Soccer 2013-2014


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
I live in Kent, lived in South East London for 20 years. My job makes me travel over the whole of England pretty often especially in Manchester. Your point is muted by the fact that London is so big with so many nice surrounding areas that you don't need to be near a city, if you live in the South East of England you can be in London in less then 2 hours even from the furthest away areas. Which means there are not many cities which makes the area a whole lot nicer place to live, bring up kids etc.

You Mentioned Leeds as a reason to live in the North sorry but even a blind man could tell what a shit hole that place is, Liverpool is okay but only in a very small area the vast majority of it I would avoid like the plague. Manchester is best city up north I would say 2nd best city in England but like I said S.E of England vs Manchester give me S.E every time. Much nicer place to live in the outskirts and a much better city on your doorstep.

I also lived on Hayling Island (you should no that if you live Portsmouth Way) and I agree both Southampton and Portsmouth are not the nicest of places but Southampton is better then most places up North.
Christ way to contradict yourself. Your argument = you can live 2 hours away from London and be in a nice surrounding area. And Liverpool is only nice in small areas!

I never suggested any footballer would want to live in Toxteth ffs. Christ, Cheshire/Southport, are both within 45minutes drive of Liverpool and Manchester, surely that qualifies as "nice surrounding area"?

The original comment by Elerion was "fuck living in Liverpool". I responded by saying Liverpool and Manchester rival anywhere in the UK outside of London if not surpass it. You agreed me that Manchester was "second best City" in the UK but ruled out living there. What other criteria then make it second best City?


I could have said fuck Southampton, Glasgow, Manchester or Newcastle too, by the way.

The point wasn't that Liverpool is a horrible place relative to the rest of England. The point is that for someone with infinite money, London/Paris/Milano/Madrid is a hell of a lot more fun, and Valencia/Nice/Monaco is a hell of a lot more comfortable/pretty. If I was choosing between second tier teams, I would choose a team in places like that every time.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
This whole conversation is moot anyway, even the PFA chief chimed in yesterday saying Suarez doesn't have a release clause and LFC is not forced to sell him. Why Suarez claimed the PFA agreed with him is a mystery then.

Bernard confirmed going to Shaktar Donetsk so his 3rd party ownership can continue, crazy that this continues until 2015.


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
ROFL, just realised this window Arsenal have been linked with Higuain, Rooney and Suarez - they're getting none of them ROFL


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
David Ornstein ?@bbcsport_david 8m

Understand #afc did not make offer for Higuain. Agreed personal terms but put deal on hold to prioritise Suarez, Napoli pounced #bbcfootball


Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I guess you can never say never but John Henry would look pretty retarded after his comments today to then allow Suarez to go, at least to another EPL team this year.


<Gold Donor>
Comments are almost exactly the same as they were with Torres, so never say never. He's a proven retard.

That said, I DO think his stance on selling to Arsenal is untenable - but selling to Madrid, etc seems possible (regardless what he says). Seems silly for Liverpool to try to hold on to an unhappy player - if you're a mid-table club, you'd think you'd want to get the money and re-invest from the ground up with players that actually want to be there. Rodgers has a system in place, and LFC seems to know the type of player they need now - and while they aren't going to attract Suarez type guys right now, they can definitely go in for the same type of player that Spurs have signed this summer, and build from there. Top 4 seems out of reach for the next season or two - who knows what can happen at that point? Suarez was exceptional last season, but from what I recall they actually played better when he was out - or am I remembering that wrong? Sturridge is okay, Coutinho looks like he has huge potential etc... We'll see what happens, but this story is far from dead. With how this summer has gone, I wouldn't be at all shocked to see Suarez throw in a transfer request just to add more fuel to the fire - he's certainly not above it.

For Arsenal - If Higuain was Plan B, and Suarez was Plan A - how do you leave it this late? I've had a ton of patience with Arsenal the past 4-5 years during the xfer season, but after all of the press and transparency that was shown early June - to let it run down like this is shocking. The other problem I've got is this - we're short in attack, no question - but that is far from the only area that needs strengthening. We've let 10 first team players go this summer, and brought in 1 (on a free). Arsenal need a striker, a MF, and one more in defense. I rate Szczesny, but would have loved to have seen a Cesar come in to push him/mentor him. It certainly appears right now that all of Arsenal's eggs were in one basket (Suarez) - which wouldn't be okay even if Arsenal did sign Suarez.

Latest rumor I read before leaving the office tonight was Arsenal make a bid for Benzema to allow Real Madrid to buy Suarez. Not ideal, as Benz would cost more than he's worth (and probably more than Higuain cost) - but better than nothing. There simply aren't a ton of available, excellent players this summer. Even Manc is having trouble getting anyone in - missed Thiago, Fabregas, and will now end up with Fellaini (probably) - though their situation is a bit different as they are defending champs - but doesn't change much during the xfer window.

Man City also appear to have made a 40m bid for Willian out of Anzhi - great player, but going to cost a shitload to get him. Think he's on massive wages as well (though that doesn't mean much to Big Oil).

Bale saga rolls along... Would be funny/obnoxious to see Levy hold firm, Mardid give up on Bale and turn their attentions to Suarez. If that happens, Spurs would have to be considered heavy favorites for 4th next season as things stand today by a pretty good margin. Not sure Spurs can afford to do that though, with everyone they've brought in this summer.

