

Molten Core Raider
Oh god, its so fun at low levels when you have acquired some skill at the game already. In 4 games on He Bo I'm averaging 32 kills and 2 deaths per game....had 3 24-0 archane games in the arena. My friend is enjoying it, I play support for him and he goes hunter (he has never played before). Our first CQ game he went 21 kills which was awesome. Any lower level people add me as TurboJ if you want to join us for a little stress relief

Nox sucks ass in arena relatively speaking. I know she is a counter pick vs spam ability gods but god she has such low damage out put. Chang'e/Appro are such better support mages at this point in almost any game type but I guess we will see.


Hopefully she will end up like Cabrakan and get some small tweak and buffs along the way. I really enjoy Cabrakan now. I went 8-4 in my seige match yesterday with him. Our Nox was like 3-8 lol.
Ash80 is ign if any one wants to grp up just getting back into it, Love this game. Would be awesome to get a rerolled party to Roll.


Molten Core Raider
What level are you Ash? I have a smurf account to play with newer people (turbojj) or a main if you are 30 (turbofangz).
Lvl 21 atm, just gettin back into the grove of things lots of new items and gods since i played last.


Molten Core Raider
Regionals are over; World Championship is in Atlanta in January (they have EU, China, Brazil, and NA representatives I believe). They raised $2M through skin sales for the prize pool which is pretty good considering the games population. I've got a knee surgery coming up so i'll be on for a pretty fair amount if anyone wants to get into the game or is playing at max level. I have a smurf account in the 20's to fuck around with as well.

I'm not stellar but not a horrible player. Flirting around gold 3 in ranked. Just love the MMO feel to combat vs point in click bullshit. TurboJ and Turbofangz ingame if anyone is playing. I main He Bo in ranked and arena; abit high deaths but sitting at 7300 kills and about 8k assist at 416 wins...daddy likes his He Bo even though I think I'm about the only person playing him at any level of consistency in ranked at least in gold/plat. Pro's will flirt with him once and a while but never has a place....


He Bo is out of favor at the moment? When I was playing he was consistently a mage pick in ranked and in tournaments. Him and Zhong Kui were big for a long time because of their survivability.

Is the ranked less toxic now? I found the casual games to be really fun, especially arena but found ranked conquest to be filled with people who sucked and blamed everyone else.


Molten Core Raider
When did you play ranked last? I've been playing since probably April and he was a fairly low pick already and then completely gone after 2 nerfs to damage. He has one of the worst kits for survivability in the game for mages especially with water spout slow being nerfed. Now don't get me wrong, he can still be a force but outside of pubs he is seldomly picked from my experience or watching tournments. EU has a bit more liking of him but he usually doesn't have a good showing the few times he does show up. Baffles me because while I'm not great I can still carry fairly hard but I also run a pretty high death rate (but I also average 9 kills a game in ranked across the board with him so it works out enough)

The real strong mages in the meta atm for mid are Agni (escape + stun/mass damage from ults is very good), Janus (high damage poatential and his movement/escapes is the best of any mage), Sycliia (absurd late game damage, 2nd best mage escape ingame behind Janus). Vulcan has came on as of late and been a whore but they gave him a minor nerf to keep things fair. A good Vulcan is about as painful as a mage as you can play against. Also just the last 2 weeks, Nox went from trash to a super star, such low cool down you can just spam her 3. She is actually banned most games now. Nu Wu also is strong but can mid or solo, her global is good for clean up + location of enemies and her stun combo is great cc and fucking hurts.

The rest fill niche rolls or just don't get played. Solo is completely changed, limited mages now...typically Chang'e, Aphro, Nu Wu sometimes, and Zhong who is really hard to deal with.

Oh lastly, Ra is probably the most frequent picked mage period (yet usually not worth a ban). He plays strong solo or mid, great team fight, sustain, etc. I honestly thought they might nerf more then they did but he is still about as safe as pick as you can go.

As far as toxic...not sure if you played when they had curse voice integrated into the game but it makes things a lot better. Maybe 1 of 4 games do you run into major douche bags in voice, 70% of games I have at least 4 in chat (for ranked) which is so much nicer then chat. Still have to have a thick skin but its not horrible. Casuals....well I fucking hate, because you either have really toxic trolls or you have people that are all about YOLO and shit, they just don't care and some how are surprised when you politely point out flaws in their approach etc when you are trying to win. The ONLY time I do casual conquest is if I want to try and clean up my play with a god I don't use much or try a new build. I play mainly ranked and also Arena (love me some mass slaughter).

Any game I've tried to play since I started playing smite has no staying power for me, Dragon Age is pure awesome and I still struggle playing that much always thinking...oh just one game of smite!


I played from release until about just after Chaac was released and now play off and on. Haven't played much since the curse voice became a thing. I will probably give it a swing again soon. Conquest was getting so bad (ranked and otherwise) that I mostly stuck to Arena or Assault after a while and enjoy them. Arena is still probably my favorite game mode. While my KDR is crazy high I kept getting stuck as support in Conquest and then getting yelled at for having a negative KDR. Like sorry for not last hitting that guy I set my carry up for


Molten Core Raider
I played from release until about just after Chaac was released and now play off and on. Haven't played much since the curse voice became a thing. I will probably give it a swing again soon. Conquest was getting so bad (ranked and otherwise) that I mostly stuck to Arena or Assault after a while and enjoy them. Arena is still probably my favorite game mode. While my KDR is crazy high I kept getting stuck as support in Conquest and then getting yelled at for having a negative KDR. Like sorry for not last hitting that guy I set my carry up for
Honestly I've never heard hardly anyone complaining about KDR's, people tend to understand the role of support and why its needed. I don't give a flying fuck about KDR, I think they need a few advanced metrics to help put context around things as well. For instance % of total team damage, % of team kills etc. So at least when you look at people's stats you can get a bit better idea. For instance, I play in an extremely aggressive manner. Deaths tend to abit a higher then I want but especially in arena where I am able to disrupt the enemy team and drive the tempo of the game I'm much happier with that. On He Bo I'd say I tend to be 10-20k ahead of anyone else on either side 90% of the games I play and its a lot harder then it looks in arena because you have to be up close in personal.

