Soccer 2014 - 2015

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Seriously? I'm assuming you're saying this because you're a ManU fan and Van Gaal's comments but this type of schedule has been a staple in the English leagues forever. Not that Spuds got more time, anyway.....


Seriously? I'm assuming you're saying this because you're a ManU fan and Van Gaal's comments but this type of schedule has been a staple in the English leagues forever. Not that Spuds got more time, anyway.....
And it's probably a staple in the English league since forever that if you had less than 48hours to recover for a 2nd match in a row then your team can't fully be fit & recovered. Is it any wonder why Chelsea struggled to get a winner, why City gave up a 2-0 lead and United couldn't run in the 2nd half? All results you call weird, I call reasonable.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
First time since 8/31 we've looked somewhat close to last year. No idea if this is a sign of things to come but lets hope so.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande



Molten Core Raider
The 2 day turn around curse strikes again!
Seriously though, there's no excuse for coughing up a 2 goal lead at home to Leicester. I'm starting to wish soccer had the american system, where we could hire someone like Tony Pulis as our defensive coordinator since, Rodgers clearly doesn't have a clue on that aspect of the game.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
In Rodgers first season and the first half of last year LFC was mediocre as a defensive unit, certainly not poor. The poor defense started with moving Gerrard to a deep lying playmaker but with Suarez and Sturridge scoring for fun it didn't matter that he provided no cover for the CB's at all. Now with no Sturridge or Suarez we're not scoring for fun and having immobile midfielders providing no cover for the CB's has just been a disaster. LFC had it's best performance of the year last game sans the Spuds game with Lucas and Henderson pressing all over the field. Now today you had Lucas having to cover all the ground for Gerrard while Hendo was wasted in a RWB spot and at home to Leciester we were on the back foot from the get go which is pathetic. Maybe Rodgers playing Gerrard regardless of any stats or form is due to knowing he's leaving, otherwise he's fucking himself for a deserved club legend. At least if Gerrard goes to the Galaxy I'll be able to see him live


A Man Chooses....
Soccer is a rigorous sport played by elite athletes in peak physical condition...

And also by this guy, who just scored vs Liverpool...


Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
He gave away more fouls than any other player in like 5 years, was pretty hilarious to watch. He may not be fat but he's certainly not a footballer in a normal sense of the word.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande


Any other year and ManUre, Spuds, Arse and LFC would have no chance for top 4 based on form. When you look at the real table LFC isn't that far out and with Sturridge about to come back we could do some real damage with our current form. It's still a mountain to climb though.

ManUre has the most expensive prem side ever assembled and yet their points are the same as Moyes at this time last year, hilarious. DiMaria aka Dobby stats for today:
0% shot accuracy
0% take-ons completed
0% crosses completed
0 key passes
60% pass accuracy