Until next week...

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Can't blame you for being a fan but even neutral observers are noting the comments Henry made for Torres and now for Suarez are completely different. I don't get why this is hard for any Arsenal fan to understand, LFC thinks it can challenge for 4th and based on form after adding Sturridge/Coutinho last year that would seem to be a fair bet. Whatever money we get now for Suarez is completely pointless as there isn't anybody we can buy that would be a sure fire starter.


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
Can't blame you for being a fan but even neutral observers are noting the comments Henry made for Torres and now for Suarez are completely different. .
A Google of "John Henry Torres" doesn't uncover anything remotely similar to JWH "FUCK OFF ARSENAL" that he bitchslapped Gazidis with last night. There's stuff from when they first took over about hoping investment will keep Torres at the club and then stuff post window about the Torres fee being determined by the Carroll asking price, but nothing substantial from that January transfer window


Seems silly for Liverpool to try to hold on to an unhappy player - if you're a mid-table club, you'd think you'd want to get the money and re-invest from the ground up with players that actually want to be there. Rodgers has a system in place, and LFC seems to know the type of player they need now - and while they aren't going to attract Suarez type guys right now, they can definitely go in for the same type of player that Spurs have signed this summer, and build from there.
Except it's august, and if you sell your star striker now you will be forced to overbid to get anyone remotely decent.

Selling Suarez this summer would probably have been smart, but if you're doing it at this point it will have to be at a really high price to compensate for the price jacking on any replacements this late in the window (or for that matter - failing to get a replacement).


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
but if you're doing it at this point it will have to be at a really high price to compensate for the price jacking on any replacements this late in the window (or for that matter - failing to get a replacement).
Heh, which is exactly why Liverpool sold Torres to Chelsea for 50m, that fee was the Newcastle asking price for Carroll+15m.


<Gold Donor>
Seems more and more like this is gonna be Arsene Wenger's last season.
If they go into the season as is, and start as poorly as they have in recent seasons I fear you may be right... which would be a shame really, given all he's done for the club. I do however, think he knows how the fans and supporters feel - and he knows more than anyone how much pressure is on the club and himself to pull a rabbit out of his ass in the next few weeks, but he and Arsenal may have left it too late to do anything about it.

What is interesting though, is should he be forced out/leave Arsenal - he'll have no trouble finding another gig. Real Madrid marked him as their first choice when Mou took over, and its no secret that he and the board at PSG are very close. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see him end his career in Paris for a season or two.


Silver Knight of the Realm
If they go into the season as is, and start as poorly as they have in recent seasons I fear you may be right... which would be a shame really, given all he's done for the club. I do however, think he knows how the fans and supporters feel - and he knows more than anyone how much pressure is on the club and himself to pull a rabbit out of his ass in the next few weeks, but he and Arsenal may have left it too late to do anything about it.

What is interesting though, is should he be forced out/leave Arsenal - he'll have no trouble finding another gig. Real Madrid marked him as their first choice when Mou took over, and its no secret that he and the board at PSG are very close. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see him end his career in Paris for a season or two.
Nah I reckon if he leaves next season, it will be mutual, hell even with regret on Arsenal (well Kroenke's part), like it was planned. I mean look at his contract - it runs out 11 months from now. Its almost like as if Wenger is trying to leave his successor a squad thats JUST good enough to get into the CL, but one that can easily be improved with the load of money lying around...

Yeah he'd easily walk into a top managerial job in Europe. Barcelona and Madrid would want him, PSG as you said (especially since Barca and PSG current managers only have a 2 year contract right now). Then there's always the French national team managerial job. Wouldn't be surprised to see him finish his career in that capacity tbh

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I can't say I'm happy to see LFC lose all this money but thanks to Big Sam for at least letting us get some back, I'm amazed Downing still had any value but 6m pounds will work


<Gold Donor>

Always enjoy Swissrambles analysis, even if he isn't pumping out articles at the rate he used to. Puts Arsenals finances into even better perspective, and shows just how insane it would be to go through the entire summer without spending any real dough. Even 50m on 2-3 players would have a massive impact. Rumours that Gustavo is "close" - but those rumours come from the same people who had me convinced we were getting Higuain in June. Would be delighted if it was true - would allow our other MF's to go forward and be a bit more creative. Think Arsenal have needed a bit of steel for years now, so he'd be a fine addition. Would have preferred Bender, but he's clearly not available this summer. Regardless though, we've got a week before the season begins and have a very tricky tie against Fener before the window ends... time to get going.


Any interest in a fantasy league on, gentlemen?

It's free. You can join unlimited private leagues with the same team. Deadline for the first round is around noon saturday.


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
Any interest in a fantasy league on, gentlemen?

It's free. You can join unlimited private leagues with the same team. Deadline for the first round is around noon saturday.
We had one last year, it should still be active...I haven't done my team yet but once I do it should restore all the leagues I was part of last year.

And Suarez has now said he wants to stay and might even sign a new contract (probably with a cast iron definitive release clause)



Now I'm sure most of you are right minded football citizens and already hated Robbie Savage for being an all round twat anyway. Today he was brave/stupid enough to let the BBC put up a column where he shamelessly explains how he engineered multiple transfer moves over his career. I suspect certain players knew all this stuff anyway (duh!) but for him to be so open about it I hope he is run over by a pack of wilderbeests.