Soccer 2013-2014


<Gold Donor>
Real have made a killing selling players to Napoli - 50m+. I think/hope they make a massive push to sign Bale, leaving Suarez with fewer options. Still not sure what to make of the Suarez deal, but I'm certain now that Arsenal believe they can get the guy - and that Suarez is willing to join. The shittiest part about the whole thing is this will now run until the last day (or minute!) - which would/will suck for everyone involved. Soldado - Pool, Suarez - Arse, Bale - Madrid = suck it Spuds!

Said it for years arguing with Spurs/Pool fans - a player is more interested in playing in (even if he isn't winning) CL than they are in fucking FA & Carling Cups. Flat out, that cannot be debated. Suarez was the best player in the league last season (Bale is a chimp), and Liverpool still finished in second place. In Liverpool. Its not as if there has been a great influx of players either (or players queueing up to join). I'm not debating whether or not Arsenal is a "bigger" club than Liverpool, but I'm 100% confident its a more attractive place to ply your trade TODAY, otherwise we wouldn't have gone in a second time - at that particular figure. For guys like Higuain or Suarez Arsenal certainly seems a better destination.

All that said - I STILL don't think Arsenal signs Suarez. I think Levy holds his ground and keeps Bale one more season. Spurs get Soldado, Suarez goes to Madrid at the zero hour, and Pool/Arsenal fight it out for someone like Osvaldo or Bernard - with one or both opting to come to The Arsenal. The problem for everyone now (Spurs/Arse/Pool) is the clear lack of class left in the window after Suarez situation gets sorted.


<Gold Donor>
According to this, that seems to be exactly what his agent and the player believed, bid that much and he can go!

I don't follow football as much as I used to anyway but Suarez to Arsenal would be very disappointing to me.
Don't hide it Gwen, you're as moist as I am at the thought of it.


Don't hide it Gwen, you're as moist as I am at the thought of it.
I'm really not, he's up there with John Terry as a piece of human waste. A lot of the joy of watching the way they play would be taken away by that shitstain wearing their shirt. I only watched 25-30ish games overall last year and in the unlikely event he signed for them I'll watch even less.

Then again like Brando said I'd pretty sure it's a hugely cynical exercise to tempt Madrid out of their lethargy, Arsenal are playing the role of Newcastle in the old Rooney transfer. I do wonder what they are thinking though, they have to know whats happening right? I just presume they have a backup plan and they will sign two or three world class players to finally have the basis for a run at the champions... okay I can't type with a straight face anymore


<Gold Donor>

To that point, I happen to agree with you & Arseblog. Seems a massive outlay for a guy you (probably) won't be able to count on. When he gets fed up at Arsenal, and he will, there is no telling what he'll end up doing to get out. Would still take him in a heartbeat, but it wouldn't change how I feel about the man himself. For as much as I make fun of someone like Bale - he still seems a genuinely decent fella. Same for most players I dislike. Terry/Suarez etc, seem a different breed altogether. Also, there is a reason that Arsenal are the only club to have made a bid on Suarez (to date) - I happen to think he's every bit as good as Cavani or Falcao (a shade behind perhaps), but his personality is so abbhorent, the clubs spending the mega-bucks can't be bothered to invest that type of dough in someone so volatile. If he was normal, PSG/Monaco/City etc would have snatched him up 4 weeks ago.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
There is no way Suarez actually wants to go to Arsenal or he wouldn't have said all that shit about the English media last month as it just make him look that much more of an idiot. At this point it's Madrid or nothing in my mind.


Not even remotely comparable.

The bite(s) are indefensible but there was no evidence to support Evra's version of events!
I honestly don't include the racist stuff as it was indeed a clear he said/she said situation and the lolFA handled it as badly as they could possibly have managed. One of the few times we will see eye to eye

I think he is massively talented and if FoH was still alive you'd see I thought on that deadline day when they signed Carroll that I was more excited about seeing Suarez in action and I thought they had somehow managed to sign a world class player. On his day, he is just that.

Unfortunately however his diving and general behaviour on the pitch disgusts me and I'm actually amazed you chaps aren't completely livid about the shockingly bad way he is conducting this affair through the press etc. If he had any ethics whatsoever he'd stick in a transfer request but of course barely anyone does that anymore as it stops them being "entitled" to all the bullshit loyalty etc payments they are due if they leave a club without officially asking to. He and his agent (gee I wonder how Arsenal found out about the ?40,000,001 figure) is literally doing everything he can to get out of LFC and somehow you see Arsenal as the bad guys in this situation! As stated I'm disappointed with their conduct as well and like Springbok posted now he has had some time to think about it, I just can't see how a player like that fits into the team without causing disharmony down the line.


