

Does anyone know some good facial moisturizers / cleaners? I tend to have fairly dry skin but occasionally have minor acne issues that I have cleaners for but they just dry out my skin even more. So I was curious if there was some good middle ground or something out there. I tend to have a beard though so have shied away from aftershaves.


Molten Core Raider
I have been using a Merkur short handled saftey razor and it is pretty good so far. It gives me a close clean and cheap shave. I would have gone with a long handled razor in hindsight. I would not buy anything from the art of shaving either.

Here is long handled safety razor that is pretty decent.

The blades you buy for the razor are important to, as they pertain to the closeness of the shave due to the various sharpness of the blades. I found that derby blades are the most forgiving and give you a comparable shave to that of a mach 3. Each blade is double sided so you will get 4 shaves out it. A 100 pack of blades costs about 10 bucks which provides 400 shaves.

Saving soap is integral in the quality of the shave too. I have found that proraso shave soap gives the best shave with a safety razor. It lathers up nicely and does not clog up the blade.

To apply the soap you want to get a badger hair brush. You get get those for cheap at target even. Or here

I do not use an aftershave since I shower after I shave. The steam from the shower prevents razor burn much like an aftershave would.


Golden Squire
I started shaving with a Merkur safety razor a few months ago. The difference is phenomenal, and as most stated to me when I was asking, it is best to get all the ingredients. That includes the shaving cream and brush. Even the first time I shaved with it, it didn't take me very long and came out pretty nicely. I still get minor nicks here and there if I'm rushing.. but it generally takes me 5-10 minutes max to shave, and I do 2 passes.

My facial hair must be pretty coarse because I tried TheDollarShaveClub razor in an effort to save some money on the shithole price gouging in the shaving market, but those SUCKED. It might work decently for some people, but for me it actually hurt my face and pulled my hair trying to shave with it. It also left a lot of stubble on my face. In the end, a cartridge razor at the store is far superior to that shit dollar shave club razor.

At any rate, I'm very happy with the switch to safety razors, and it doesn't take as long to get used to as I was led to believe in everything I've read. I might try out that Beard Lube linked in the first post soon, because I've heard a lot of a good things. The shaving cream and brush is nice, but if there is an easier alternative that works just as well then I'm all for it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Whoever recommended the Georgetown Pottery scuttle on FOH boards, thank you. Have loved it and it looks great in my bathroom. On FOH I had made a pretty lengthy post about shaving and my thoughts on the most important pieces. Might try to do it again, but everyone has pretty much already said what I'd post in one way or another.


Just a Nurse
At first it can take a while, 30 to 40 minutes is a little ridiculous, takes me a good 5 to 7 minutes, not too crazy.
I have sensitive skin as well as my hair grows in multiple directions. I have to go literally at every angle in order for it to get close.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I have sensitive skin as well as my hair grows in multiple directions. I have to go literally at every angle in order for it to get close.
I know that feel bro. I'm a DE shaver, have been for almost a year now. I shave with the grain and against and across certain areas where my hair grows in in a weird direction. I tend to just get those areas before my skin dries after a pass rather than re-lathering and shaving everywhere again. A typical shave takes me maybe 10 minutes, but I've gone as fast as 7 or so. I nick myself once every few days, but they're never really noticeable. It's rare that I get razor burn from a DE shave, whereas I had irritation every time I shaved with a cartridge razor.


For those that aren't romantic about shaving, has anyone tried this?

The medium plan is $6 a month and they send four 4-blade cartridges to you in the mail every month. This is a bit more than half the price of Gillette Mach 3 cartridges and you don't have to pick them up from the store. You can also go every other month which would probably work for me since I usually only shave 2-3 times a week. If the razors don't suck it seems like a great deal.
I've been a member since they first put up their amazing fucking video ad. I use the 4X, blades are comparable or better than any off the self blades I have ever used. If you are an every day shaver I would suggest looking elsewhere but if you shave 2 or 3 times a week you probably won't find an easier or cheaper solution. Just don't use them to shave you're head. A lesson I keep forgetting.

Now try it and get me some free blades thanks.
Whoever recommended the Georgetown Pottery scuttle on FOH boards, thank you. Have loved it and it looks great in my bathroom. On FOH I had made a pretty lengthy post about shaving and my thoughts on the most important pieces. Might try to do it again, but everyone has pretty much already said what I'd post in one way or another.
had a dream about shopping for one of these last night


Buzzfeed Editor
I would not buy anything from the art of shaving either.
Any particular reason why? Is it the cost or the quality of the products or what?

I went there originally because it was nice to be able to pose specific questions to their staff and get some answers and some different ideas about what to do. Prior to this, for the past 14 years or so I have used whatever Gillete Mach whatever razor was out and some shaving cream, just whatever they sold. I never really put much thought into it. So it was nice to be able to get feedback and work with the employees. They seem pretty overpriced for what it is so I am not sure I will go back, though.


Molten Core Raider
Mostly just cost, since it's a retail store everything they sell is quite a bit more expensive than the equivalent products are online. They are a decent knowledge resource though if you want to go talk to someone with questions about different types of shaving creams/soaps, razors, etc.

Their selection is a little limited razor-wise because they are owned by Gillette, so they only sell their brand of razors & blades.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
As someone who has quested for the perfect shave for almost two decades, I present to you the "perfect shave". Formulated through years of trial and error, hundreds of dollars spent on various blades and creams, and literally blood and tears-- this shave guarantees you baby ass softness with zero irritation..