Anyways, its not much of an issue. Feel free to add me on turboj or turbofangz and holler if you want to run some games.


Molten Core Raider
World champs are on today thru Sunday. Streamed atTwitch

NA teams completely dominated today, i'll be interesting in seeing if SK can compete with Cog.

Prize pool is $2.5M plus, 3rd highest in esports I think. Glad to see it growing, still the only game I really play consistently.


<Silver Donator>
I caught a few games but they were all insanely retarded stomps. Like 18/0 stomps and shit like that, was kinda weird. Guess there's a massive disparity in skills between the teams, hopefully gets better when the good teams play each other. Also funny that NA is actually good at this.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I caught like 4 matches, 1 was a super stomp as you said, one was fairly rough, the other 2 were reasonably close though from my perspective. I haven't played Smite since early early beta so I don't know really. It looks way the hell better now though, I'm impressed with how far they brought it.


Molten Core Raider
I think I caught like 4 matches, 1 was a super stomp as you said, one was fairly rough, the other 2 were reasonably close though from my perspective. I haven't played Smite since early early beta so I don't know really. It looks way the hell better now though, I'm impressed with how far they brought it.
Biggest upset was SK Gaming (EU) beating Cog Red who was favored heavily to win the entire thing. They play OMG (Chinese champs) in the quarters tomorrow; I think they will dominate; then they will have Cog Prime there sister team who used to be the big dogs but their baby team came out of no where at the opening tourney this year and wiped the floor with them. There was some really non-traditional picks so far, few paid but now its going to fucking be a bunch of scrubs in ranked saying OMG ANIBUS WAS IN WORLDS; LEGIT!!!

I wish I haven't lost some of my gaming skills as I've grown older (33 now and the depth perception and sight is shit plus college football beat up my hands so a lot of arthritis coming in). Smite is the best thing I've found out there since I fucking hate LOL/DOTA click and move bullshit. I play MMO style with my abilities on my naga. Fucking was close to cracking plat before I took a 3 week break and came back and dropped fucking down to middle of gold. I made a smurf account and just started doing ranked on him focusing more on support role and a few mid mages that I normally don't use and jfc there are SO many clueless idiots out there. Good news is there is a constant stream of new people and the player base seems to be growing so its good to see it showing longevity. I will admit, as horriblely pathetic as it sounds of me, I fucking want to grab some of these emo mother fucking kids that spew nothing but buzz slang and talk shit and break their knecks. Worse is the idiots that try and quit the second something isn't going your way....I've yet to find anyone who played real sports in the damn outside of 2 people. Everytime I ask the question when they try quiting I get "why would I play sports that's a lot of work" or "I have a summer league soccer team" ...... I hope I die at a young age because this younger generation is abunch of god damn fucking entitled pussies that will lead to the fall of America.

Rant off!~ If you haven't watched Smite before check out the games tomorrow; I think 11 AM EST, should be some good match ups and the production value and casting is pretty solid considering this is their first real season.


Molten Core Raider
3rd/4th place match (COG Red Vs SK Gaming) is on at 10:30 EST today, SK knocked them out earlier in the tourney but I think COG red will come back. 3rd gets 100k more then 4th place.

Titan Vs COG Prime for the championship after with the winner bringing in 1.3M or so. Anyone see Barraaccuuda's interview? Not sure its so wise to be saying he is on drugs and going to do drugs last night haha....even though I'm pretty sure he thinks tic tacks are drugs. Crazy to think some of these kids are in this position; I was playing ranked last night and going off on some fucking 15 yr old for being completely retarded in voice chat and also sucking horribly ( I try not to be toxic but I have my limits when I repeatedly make calls and he doesn't do anything and costs us fights) and I realize someone his age is fucking playing for 1.3M today.....special little turds.

I played a shit ton of Scylla in ranked yesterday and was god damn destroying in most games, really enjoying her. Figured I needed to replace my He Bo as my main and I just can't seem to control things with Nu Wu or Janus as well as I can with her. God I hope they bring this to PS4 sometime, fuck the Xbone shit.


Anyone see Barraaccuuda's interview? Not sure its so wise to be saying he is on drugs and going to do drugs last night haha....even though I'm pretty sure he thinks tic tacks are drugs.
Haha yea i watched that interview. After he said that i literally held my breath like oh shit did he really say that?! But they played it off pretty well. I'm fairly certain he got shit for that afterwards. At least he definitely should have thats extremely bad PR.


They will learn and interveiws will be on a5 or 10 minute delay in the future I am sure.

Scylla was pretty fun to play but I always felt I either smashed face with her Ult or missed one attack and it was done. Most Ult's there is some mid-line where it's just good, hers I feel like it's swingy.


Molten Core Raider
New season starting here shortly; they made some pretty big changes to the conquest map and buffs. Not 100% if I like or not but its probably a good change up.