<Gold Donor>
They definitely need a striker, no two ways about it. My naive hope is they go for Bale (someone they don't really need tbh), and leave Suarez alone - but the truth is, Suarez would make that side better, and they're in need of someone like him. They've already spent a fuck-ton of money this summer, but they've also made a decent amount as well. In order of surprise, I'd be most shocked if he stayed at Pool, sort of surprised if he ended up at Arsenal and expect him to be at Madrid next season.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Arsenal looks like the bad guys because their first bid was a joke, if you're going to bid for a player at least be serious about it. It would be like any team bidding 40 or 50m pounds for Messi, why even bother?


I'm fairly sure there's a QPR poster on here, or maybe it was on FoH? If there is, any word on Jamie Mackie who has just left QPR to join Forest?

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
There was a QPR fan around? Did we shame him for liking a team with a nickname of the Hoops when they already had such an awesome name of QPR? Hopefully that was the case.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Really enjoying the german super cup with Dortmund - Bayern playing a great first half to watch.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Holy fuck:

DirecTV will offer access to NBC?s Premier League Extra Time in time for the 2013-14 Premier League season, according to a report on DirecTV?s website.

Premier League Extra Time is the product from NBC that will feature a slew of live matches to choose from on television that are not being televised elsewhere. Combined with a subscription to other NBC networks such as NBC, NBC Sports Network and other NBC Universal channels, the overflow channels will allow DirecTV customers to have access to all 380 Premier League matches each season.

?More than 180 matches not airing on the NBC suite of channels can be found in Premier League Extra Time, a free package of EPL matches available to DIRECTV customers with CHOICE XTRA package and above,? read the message on DirecTV?s support website. ?The Premier League Extra Time channel range has yet to be announced and will be available in HD only.?

If true, this is outstanding news for soccer fans in the United States.

While DirecTV didn?t mention whether the TV provider would also offer its customers access to NBC Sports Live Extra, the free app (with a subscription to NBC Sports Network) that will offer all 380 games live and online via the web, smart phone or tablet devices, the chances are very likely that DirecTV will offer it if they?re offering Premier League Extra Time. There?s no cost to DirecTV to have them add NBC Sports Live Extra for its customers.

More news is expected from NBC this coming week
I do not know if this is standard for all of the NBCSN carriers but being able to watch any game live in HD in my living room or on the road on my tablet/laptop for no extra money is fucking amazing. For Fox Soccer I had to pay an extra $10.99 for Fox Soccer Plus and then another $10.99 for Fox Soccer2Go. And Fox Soccer2GO sucked ass as if you're teams game was live on one of the main channels they wouldn't let you watch it live on your tablet until after the game was over.


<Gold Donor>
Might be time to give Directv a call then. Cox cable is awful anyways, and I was spending $20 a month for Fox Soccer shit.

Gold Cup final today - think US is prepared/in form enough to win without Jurgen on the sidelines, but it will be a close game. We've really turned it on this summer.... in spite of the way Mexico has played this summer, I'm still glad we avoided playing them.

Appears a near 100m bid has been tabled for Bale by Madrid. Crazy money, and I'd be hard pressed to say Ronaldo is worth that much - let alone Bale. Talk about paying over the odds. If Spurs reject that, I don't know which team would be dumber - Spurs for turning down that kind of dough, or Madrid for paying that much. Bale is great, but he ain't that great. I'd think you could buy Spurs for 2-3 times that. Literally. Though I guess buying Bale is essentially buying the entire club, huck huck huck.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Levy is an absolute moron if he doesn't take the ?90m from Madrid. Bale is a great player, but he's only really had ONE great season. Problem for AVB and Levy though is even with that windfall of money (some will likely have to go to fund the new stadium) is replacing him, since world class players won't go to them without CL and especially after just losing their best player.


Tranny Chaser
If Suarez signs for Arsenal I will buy a full Arsenal kit, including socks, get Suarez 7 printed on the back and drive up to Liverpool and do the Anfield Stadium Tour whilst wearing the full kit.