Sean complaint box

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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Social anxiety us real and it sucks. When I go to the fair or an amusement park with my family the crowds literally make me want to pull my arms off because I'm taking up too much space. I have no problem standing in line at the supermarket.

You don't experience social anxiety and that's great. Just don't be so disingenuous to say that if you don't have a problem then its not a real thing
I don't deny that social anxiety is a real thing but its not something that is worthy of a disability check.

Basically you can't fucking handle people and that's not a function of you being disabled, its a function of you being an anti-social loser.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
It makes me pretty irritated how many people abuse some of these programs. I work with adults with developmental disabilities and I can think of several who game the system like goddamn champs. One dude basically spends all of his food stamp cash on video games every month, and just buys a shitload of rice and chicken with the component he can't convert into cash. He has a bunch of my people thinking that he basically is too retarded to even read, but when he's not being evaluated, he'll read like a novel per week, and is smart enough to play stuff like rome total war and civ 5 on the harder settings. He also claims anxiety in any social situation, yet goes to basically every social event he can- concerts, parties, hangouts with friends. His anxiety only materializes when a PSR or health and welfare worker is around.

Not bagging on disabilities, because I work with some people who I literally will not let use the stove or out of my sight, but some people are gaming the system really badly. The guy I'm thinking of literally puts on his best simple jack mask every time he talks to health and welfare, and then goes back to being basically a normal person who's lazy as fuck when they aren't around.
Someone said a week ago that career welfare blacks should take a class from Sean on how to scam the system. It is so true.


Sean can teach the course online asuming the blacks he will teach know how to steal WiFi. He won't have to go outside to get paid a real paycheck.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
He'll just call them all retards and berate them all day.

If you think Sean has problems interacting with any people, imagine if its just black people.


That may be a good thing. No black person would take that from a fat piece of shit cracker. They'd kill Sean. Problem solved.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It took him 39 minutes to work up the courage to make that post and he nearly gave himself a heart attack doing it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
the fat slimy fuck just infracted me, wtf

Sean_sl said:
Dear Araysar,

You have received an infraction at Rerolled.

Reason: Harassing Members

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
I wake up and I see pages of PCFags being PCFags in a console thread. Clearly we need a PCFags thread.

I think people are underestimating how much power you will need to run a game well. No longer are you going to be able to buy low-mid level stuff and get away with running a game at 90% of its potential. Just look at the leaked Watch Dogs specs (which have actually gone up in a second leak). It's going to take a lot more power to run games, especially going into the next year.

I personally do not want to deal with any of that. I can buy a $400 box and be good enough for the next 6-7 years and being that I'll be playing on a 1080p TV I wouldn't see a noticeable enough upgrade in performance going with a high end PC for me to give a shit.

PC gaming will be great for those who play on 1440p and 2160p monitors that require a boatload of extra power. For those of us who primarily game on TVs these new consoles (or at least the PS4) bring enough to the table that there's not going to be a huge difference when gaming on a 1080p display, especially once they drop cross-gen games and engine optimization gets improved and they push more power out of the little boxes.

Also I'm more poorer than all of you COMBINED. Or something.

Go make a PCFag MasterFags thread.

Take a breath from your oxygen tank, Sean. Your in-call nurse will be by shortly to change your afternoon diaper and wipe the drool from your chin.
All the best,

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Let Big P hate another human for whatever reason he wants. Get your cralpy genes out of here and ahit post in the politics thread more.
I check it all the time - it's been fucking boring recently though - something other than the shutdown and the same tired shit needs to happen to spice it up again...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
oh and im in the rickshaw for a month for that Sean comment

its insane.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO

if you are disabled as you claim to be than how can you be offended that someone pointed out that you use an oxygen tank and shit yourself every afternoon???

if its that not true, than are you really disabled???????

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Alright guys, listen up. Apparently the term "PCfags" hurt some people's feels. Thusly, PCFags, Consolefags, Console Peasants, PC Master Race, and all such terms are Off Limits. Too many feels have been hurts.

(*This post entirely made in jest, anyone bitching about any of those things is just plain gol-darn hilarious.)
makes fun of people for being offended by PCFAGS

gets super butthurt about someone mentioning that he uses an oxygen tank and sends that person to RRP for 30 days

nice one, you fat disabled weeboo loser


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
oh and im in the rickshaw for a month for that Sean comment

its insane.
That does need to be reversed - PC/Console war shit is annoying, but shouldn't be an infraction thing - just a verbal smackaround thing if anything.


Mods held to a lower standard than normal posters. Sort of like the Jews were regarded lower and less than by Nazis.

What's next we will be forced to wear prices of flair so we can easily identified?
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