

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't remember where I saw it or I'd link it, but my understanding was that for android apps, Win10 will run .apks with no modifications necessary, but iOS apps have to be ported.
With Google's open source nature that does seem more sensible to do if they can manage it without too much overhead being eaten up slowing the devices down.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
That was my thinking as well, Microsoft took a look as AOSP and added what they needed to windows. If Chrome can run .apks with a simple extension, it can't be much harder for windows.

Edit: Apps that rely on Google APIs like play services and such may have issues running on windows. I know ARC allows Chrome access to some of those, but I wonder if Google will allow Windows access to them without going through Chrome.


Trump's Staff
The presentation made it seem like system services, location, keyboard, etc., are automatically ported to use Windows services instead.


<Prior Amod>
So my Note 3 is dying. The GPS on it is never working at this point.

I'm torn between the iPhone 6 Plus and the Note 4....if I could wait for the Note 5 I would but I can't. I know the Note 4 beats out the 6 Plus in pretty much all technical points but I figured I would come here and ask opinions on the two.


Bronze Squire
If you don't mind the size of a Note than I would go Nexus 6 and Project Fi.

Unless you consume massive amounts of mobile data anyways, there is a break-even on that. Plus you have to wait for an invite.


<Prior Amod>
Those were not the options I gave.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Then you have to get the invite to fi, can only sign up to get in at this point


So my Note 3 is dying. The GPS on it is never working at this point.

I'm torn between the iPhone 6 Plus and the Note 4....if I could wait for the Note 5 I would but I can't. I know the Note 4 beats out the 6 Plus in pretty much all technical points but I figured I would come here and ask opinions on the two.
Note 4 if you really need too right now. If not I'd wait for the 5. I've yet to see any reason to get an iPhone at this point.

Battery life is better on the 4, screen is better on the 4, I find IOS is behind the times in features to Android...I mean really it comes down to ecosystem and camera. And there isn't the gap that used to exist in either of those areas.


<Prior Amod>
Note 4 if you really need too right now. If not I'd wait for the 5. I've yet to see any reason to get an iPhone at this point.

Battery life is better on the 4, screen is better on the 4, I find IOS is behind the times in features to Android...I mean really it comes down to ecosystem and camera. And there isn't the gap that used to exist in either of those areas.
Sadly it can't wait, I need GPS for my job so I gotta get a replacement soon.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Coworker has a Note 4 and loves it. It's still one of the best phones out there if you don't mind the size. Unless you're already invested in the iOS ecosystem or really want something that is iOS only, I would definitely go with the Note 4.

The OPO would also be a good choice. The invite system is gone and it's half the price of a Note 4 (unless you have an upgrade to use). Screen isn't as nice and the camera is inferior to the Note 4, but otherwise it's a fantastic phone.


<Prior Amod>
I guess part of me just wanted to try out an iPhone to see what the hype was all about. I've been Android for life and really dig the Note series. Plus I do miss playing games with a few friends when I had my iPad that I can't anymore because I don't have any iOS devices anymore. LoL.

I'll probably stick with the Note, but part of me wonders what I'm missing, if anything.


That guy
iOS and Android are so similar these days it isn't even worth comparing the two. Anything new that comes out on one is copied by the other within a few months. At this point it's all about finding the phone with the hardware, screen size, battery life, etc. that suits you best.


what Suineg set it to
iOS and Android are so similar these days it isn't even worth comparing the two. Anything new that comes out on one is copied by the other within a few months. At this point it's all about finding the phone with the hardware, screen size, battery life, etc. that suits you best.
Android is a much better UI experience than iOS. I feel like iOS said 'NAILED IT!' 2-3 years ago and stopped improving meanwhile the newest releases of Android are very intuitive - it's only frustrating when the phone hardware can't keep up. Without fail if a coworker has something they can't find or configure, they have an iPhone 5/6.

About the worst thing I can say about Android is some time 1.5-2 years ago the default time app lost countdown timer for some reason. *shrug*


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
About the worst thing I can say about Android is some time 1.5-2 years ago the default time app lost countdown timer for some reason. *shrug*
Huh? It still there, 3rd tab from the left. Unless every custom rom I've been using has implemented it in exactly the same way (certainly possible) it wasn't removed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Huh? It still there, 3rd tab from the left. Unless every custom rom I've been using has implemented it in exactly the same way (certainly possible) it wasn't removed.
Same, probably a Samsung tweak to remove it or something.