List of Equipment Needed:

1) A shower
2) Fogless Shower Mirror. No, not that piece of shit that you used before,this one.
3) A good badger hair brush. Real badger hair, not some POS imitation
4) Merkur Classis Safety razor with Derby blades. I'm too lazy to link, find them on Amazon. For days that you have less time to shave, a good Gilette Fusion will do fine.
5)Proraso Shaving cream. This shit is the bomb and lasts forever.
6)Kiels After Shave Lotion

First off, 85% of your shave quality comes from 1) a good warm, wet face, 2) quality shaving cream, and 3) a good brush/lathering. The last 15% I would say is the differential between using a good cartridge razor and a safety razor. I used to swear by the safety razor because I made the switch from cartridge razor and shitty Barbasol to safety razor plus brush and good cream all at the same time, and therefore attributed the miraculous increase in shave quality to the blade, however in fact it is mostly the brush, cream and prepping, not the blade.

1) Take a HOT shower. Keep all your shaving gear in the shower. Shaving should be the last thing you do before getting out of the shower.
2) Using the shaving mirror, use the brush and cream to totally lather your face. Spend one minute grinding that fucking brush and lather into your beard. A big mistake is gently painting your face with the lather. Fuck that. The goal here is to soften your hair as much as possible, and for that you need pressure.
3) Using the razor of your choice shave with the grain. NEVER shave against the grain on the first pass!!
4) Lather up again for a full minute
5) Shave against the grain.
6) Rinse and apply Kiehls after shave lotion

Congratulations, you have the closest shave ever, your face doesn't burn, and razor bumps and ingrown hairs are a thing of the past.

WARNING: If your wife/significant other is the curious type like mine was, she will see your new shiny safety razor in the shower and most likely decide to give it a whirl as it is obviously so much fancier than her piece of shit pink razor. The result will be hacked up legs and possibly an injured pussy. So please warn your woman that your razor is badass and is not to be used on her delicates.


Trump's Staff
I have sensitive skin as well as my hair grows in multiple directions. I have to go literally at every angle in order for it to get close.
Even so, 30 minutes is way too long. I can go across my entire neck and face with my Merkur in four different directions in under 10 minutes. Some pro tips, keep your strokes very short, apply shaving product multiple times if needed and don't push against your skin at all.


Molten Core Raider
As someone who has quested for the perfect shave for almost two decades, I present to you the "perfect shave". Formulated through years of trial and error, hundreds of dollars spent on various blades and creams, and literally blood and tears-- this shave guarantees you baby ass softness with zero irritation.
Do you not have any issues with the shaving cream running off of your face when it's that wet, humid, & steamy in a hot shower?

How often do you change your blade on your safety razor? I just received a variety pack of blades to figure out which I like best, and I used to use cartridge razors for probably 8-10 shaves because they are so damn expensive, but that was probably too many shaves.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I'll change the safety razor blade every 5 shaves or so. They are so cheap when purchased in bulk I don't mind possibly tossing them prematurely. For a cartridge razor, 10 or so shaves seems right. Keep in mind that the more well saturated your beard is, the easier the shave, which means less wear and tear on the blade.

At least with the Proraso shaving cream, it goes on pretty thick, only needing the moisture on the brush to foam up. Also, one almond sized nub on the brush gives you enough foam for at least 3 re-applications. Out of the tube it is the texture of toothpaste with a slightly oily feel, so isn't some cheap foam that runs easily.

Do you not have any issues with the shaving cream running off of your face when it's that wet, humid, & steamy in a hot shower?

How often do you change your blade on your safety razor? I just received a variety pack of blades to figure out which I like best, and I used to use cartridge razors for probably 8-10 shaves because they are so damn expensive, but that was probably too many shaves.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just got a safety razor for Christmas but no brush or shaving cream so im looking for a decent place to get one. Big problem is does not ship to Canada and either doesnt have anything or is more then double the price. So anyone have some suggestions on what to buy and where to buy in Canada?


Molten Core Raider
Not sure what stores you have in Canada, but most stores that sell makeup will sell badger-hair brushes. Even places like Target or drug stores like CVS/Walgreens here in the US all carry basic badger hair brushes, you just might have to check in the cosmetics area. I've even seen them in some grocery stores here too, they're pretty common anymore.
Just got a safety razor for Christmas but no brush or shaving cream so im looking for a decent place to get one. Big problem is does not ship to Canada and either doesnt have anything or is more then double the price. So anyone have some suggestions on what to buy and where to buy in Canada?
No clue if they ship to Canada or not but I like


A Mod Real Quick
Been using a safety razor for a few years after some major issues I had. I was a person who would shave once a week because my face would get torn up so bad, or I'd get red bumps everywhere. If I tried to shave each day I would look worse than a 14 year old working at McDonalds. I heard about safety razors and was skeptical whether or not they would work for me, but it was cheap enough so I gave it a shot.

I got some older Gillette Razor, a real badger brush, some Old Bond St (or whatever the fuck it is) cream and went at it. It's absolutely amazing. I can shave 17 times a day and get little to no irritation. Usually the only irritation I get is if I go over the same spot on my face multiple times, and with safety razors that's something you really shouldn't do. I watched youtube videos to get me going, and I love it. I can't really do the 45 minute 17 different passes water shaving stuff as I don't have that much time, but even just one pass on my face works great. Also, if I am in a pinch and use regular ol' supermarket shaving cream, if I use my safety razor I experience no irritation either - my face just seems to get dried out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No clue if they ship to Canada or not but I like
Looks like they do ship to Canada. Any suggestions on what to pick up for a first time DE shaver? I have the razor and blades and thats it thus far.