Scottish Independence

From a Scottish and largely Socialist perspective, the current incarnation of Labour and the Conservatives are fighting on the same electoral ground. The centre right. The Conservatives, however, just like to use Scotland (or the north, or Wales) as the test bed for policies they know will be deeply unpopular.
Look, its all down to the electoral map. In Scotland you have a voting bloc that largely prefers left of centre policies. We are never going to see those from a Westminster government any time soon.
I am historically no nationalist. I find the whole 'Braveheart' thing ridiculous. I am making a cold calculation that voting yes on Thursday will give me a better chance to be governed how I prefer. As are many others here.
Fair enough.

I've also wondered if a federal UK is eventually going to happen, on the chance that Scotland votes "No" this week. Our small/rural states were intentionally given disproportionate influence in the government so it's not the United States of California and Texas. Plus you have empowered state/local governments in all 50 states regardless of size. Maybe that's how you give Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland enough democracy to keep everyone relatively satisfied. England, too...if I'm understanding this issue correctly they have no local powers at all with over 50 million people.

I guess at the end of the day it's great that this vote is happening without violence or political warfare, i.e. Putin.


Potato del Grande
I'm definitely no expert on UK politics but do the Scots really think the Tory party is going to be running the parliament until the end of time? Wasn't the last PM Scottish himself, and from the Labour Party? Not even 5 years ago. Leaving the UK seems a lot harder to reverse than a bad government.
Yeah the last PM/Chancellor (two most important positions in the country) were Labour/Scottish, with the PM being the Chancellor for like 10 years before that.

In that time the Labour vote was utterly decimated in Scotland by the SNP because they moved away from left wing policies and somewhat in England too because of Blair lying about Iraq and being a poodle, they still have Wales :/ The current Labour leader is utterly incompetent while the Tories are halfway decent and even have a popular back up PM in Boris Johnson, the only way they can win is if the anti Europe party UKIP can drain Tory votes. They'll be back in 5-10 years or so, but only if they don't have their remaining Scottish votes leave the country!


A world in which Scotland leaves the UK is more interesting than one in which they don't leave. Therefore, in absence of enough info to know what's best for the people and in absence of enough concern to look into it, I vote for them to leave.


Trakanon Raider
This Scottish independence thing has so many parallels to the sovereigntist movement in Quebec in the 90's (and the 70's before it), that it's kind of amusing.

Sovereigntists: "HAY GUYS! Just vote for independence and everything will stay the same, but more awesome! You can keep the same passports, use the same currency, taxes will magically go down, services will magically go up, and the rest of the world will welcome us with open arms!"

Realists: "Hey, dipshits. If you leave the country, you can leave your passports at the door, and go out to find your own currency, because you sure as shit won't be making any decisions about ours, even if you do use it. You'll have to build your own diplomatic corps and foreign policy, re-build all the trade treaties that being in the country entitled you to, and build up your own military. Chances are taxes will go up and services will go down, because the truth is the rest of the country has been subsidizing the ever living fuck out of you for decades, yet no matter how much we coddle you, you keep asking for more. So good luck on your own, we're kind of sick of your shit at this point. We'll still come visit for the strippers."

Okay, maybe the stripper part is different.

In any case, sovereigntist sentiment in Quebec at the moment is at near all time lows. As it turns out, if you just ignore them long enough, eventually they eat their own and collapse under their own contradictions and bullshit. Yay?

I'm going to tread into territory I am not that familiar with, but hasn't the whole EU/currency thing been deemed a failure, mainly because of the drain caused by effectively "3rd world Euro nations" like Greece? Wasn't the UK's decision to keep the pound a smart one? Looking for edumacation here, so don't all start jumping down my throat.
It's a lot more complicated than that, and I don't pretend to truly understand it all. But basically a currency union can't work without unified banking systems, central control or at least influence on fiscal policy, and a bunch of other shit. Basically, the euro zone is only half built, and some members like Germany aren't all that interested in going any further than they already have. If they remain unwilling, you're likely to see the same shit happen all over again, even if the underlying causes are different.

But that doesn't mean it's been a failure, either. A currency union can work, but only if the members are willing to go far enough to make it work. And that doesn't appear to be the case in Europe.

Szlia_sl said:
EDIT: Oh and someone mentioned tiny countries and made a rebultal about banking being 85% of GDP or whatever. You will pleased to know banking is slightly above 10% of Switzerland's GDP. Raw material trading though...
They mean finance, and you know it.


Potato del Grande
Jesus Christ... Scottish strippers... just no. Scottish women are either supermodels or hobbits and supermodels don't need to lower themselves and be strippers.



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Jesus Christ... Scottish strippers... just no. Scottish women are either supermodels or hobbits and supermodels don't need to lower themselves and be strippers.

Dear God I hope tat is not actually a woman.


Tranny Chaser
Plus you have empowered state/local governments in all 50 states regardless of size. Maybe that's how you give Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland enough democracy to keep everyone relatively satisfied. England, too...if I'm understanding this issue correctly they have no local powers at all with over 50 million people.
Where do you get this idea from? We have local County councils and underneath those local city councils


The situation in Scotland won't be resolved until Sean Connery can get his roof fixed.

As it is, he can't find a shingle person to do it.


Musty Nester
That's something that wouldn't actually happen in America. Someone would get shot over something like that. At the very least some bikes/giant televisions would be stolen from koreans. We are oddly humorless about some things.