

Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Yep. My son plays the hell outta this. Yep, dated graphics and the walking on a slip and slide movement.


Potato del Grande
I played it some with one of my brothers a while back. It was kind of fun, an interesting take on MOBAs but when I played it the balance etc. was still nowhere near done. That said, it was fun to play for a while.


The graphics have improved a lot since the last I had played it (which was over a year ago) and they are still going through updating models for all the Gods. The balance is also much better now then it was when I had last played. If you played it ages ago I would recommend giving it another shot. The game has changed a ton.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I started playing again a last week after not having played for nearly a year and I was surprised at how much better the graphics looked.
My complaints are that the match making is pretty terrible. Myself and my 2 friends I've played with haven't played it that long. I'm level 11 (out of 30) and they both just started this week. We've been getting matches with level 30's and people that have clearly played much longer and in a LoL equivalent would be high gold/plat level players. Which leads to the other major problem. AFK's, disconnects, and rage quits are rampant in this game. Just yesterday I played 9 matches. 7 of those matches had a disconnect soon as the game started or someone afk/rage quit shortly into the match. Absolutely infuriating. Another annoyance is that surrender starts at 10 minutes. I've had matches that my team was up 5-10k in gold and soon as 10 minutes hits people are spamming surrender.
But it's still a fun game when you get a decent match and at least for me it usually isn't as rage inducing as LoL can be.


Spent the weekend playing the hell out of this game. I am loving it....they have a deal to unlock all current and future Gods for 30 bucks which is a heck of a deal!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just picked this up today, it's really fun. I think I enjoy third person more than the overhead view of other mobas. Seems like it'll be fun to mix it up between this and LoL. Moba skills definitely translate over, and everything being a skillshot is fun.


Just picked this up today, it's really fun. I think I enjoy third person more than the overhead view of other mobas. Seems like it'll be fun to mix it up between this and LoL. Moba skills definitely translate over, and everything being a skillshot is fun.
It is fun - very much fun and whoever bickers and says it's not is a true LoL fanboy.. plain & simple.


Molten Core Raider
Saw they had a launch party for this. What's it looking like these days? Worth trying over LoL or HotS?


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's a lot less "hectic" than Dota2 as you don't have to click everywhere, you walk with WASD. Dodging stuff is fairly easy if you can strafe. You get only 10 heroes out of many, the rest are play-to-unlock or pay-to-unlock. If you put in several hours, you can probably farm out a hero. Different configurations of the map, one is only single lane. End target to defeat is a mini boss rather than a defenseless building.


Molten Core Raider
Its too bad this game doesn't get more attention I think it's really well done. I didn't play it early in beta but have been playing it over the past couple months and am prefering it over Dota or LoL now. Im finding the third person aim based style pvp is a lot more enjoyable then the top down rts dota approach.


Molten Core Raider
If anyone is playing still feel free to holler, Turbofangz ingame.

I really liked the idea of LOL but came real late to the party and to be honest hate mouse clicking with a passion (read: does not play RTS's). This might not be a perfect game but so far it seems pretty damn fun with skill still mattering. Definitely shaping up to be something i might spend alot of time on since Arachage and HEX probably won't cut the mustard and DoC dev's have made me scared as hell of long term growth of that game.

Any semi pro/pro have any key things that really seperate the average to the elite players from a mechanics stand point? Obviously team play, map awareness etc but anything a new guy should be aware of? I was drawn straight to Zeus for some reason and so far typically lead the team in K/D ratio and feel like I do my part which is to swoop in for good quick kills and also turn the tide in team fights (last game I actually think I sololy killed 4 of them at once lol). I know I need to understand different classes but for now I am going to pick just a few and really focus. I HATE melee in all things that is gaming so i'll stick with hunters/mages I think.

Any suggestions on a solid 2nd I can start mastering?


I just started playing again, I made it to level 25 in the beta. I am a little rusty but it comes back fast.

My learning order was something listed below.

Ahnur is really great to learn for a physical ranged.

Guan-Yu is easy for melee as well.

Chan'ge is another really strong and easy to play.

I suggest just playing assault for a while to get thrown into all the heroes, t it's fun and everyone else is in the same boat, plus those games are pretty fast.

My fav heroes right now are:

Poseidon, Zeus, Neith, Ao-Kung, Guan-Yu.....


Molten Core Raider
Thoroughly enjoying Zeus in arena. Tried He Bo a few rounds and did alright as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Saw someone mention this in the archeage thread so I loaded it up and I'm loving it. Zeote in game. Someone come play with me!