Screamfeeder's Joint

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Not at all. There has always been a fairly large liberal/progressive/left to most iterations of this board over the years. Conservatives have always been a vocal part since the beginning (people like Suineg, Phoenix, Aladin, khorum, fanaskin, tad10, General Antony etc etc), but this place has generally trended more "left" until the last few years. The reasons for that are complicated, complex and long.

During that time a lot of people that were disillusioned about Obama not being perfect and saw what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016 decided to switch to Donald Trump because for some reason, a silver-spoon, illiterate, cheating husband with a gold toilet was seen as the perfect "Working Mans" candidate.

Now, a lot of people switched literally to troll and be edgy, but as I'm sure you can see if you go through the part of the board that I am banned from, there are plenty of people that think Donald Trump is a God Emperor and treat politics even more like their favorite sport team than ever before.

Basically Gamergate got a lot of young/middle age dudes angry at anything they perceive as SJW, Trump got elected and now people feel safe and secure to use words like "jogger" (see above) when they mean to say the n-word (we can't say the word here because it gets filtered). Same with wakandan, dindu etc etc. You also are going to see a LOT more antisemitism trotted out followed by lots of "lol u got triggered!" when people get snippy about it.

I could go on and on and I left out a ton of shit, simplified a ton of shit and didn't give any real context that is needed.

So if you want to fit in, make sure to use Jogger, Dindu, Wakandan(these all mean's a cute code they have), and blame Jews, Women, Liberals and anyone that isn't fully on board with Trump as terrorists trying to destroy western civilization and you'll do fine when discussing politics or anything about the Culture War.

You could just stay out of that shit too. I'm banned from for basically saying the above so I have no choice.

But the real TL:DR is "No. People just started enacting Poes Law and believing the parody as reality."
This post is a fine example of why Trump won. Intentionally omitting all of the Michael brown, Ferguson and more, propaganda campaigns. Amazing. Imagine trying to bullshit gamergate into working class racism. Wealthy "humanitarians" literally bused thugs and arsonists into black communities and destroyed their businesses and here you are trying to continue that media effort while pretending to be better than everyone else.

It's starting to seem as if you might not be trolling and are actually a genuinely bad person.
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The Dirtbag
Intentionally omitting
I did no such thing. I omitted stuff sure, but it was not intentional. I didn't write that up thinking "oh boy I am totally not going to mention the thousands of reasons why person X did thing Y". Your post is a great example of outrage culture though. Weird that you went with Michael Brown and not the Treyvon incident since that is the one more commonly attributed to people getting furiously upset about People In Power being let off for killing "People Not In Power".

and more, propaganda campaigns.
Which ones were those? Was it Steve Bannon and his World of Warcraft outrage machine that he used to get angry white gamers upset? Was it Mike Cernovich and Milo pushing hard with the "white genocide" theories? Where in my post did I even come close to making any kind of statement that I was better than anyone else? I was giving numbers some insight into why THIS VIDYA GAME FORUM went full retard into the Trump cult.

It's starting to seem as if you might not be trolling and are actually a genuinely bad person.
And this ladies and gentlemen is a great example of modern projection. Makes bad counter-points, lies, claims I am acting superior and then acts superior.
  • 1Pants on Fire!
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I did no such thing. I omitted stuff sure, but it was not intentional. I didn't write that up thinking "oh boy I am totally not going to mention the thousands of reasons why person X did thing Y". Your post is a great example of outrage culture though. Weird that you went with Michael Brown and not the Treyvon incident since that is the one more commonly attributed to people getting furiously upset about People In Power being let off for killing "People Not In Power".

Which ones were those? Was it Steve Bannon and his World of Warcraft outrage machine that he used to get angry white gamers upset? Was it Mike Cernovich and Milo pushing hard with the "white genocide" theories? Where in my post did I even come close to making any kind of statement that I was better than anyone else? I was giving numbers some insight into why THIS VIDYA GAME FORUM went full retard into the Trump cult.

And this ladies and gentlemen is a great example of modern projection. Makes bad counter-points, lies, claims I am acting superior and then acts superior.
Bro, obviously you are a weak, cowardly democrat who is going to take their guns and violently tear apart the fabric of the universe.
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
He’s back, wb. How was jail, Alasliasolonik Alasliasolonik ?
Sup, bro. Bro... its been rough but now I know LLR is my bro and will be to the end. Its like a brosif brothers bro-derum. I've changed my ways and I'm on easy street! Bro... Im not gunna lie, it was a harsh time and bro... ive seen the light.

I've helped the mod team do their job with skeleton account 00 and im sure ill be getting a Bro Award for it!
  • 1Solidarity
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Tranny Chaser
Sup, bro. Bro... its been rough but now I know LLR is my bro and will be to the end. Its like a brosif brothers bro-derum. I've changed my ways and I'm on easy street! Bro... Im not gunna lie, it was a harsh time and bro... ive seen the light.

I've helped the mod team do their job with skeleton account 00 and im sure ill be getting a Bro Award for it!




Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Sup, bro. Bro... its been rough but now I know LLR is my bro and will be to the end. Its like a brosif brothers bro-derum. I've changed my ways and I'm on easy street! Bro... Im not gunna lie, it was a harsh time and bro... ive seen the light.

I've helped the mod team do their job with skeleton account 00 and im sure ill be getting a Bro Award for it!

Bro, welcome to team bro, bro. It's brotastic to have more bros to bro around with, bro.
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