland wants to be part of the EU. The UK isn't a global competitor any more. The EU is. As far as Spain "allowing" Catalonia a referendum, I thought the EU guaranteed their right to one.
So the answer to resentment of being in an England dominated union is to rush into the arms of a union dominated by Germans? Scotland will fall between Ireland and Slovakia in terms of population in the EU, so there's your brand new influence in the world.

This whole thing seems like expertly ginned up nationalism by this Salmond guy. So many of the practical details of this thing really make it look like a bad idea for the Scots.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Stop fucking over the Scottish people and they likely would not hate you limey faggots so much.

I think it would be a good idea to stay with the UK but don't act like this will only hurt Scotland. The UK will be greatly diminished if Scotland leaves.


what Suineg set it to
I think at some point the EU needs to turn into a not-voluntary union, and dissenters from the federal govt punished just like the North punished the South in the US. Otherwise, how can it ever claim to be a unit? It's just a closely allied group of independent nations.
Yea right, next you'll say that the UN is ineffective!


Millie's Staff Member
The UK is losing their shit over this, which tells me its a BIG deal if scotland tells them to go pound sand. if i had the cash i would totally move to Scotland enjoy its beautiful scenery and fuck those hottie lasses til my dick falls off.


As the resident Scot I can tell you that it actually is the Tories driving this. The legacy of Thatcher in the 80's destroyed the Tory vote up here (fun fact, Scotland used to vote fairly Conservative before the Demon Grocer of Grantham). For me, and most people I know, voting Yes on Thursday is about never having to suffer another Tory government.
In American terms it would be like having a referendum on never having another Republican Congress, Senate and Presidency. Knowing this board a fair few of you would be quick to vote yes on that.
As the resident Scot I can tell you that it actually is the Tories driving this. The legacy of Thatcher in the 80's destroyed the Tory vote up here (fun fact, Scotland used to vote fairly Conservative before the Demon Grocer of Grantham). For me, and most people I know, voting Yes on Thursday is about never having to suffer another Tory government.
In American terms it would be like having a referendum on never having another Republican Congress, Senate and Presidency. Knowing this board a fair few of you would be quick to vote yes on that.
But one party never takes over forever here. No one is worried about that happening. Outside of a few actors and stuff who say they'll move to ______ if the wrong person wins, but they never actually go.

I'm definitely no expert on UK politics but do the Scots really think the Tory party is going to be running the parliament until the end of time? Wasn't the last PM Scottish himself, and from the Labour Party? Not even 5 years ago. Leaving the UK seems a lot harder to reverse than a bad government.


But one party never takes over forever here. No one is worried about that happening. Outside of a few actors and stuff who say they'll move to ______ if the wrong person wins, but they never actually go.

I'm definitely no expert on UK politics but do the Scots really think the Tory party is going to be running the parliament until the end of time? Wasn't the last PM Scottish himself, and from the Labour Party? Not even 5 years ago. Leaving the UK seems a lot harder to reverse than a bad government.
From a Scottish and largely Socialist perspective, the current incarnation of Labour and the Conservatives are fighting on the same electoral ground. The centre right. The Conservatives, however, just like to use Scotland (or the north, or Wales) as the test bed for policies they know will be deeply unpopular.
Look, its all down to the electoral map. In Scotland you have a voting bloc that largely prefers left of centre policies. We are never going to see those from a Westminster government any time soon.
I am historically no nationalist. I find the whole 'Braveheart' thing ridiculous. I am making a cold calculation that voting yes on Thursday will give me a better chance to be governed how I prefer. As are many others here.