Spectre (2015)


Life's a Dream
I saw this movie a 2nd time because my dad wanted to go, and I had a free ticket due to buying Gillette blades for my fusion razor.

Anyway, I paid more attention about how the film was than my first watch through, and I picked up on a lot of the comments you guys had about the movie that I "glossed over" on my first watch through.
I also remember how the first ~5 minutes of the film were all a single cut. Walking through the Day of the Dead celebration, going up to the room, jumping from the window and rooftop to rooftop over to the meeting where he begins to listen. Then it's like 20 cuts in the next minute, but I enjoyed the intro none the less.

I absolutely think that nothing happened in this movie after the drill torture device. They said "this one will make you disoriented." no effect. "This one will make you forget everyone's face." again, no effect. I think everything from that point was a dream in Bonds head. He had the watch in his hand, but he dropped it while getting drilled. He never set the detonation alarm. He was tortured and is continuing to be tortured now.

I noticed during the 2nd viewing, just how easy his "break out" was. The way bad guys moved into center frame reminded me of video games where all of the sudden 6 guys run in from either side of the screen yet gather in the exact middle. It just seemed way too easy of a break out from the bad situation. And Bond was back to never missing a shot during that sequence also, where as in the previous movies, he's missed countless shots. That also pushes me into thinking it was a dream.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I agree with what Runnen said... it looked like a modern, Danielle Craig Bond, but everything about it was closer to the old bonds as far as disbelief and tropes go. It bugged me during the movie but I couldn't put my finger on it. There were no surprises like there were in the previous ones (even QoS), the only real character development was probably M (M, Q, C, and White I thought were all done pretty well though even if you know C is off from the get-go) because the Bond stuff just seems fake or forced or like it will be the ending of CR all over again in the next movie so it doesn't matter now. With how hot Seydoux is and really Craig is I can't blame them for boning and having some strong chemicals going quickly honestly. I would probably watch the movie again just to ogle Seydoux.

Man From UNCLE definitely knew what it was and played it up very well. This movie had no idea what it was supposed to be. I feel like them constantly trying to tie all the Craig movies together is biting them in the ass and forcing really ridiculous shit. Casino Royale was essentially a stand-alone because it was the first, although it hinted at things to come it didn't really matter to the main movie. QoS dropped the ball pretty hard and went from that plotline to some isolated desert nonsense and tried to keep it all in the same hat. Skyfall basically got completely away from the continued plotline and was actually pretty good. Now Spectre comes barreling back into the plot of like 1/3 of the second movie and runs off with it into 60s Bond land while still trying to keep to the style of the 2010s.

So yea. It was a pretty bad Daniel Craig Bond film. It was a pretty decent Bond film overall, comparing it to the whole filmography. And it had moments, just too many tropes and too much swerving to bring it into CR or even Skyfall territory. Aside from Seydoux. Goddamn.

Edit: While the whole idea of everything after the drill being fantasy actually mostly makes sense, it doesn't fit in the Bond world at all, so I don't buy it. Perfect cheesy escapes happening out of nowhere fit in the Bondverse much more readily. Plus we know there's more Bond movies coming (probably with Daniel Craig involved, maybe they'll keep the continuity thing going and have him retire and pass the 007 title to a new guy)


Potato del Grande
Just seen this.

Movie is boring. Seems like Austin Powers was long enough ago that all the old tropes can come back. Also having seen every Bond Film, I don't think that this movie had anything new in it, everything single thing is a reference to something else. Made me want to see You Only Live Twice, Man with the Golden Gun or Live and Let Die again when their references came up.

Blofeld being back was awesome enough but it didn't have the Chistopher Waltz asshole magic that Tarantino gave us.


Vyemm Raider
Introduce Blofeld, retire Bond. I am confuse.

Are they just going to open the next one with Idris Elba standing at Lea Tits gravestone and act like he's the same dude?

Retired, got married, turned black, oh shit Blofield escaped from Arkham and killed my wife. To the Bat Cave!


So as a person that feels like Casino Royale was the last "Bond" film to be followed by two generic action movies, I ask is this a "Bond" film or an action movie?


Vyemm Raider
Introduce Blofeld, retire Bond. I am confuse.

Are they just going to open the next one with Idris Elba standing at Lea Tits gravestone and act like he's the same dude?

Retired, got married, turned black, oh shit Blofield escaped from Arkham and killed my wife. To the Bat Cave!
When do you start your career in hollywood. I would probably watch the fuck out of this.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So as a person that feels like Casino Royale was the last "Bond" film to be followed by two generic action movies, I ask is this a "Bond" film or an action movie?
It's a grey area. It has the mannerisms and tropes of the older, cheesier Bond films, with the appearance and try-hardness of the modern ones. So it felt like a Bond movie, but it felt like thewrongBond movie.


Vyemm Raider
It followed the Bond formula so closely that it could have starred Mike Myers.

The villain sends him a driver to take him to his evil lair and treats the whole thing like he's inviting him to a stay at a classy hotel. You don't get more Bond than that.

To be fair, I'd still rate it above most of the Roger Moore era.

I'd have given it another star if the snow sequence suddenly broke into disco music and a ski chase filmed by a guy skiing backwards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It followed the Bond formula so closely that it could have starred Mike Myers.

The villain sends him a driver to take him to his evil lair and treats the whole thing like he's inviting him to a stay at a classy hotel. You don't get more Bond than that.

To be fair, I'd still rate it above most of the Roger Moore era.

I'd have given it another star if the snow sequence suddenly broke into disco music and a ski chase filmed by a guy skiing backwards.
Yea if they had just gone 100% on it I think it would have been way more enjoyable, if even more bizarre.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished this. Did I miss something, how did the chick go from telling Bond to fuck off, to dropping L-bombs in a 48hour period. Did they know each other or something before?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Guess Radiohead made a theme song for this that was rejected, just released it today:

Radiohead can do no wrong

But fortunately, they aren't attached with this crap movie.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I thought this was pretty bland. As far as a Bond movie, they REALLY followed the script. To the point it was like a parody. Christoph Waltz is just wasted in this also.


After watching The Winter Soldier(best spy thriller ever), this movie pales in caparison. I agree with everyone that it's just a typical bond movie, nothing new.

Casino Royale was definitely the best from this franchise reboot.